


Season Two of The Billionaire's Maid


I know have offended a lot of people, but please, don't be angry at me. I'm also trying my best to update for you guys.


Melissa's pov

" Only to find out now that the receiver was Mr Parker's only son, Bobby" her words stopped my train of thought almost immediately.  I can feel my legs shaking on their own, like her words drained all the energy my body possessed at that present time. I had no idea that I was trying to stand up from the couch not until I sensed someone's hand on my wrist, before clashing back into the fur like leather.

I shuddered, the emotions that were diving through mind is hard to explain, or grumbled out, like someone was choking me down with an invisible force, I'm looking at my mom worried expression but my mind is faraway from her grimace look, nothing make any sense right now, no energy, nothing seemed important.

So, my father really risked it all for his family, only to be treated as if we are nothing, I mean nothing! 

" Melissa!" I can hear her whispering my name, or maybe she was actually shouting but her voice doesn't sound like she was closer, just a faint sound that is hard to interpret.I just sit still, motionless. How the hell? this doesn't even make any sense. When he died, despite their debts to his family, none of them showed, opps! my bad, except their so-called Son that showed up unwillingly, mainly because of me, nothing attached. And I am here, thinking about him like a fool, hoping for something better from him, I know no one is infallible to failure, but this is way worse.

I felt a hand on my shoulders, shaking me continuously, while I winced silently as my brain started to come back to life again.

I flinched.

" Melissa, you are crying" her voice was a little closer than before, I guessed I am yet to come back to my senses.

" You are crying for God sake" her words jerked me out of my trance immediately, blinking my eyes at her endlessly as if just waking up from a long slumber.

I used my index finger to brush my eyes.

"Something en...terd my eyes.." i fibbed, even tho u knew she is not going to buy my stupid answer, I still can't help but to say something.

" Wait! What? you just behaved like something I can't name, are you angry because of what I said or is there something attached to this" her voice trembled with concern. 

I just stared at the edge of my shirt without replying to her. How can I explain to her that I have actually got involved with their son who happens to be the receiver,not to talk of telling that we are developing a mutual relationship without her knowledge? I sniffed.

" They can't even send a condolence message to us when he passed away..." I wiped away the tears that won't stop rushing out my eyes with the tips of my finger.

" I know how you feel, trust me, I am sure what I felt when I was told is far worse than this, but you should also think about this, 'What if they decided to stay mute without telling us?'

" That's not poss.....

" The only person that knew everything is no longer alive" she cut me off, instead of protesting, I stayed mute because I know I will only burst into tears before I would even mutter a word. 

"What makes you look happy when you meet me in the quarter's entrance, why?" I managed to say, besides, this didn't sound like good news, so it wouldn't be a bad idea if she tell the reason, besides she was just coming from The Mansion when we met.

She sighed loudly, and her face turned sour almost immediately...

" That's just a camouflage" It  doesn't make sense at first, but after a few seconds I realise what she meant.

Wait! Is she saying she did that to deceive me? But I never asked her about it in the first place, so? No, this is not the truth, I thought to myself.

"But, I never ask you about it" I whimpered, I cleared my throat, trying to dislodge the sudden lump.

She smiled weakly, " Melanie, saw me"

" What! Melanie saw you?" I repeated, still glaring at her in surprise, how did that provide an answer to my question?

"When the bodyguards escorted I and Mr Parker out of the mansion, she was with that blonde haired guy, they both saw me with him," she paused,  " I thought they might have told you when I saw you,I know am still going to tell you everything,but i thought,spoiling your mood before telling you won't do me any good" she stopped, and my jaw dropped in disappointment.

Like I smashed my head on a very hard pebble, the headache me to gently place my head on the couch head, my head banging loudly inside my head.

" Mom, I think I need to rest, I think I need to go to bed now" I whispered, not even sure if she heard me clearly. The truth is that I wanted to know everything, but the more I think about this , the more the pain gnaws in my fragile heart, leaving in no room to breath well, I just don't want to think about anything for now.

" Melissa," she called.

" This is very hard for me to handle with the  everlasting pain am hiding already, but i believe as the only grown child I have, you need to know everything, even if you have no power to fight back or make a choice"  I just nodded, because that's the truth, I can't even believe someone that need to be console by me is here doing that for me. Indeed, she is the strongest woman I have ever met in this universe.

" He said he made a deal with your father, about not letting any member of his family know about it" 

I hissed, what stupid deal! hatred is what fill up my entire head.

" Which is to help his family only when he is no more," 

"What!" like a miracle, I don't know how I managed to raise up my head from the couch.

" Is a person's life now something to be exchanged with worldly materials?" The venom is clearly shown in my voice. I can't even think about this. How can someone be this cruel while claiming he was being controlled by some certain deals or whatever.

Besides, how did they even know that his bone marrow matched Bobby's in the first place?

"Calm down Melissa", " He showed me documents that sealed their deals, your father made the choice which did us no good" she mumbled, bitterly.

" So?" 

"Firstly, he said we should stop working as a maid starting from today, that a mansion has been prepared for us to stay in"..

" Don't tell me you say yes" I cut her off.

" Just let me finish, don't interrupt" 

" Okay" 

" He suggested to make you the PA of the newly appointed CEO of Hovards Group, while sponsoring your college at the same time,"

" PA?" I mouthed.

" But wait, Hope you know his son is now the new CEO " she probed, I guess she must have noticed that my face lightened up a little bit.

Ohhh! That's true, I don't even seem to remember.

" So, what....

" We are moving out of this place, and we are not going to accept anything from them" I spat out.

