
Starting point

creator's pov

man I am bored, maybe I should just reincarnated another child

than I created my a omniverse in my special dimension where all fiction world of my previous world will be

ohh let's see xue chutian a orphan both parent passed away when he was little

no relatives.

a loner at school

but have a formidable talent in kendo

has won over 4 championship of kendo

hmm interesting as I should I tapped ny finger than I saw xue chutian was floating in void I teleprted him in front of me

BTW for your information I killed him why?

of course to give him wishes and send him to another world

than xue chutian opened his eyes

xue: where am I

sato:I could answer but it will be very complicated for you.and for your information

you are dead and like my servants whom people like to call R.O.B I will give you 4 wishes beacuse you won 4 kendo championship

now state your wish

xue: ohh thank you for this opportunity

but why me

sato: because I noticed you so that's why

now hurry state you wish but you can't state for wish that will make you instantly overpowered and also you world have been decided

it is peerless battle spirit world and 8000 year before plot

now hurry


so my wishes are

1)I want a spirit called "heaven slicing swords" that transcended tian level(heaven) and also the best immortal root possible

(a/n search in Google - nine heavens peerless battle spirit you will get the wiki)

2)for my second wish I want appearance of xuanyuan moze and get transmigrated in body of orphan with no relatives in liushui city

3) I want my race to be a race called spirit sword race.

which will give me perks of

1)sword damage multiply by 30 times

2)cultivation speed increased by 10 times

3) and charm multiplied by 100 times

4) and my 4 wish Is

after I establish a sect in nine heaven and canglan

than every ten years 5000 people for canglan and every 500 years 500 for nine heavens will be chosen to take the entrance test and out of that 200 people from canglan and 50 people from nine heaven will be chosen to enter sect

and after establishing sect everyone thought the canglan and nine heaven will come to know about spirit sword race and it's perks

and the perks I got the others will also get same perks

and the requirements are

1)no matter the level only has to be spirit and saber type spirit

2)strong will and loyalty that will never betray.

3)and desire to become strong

and after becoming spirit sword race a sword mark will appear in the forehead of members

ok all are granted

xue: and i have a request I want you give me protection until I reach martial emperor realm.

and can you change my personality to calm collected, strong willed, loyal and dominant with bit shrinkle of kuudere

ok but this the last time you get something

now off you go

as he said I sent him to pbs(peerless battle spirit) world

Canglan continent.liushui city

8000 year before plot

In liushui city in corner of the street we can see a boy getting beaten by some people.

that boy has white hair like a pure milk

and a face that is hand sculptured by God itself.

but that boy is getting beaten by some thugs and his face is also swollen.

actually he is common boy name is xue yutian who live in liushui city.work part time and live his life.

but all the ladies in the city wants him because of his appearnce and the one who is beating him is fang clan's young master

FC young master: boys just keep beating him until his face become ugly as frog.

hmm blame yourself for being so handsome

my xuen'er does not love me beacuse of you

after 3 hours

we can see xue yutian lying unconsciously is street and blood coming out of his mouth

xue:just you wait I will pay back this humiliation 100 no 1000 times

and then suddenly a lightning struck him

and we can see a soul exchange process happening

we can see our mc's soul going to xue yutian's

body and and xue yutian's soul is going to judgment hall of reality 92

10 min later

after being unconscious in his new body our mc finnaly woke up.

xue yutian:man it is finally over as he was thinking somethings a river of memory is poured in his mind.

xue:I see so the spirit awakening ceremony is in 2 days it seems I have also received prevoius owner feeling and experience

that's why I have the urge to get revenge on fang clan's young master.

whatever it was previous owner's last wish maybe I could grant it

2 days later

spirit awakening ceremony

we can see a horde of people from whole liushui city gathering In a bunch to see spirit awakening

and there are atleast 100 teenagers including both male and female are patiently standing in line for their spirit to awaken

and in the upper seat there is sitting three old man

one is fang clan leader

2nd is qin clan leader

and the one sitting on top was city lord releasing pressur of peak xiantian

just as I was also patiently waiting in line

I could see fang clan young master coming towards me with some of his lackey

( let's call fang clan young master fang xuan)

fang xuan: huhh so you did not die yesterday

but don't worry after I get my spirit today I will show you difference between us and rip you face off and impress my xuan'er

xue yutian:hmph we see about that

as I told him I looked into his eyes my eyes showed a dangerous glare

so he backed off

fang xuan: just you wait I will comeback

as be said he ran away

city lord: okay attention

from now on we will start the ceremony

I wish everbody all the best

and for those who did not awake a spirit you can try again that's all.

2 hours

city lord:fang xuan come forward

as city lord called his name he walked forward. and place your hand in the stone

fang xuan:yes

as fang xuan walked toward the stone and placed his hand on stone 7 streams of qi sorrounded fang xuan and 2 min after that

behind fang xuan we could see a eagle with fiery golden red colour

city lord: yellow level 7 fiery golden eagle

fang clan: yellow level 7

it's a genius it seems heaven has finally blessed our fang family

fang xuan: did you see this xue yutian

this is the difference between us.

I bet you are going to get yellow rank 1

(a/n spirit ranks are divided in)

yellow (huang)rank :1-10stages

xuan rank:1-10 stages

earth (di)rank:1-10rank

heaven(tian)rank 1-10rank)

after two more people were called our first one received 4 grade huang and second one received 2 grade huang

city lord:xue yutian come forward

place your hand on stone and recieve your spirt

xue yutian:as I walked toward the stone everyone glared at me mocked me

as I reached the stone I placed my hand on it


no reaction

fang xuan: uuhhhh this trash did not even awaken a spirit

as he stated everyone started to mock me and laughed at me

but then a golden light came out of my body and covered the whole liushui city

and then suddenly a pressure fell on the canglan continent

everyone below martial sacred realm fainted and everyone above martial sacred and below martial god fell one their knees and coughed out blood it also put a Crack on curse of canglan

and as the I was nearest I also got thrown out miles away from liushui city but I survived of it wasn't for the protection by the god I would

have died as for how I got thrown away when pressur was downwards don't ask Me it's fanfic logic

3 hours later

currently the whole canglan contient was in chaos because who could cause this much pressur everyone suspected it was a god from upper realm and as pressure was densest in the liushui city

every cultivator visited liushui city

and all people in liushui city were now suspecting of xue yutian of doing this beacuse it happened during the xue yutian's martial spirit awakening

the thought of this terrified the whole liushui city

and now the fang clan was terrified beacuse they have offended xue yutain

so that's why fang xuan was kicked out of the clan

as for xue yutian

(a/n because it's still 8000 years before the plot and many things have not developed

so for canglan continent I will make my own thing as as for nine heaven nothing could chang in nine heaven in mere 8000 years)

in some random forest near a random empire

we can see a unconsious xue yutian

10min later as xue opened his eyes

xue:ahh where the fuck am I oh I remeber I got thrown by the force of the spirit

seeing this I wonder how strong this spirit is

as I said I tried to call my spirit but what appeared was a small kitchen knife above my head

xue:huhh I am sure I wished for heaven slicing sword not butter slicing knife

as I was telling to myself I heard a voice in my head

sword: my master you're soul and body is not strong enough so I sent a fraction of my power to you

but after you reach martial sacred you can summon my true form but don't worry for every major realm the appearance of sword will change and also only after reaching peerless ruler realm you can use me to my full potential

now I wish you good luck and all the best my fated master