
Bioweapon's Cultivation

A soul has been transmigrated with memories of their previous life into a world where cultivation is done through a system. Yet before they could even take a step, they were killed by a regular old fire-breathing wolf. What would you expect? And as they died yet again, their soul was trapped inside a Lotus Flower. "What now?" They thought as they floated around their pretty 12-petaled prison, not knowing what else was trapped in the Lotus besides them. Unable to die or reincarnate with their soul stuck in a flower. All that's left is to wait... and wait... and wait... ... Sooner or later, they grew tired of waiting. With no idea that a System even exists and not even possessing any sort of body, how will an average girl who makes a few too many references even become a 'Bioweapon'? Come see how the Strongest Living Bioweapon in this particular Universe grew into something legends would speak wonders about for aeons. The Goddess of Curses and Rot will ascend. ... Caution: I'm not planning on having any romance. I am planning on having action. The previously mentioned 'action' might get a little crazy insano style, or at least that is the plan. This story is connected to my other book World of Reincarnators, I will not be spoiling in what way. Enjoy. (The book cover is not mine, contact me if you want me to take it down.)

Chiken_Sheep · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
63 Chs

What Are They on About?

'Ugh... worst trip... eveeerrrr.'

She groaned in her mind as she rubbed her eyes and was about to look around.

Yet as her hands touched her face, she felt something was different.

Her hands, or rather her entire body was weaker than before.

'Now what is this? I put in so much effort to get stronger and a flight through the world's crust and a nap just took away my strength?! Seriously, what the hell?!'

She stood up and looked at her body.

'Damn. Weaker and more seethrough too? This world just despises me doesn't it?'

She sighed as she finally took a glance around.

'No one. Just some treasure, weapons, gems and the container where my future body is.'

She thought about her surroundings which seemed like a king's treasure chamber.

Passing her head through a long curtain of silky cloth, she could see the container her body was in.

'Well let's try to be positive. Maybe all my strength was just absorbed into my body? Into MY body. Jep. Has to be that. No other explanation.'

She convinced herself as she removed her head from behind the curtains and flew around the treasure-filled room.

'Fancy. I guess I'll be growing up here then?'

She dived into the gold and gems.

'I hope I don't get cut by some magic ghost blade or something, heh.'

She joked as she kept exploring the treasury.

After a minute, underneath all the gold, gems, weapons and armour, she found a strange orb made of pinkish red light.

It was covered in pitch-black chains as it floated above the stone floor, it almost seemed to have some gravitational ability since all the gold, gems and other treasure that neared it was gently pushed away to the side.

'Weird orb at the bottom of a mountain of treasure. Touchy touchy. Must touch.'

She thought while sticking her tongue out jokingly (in her head).

Floating below the ball of condensed light, she looked around the small cave. It had walls of gold and a floor of stone, it had neither entrance nor exit. All the treasure that would normally fall from the ceiling was being redirected.

'Well, why not?'

Touching the orb, it turned into particles of light and entered her body without delay.

The chains that held the orb in place shattered and turned to dust.

'...cool... and?'

Only feeling a small amount of her strength return, she was disappointed as she was buried under a mountain of gold just one second later.

Floating out of the gold coin-littered floor, she returned back to where the container with her future body was.

She floated there in the sky, coming down to inspect some of the gems on the ground every once in a while.

She had tried to figure out what the orb did but could not find any difference.

A few hours passed.

Getting bored, she made her way to the container and tried to insert more of her soul into her future body.

As her delicate hand neared the flask, she felt a sudden jolt of pain as she saw her entire index finger disappear and be absorbed into the flask-like container.


Blowing on her hand, treating it as if it were on fire for a moment, she looked at the flask.

'Quick grower... should do that less too. A little too painful for me... well, not like being stabbed levels of pain, but like... you know.'

She quickly agreed with herself.

Looking at the container, she couldn't help but realize how it shined slightly brighter than usual.

'Must be my imagination. Or my soul. Either or.'

Tossing the thought aside, when she was about to leave to find more things to do, she heard a noise.

A small rumble. A quake even.

The flask container was slowly rising toward the ceiling.

'Oi! That is literally me! Get back here!'

She yelled as she followed the slowly ascending platform.

'Hey! Where do you think you're going?! This chase is very anti-climatic and boring!'

She yelled in her head as she slowly floated upward right next to the flask container. The curtains were rising as well.

Passing through the roof, she found herself on a stage of sorts. A large wall of curtains was slowly opening as a woman walked up to the flask container that was still covered by long curtains.

The woman also had the crybaby man next to her.

As the curtains fully opened the woman and the crybaby man greeted everyone present.

Everyone who was present there were big shots.

From the royal family of this empire to the royal families of other countries and empires along with some seemingly high-ranking nobles.

Every big shot this side of the continent was present.

Each and every one of the guests were also high ranking in terms of their cultivation levels.

'God. I have stage fright.'

The woman and crybaby man started speaking, almost like introducing a new product.

Nevertheless, the one they were introducing could barely understand a word.

The crowd of great nobles and royals, however...


"Greetings! Kings and Queens, Emperors and Empresses, Nobles from around our great continent. As you remember, our continent has now entered an era of peace."

The woman started as all the guests started to clap. Very fancy-like of course.

The crybaby man continued after the applause.

"The representatives of each country, kingdom and empire here have been invited to witness the birth of our new and greatest weapon. The weapon that will keep the peace in our continent needless of what those of the Western world try! Our very own Guardian Sentinel!"

The curtains drew away.

The flask was revealed and it emitted a fierce pressure.

Most of the audience got chills just from seeing it, few fainted as almost all of them had a bead of sweat on their forehead or a chill running down their spine.

"I present to you, the great work of my father Christopher Winters, finally finished!

Q-Series, Subject 000, Codename: Kumi.

Sadly, the one who worked on this project almost the entirety of his life, Mr Winters has passed. Nevertheless, this creation is something that will grow far beyond a regular Immortal Rank Guardian."

The crybaby man proudly presented.

The woman spoke next.

"You may be wondering how even we could control such a powerful force. Of course, our great scientists have thought of that. This being has inherited the blood of both Devils and Prime Angels, they are also the sibling of the great scientist on stage with me now. Even so, if that does not convince you, we have many more countermeasures."

The crybaby man then continued.

"Now, please. Any questions?"

The entire hall full of nobles and royals was taken over by chatter.


'What are these people on about?'

The third person on the stage, now named Kumi, thought.