
Chapter 5 - What's Your Game?

Mona's POV:

I couldn’t sleep all night thinking about the plague we’re hit with. I don’t give a fuck on money and a good life as I had till last night. I may be a rich princess having all, but I’m not the type to flaunt it or to live an extravagant life as a must. However, I know that the companies’ debts will follow us as people as well. I also have shares in the companies, and no matter what job I would take to earn money in legit ways, all that I would have as a salary will go to banks and creditors from the companies involved with us. And I’ll never find a job to earn millions of dollars per month to pay debts. So, it’s a fucking dead end on that side as well.

I told dad I’ll sign it. He’s fucked up and couldn’t speak further because of guilt and lack of options to avoid this. In front of him, I calmed down and took a manly attitude to make him chill a bit. I’m a strong person and never surrender in front of problems, but this is so damn hard to cope with. It’s fucking 200 million dollars and I have as option to marry a mafia guy to avoid the slaughter…. I had no fucking clue all this was happening while I was out of the country. Dad did cover everything for me to not find out as yes, I would drop everything and come back home….

In Europe, I finished a PhD in Business Administration. Funny thing, right? Yeah. Yes, against my young age, because I’m an intelligent person and have a lot of experience since a child in companies, I managed to finish in record time all the process of studies. The last four years I’ve been in England to complete my PhD.

I’m a genius as IQ, but even genius people have no valid solutions when contracts are legally made and have default consequences if you don’t have the capital for it as help. Money is blood in business. No money, no business. And when economy on that specific market is not doing well, you’re fucking screwed in business.

The accident I had last month? I was with my best friend, Malika Stevens, in her car and she was driving. A drunk man crashed into our car out of nowhere and it was on my side. I had minor injuries, but I blacked out upon the impact. So, the hospital held me for a few days under observation to not have later complications because of it.

Malika was the same, with minor injuries, but a bit more than I was as she was hit as well when our car collided with another. It was a nasty accident, but thankfully, the cars involved took the hit worse than the people in them. There were no casualties or people in critical condition. Thank God for that.

I dragged myself to shower, dress up and attend breakfast. Dad is in a tomb silence, avoiding my stare, looking like he has just landed from a bloody war he has lost. He’s dressed in one of his usual three-piece suits, a black one with a light blue shirt and a tie to match. He’s athletic and good looking for his age. He’s in his early fifties.

I’m dressed in a dark grey pants suit with a black blouse embracing my curves and body, with a pair of black stilettos. My dark honey, wavy, shoulder-length hair is loose at my back, but styled on my left side as I generally have it. Yeah, I’m a curvy girl and possess some hypnotic jade eyes. I’m called an Angel Beauty by boys and men. Don’t know if that’s right or not as I don’t see myself being such a beauty, but anyhow, I don’t give a damn. And I never wear makeup, just a natural foundation on my face. I have a porcelain skin and I’m average in height.

We reach the company building where we’ll meet that fucker for the marriage contract signing. It’s a luxurious skyscraper. Shawn Industries. Son of a bitch…. I can’t blame you for claiming your money back as contracted, but to ask me as compensation? Motherfucker…. I hurl my eyes on the building, and a knot forms in my throat and on my heart. I would beat the shit out of him to be honest. Anyways….

Yes, we’re in a Mercedes limousine with a driver. Our property. We’re rich people as well. Well, we were….

I don’t give a fuck, but this is how dad has always lived his life. We’re coming from a line of such people. Generations of wealthy people. Mom was poor but she had substance. Dad fell in love with her and married her after one month since meeting her. They were in bliss until she remained pregnant with me. She had a toxic pregnancy with me and had difficulty to feel well. When giving birth to me approached, she had a car accident…. The only survivor was me from then…. The driver, the car, mom, were gone…. Dad never married again and he’s in pain since then. But he has been a great dad and loved me, provided me with a happy life, and always told me stories with mom to keep her alive in our life…. Yeah…. I’m the spitting image of my mom…. She was a beautiful woman…. My mom….

From the reception in the lobby, we’re guided to the floor the fucker is waiting for us. We’re in the elevator now and I whisper to dad, staring at the elevator’s doors with the woman taking us there before us. “Dad?”

“Yeah?” He’s in a low voice. My heart is rumbling in kicks and my blood is boiling. I’m in a lion stance with my chin up, all contracted.

“I’ll go in the room alone. Please, wait outside. I want a private discussion with him.” The doors are opening and I’m following the woman. I need to at least try avoiding the marriage contract signing.

“Baby? What? Mona….” He’s going to talk with the daughter now. I won’t let him fuck my life like this without trying to do something about it. No one fucks with me like this. Debts or no debts. I don’t fucking know what’s his game with me, but for sure I won’t play it the way he wants it. No way.

I undergo my businesswoman persona, a merciless one, and leave dad behind. He doesn’t say more as he knows me, but he’s afraid of my rebel side, the one who never submits or pleases the wants of others, because the fucker is mafia and he’s concerned of his reaction at me. Well, I don’t give a fuck on that.

The woman shows me in his wide office. He’s speaking over the phone with his majestic, black leather chair turned aside. He’s a towering one, ripped in muscles, God-like built, dressed in a navy-blue suit, white shirt and a tie to match. The fucker is a neat and ravishing one in looks. No wonder he’s featured in magazines. No, I haven’t googled him to know about him or how he looks like. I don’t fucking care. His hair is rebel, raven-hue, wavy, but neat and sexy. His entire look is billionaire and angel beauty level. Devil wears Angel looks…. Nice combo…. Fucking asshole….

The woman shuts the door behind me and I’m strolling to the chair in front of his office with him tilting his dark green eyes at me, some rare pieces of art with a twinkle in there at my sight, ending the call while I’m sitting on the chair, lean my back on it, cross my leg over the other, take my pack of cigarettes and lighter from my suit jacket, and light one, not saying anything to him, cold in my all. I’m relaxed and queen of the fucking world before the Emperor attitude and all he serves to me right now, turning to face me, and a smirk blossoming in the corner of his perfectly carved lips as his perfectly carved all. I would so trash you, motherfucker…. Oh yes…

“Mona….” His voice is husky, manly, and sexy. No. No Mona.

“It’s Miss Sandler, Mr. Shawn. We’re here for business. I’ve been informed by Mr. Sandler of how things rolled these years while I wasn’t present in the company, and how things have become.” I’m penetrating him with my lunatic stare, dead serious, and killer in my all at him, but calm.

He twists his head and leans his back on his chair, resting his hands on it like a fucking emperor as I said. I’m smoking while his eyes in lust and whatever else he has in there are wandering over me in a slow manner, smirking.

“What’s your game with your insane proposal, Mr. Shawn? I don’t get it. Whatever background check you did on me, let me tell you that indeed those are facts about me, however, that’s not entirely me as a person. And my person? You don’t know it. I’m not one to be a puppet or whatever else you might consider. I personally don’t agree in marrying you. So, let’s discuss what other options are there for the debts. I’m back to New York and I’ll work everything out to restore the companies and pay back the debts to everyone. I need you to accept that and give me some months to apply my plan on that and be able to deal with the financial mess. I have ways to solve it, but I need time. I’ll transform the companies from real estate to something else and will make the money in record time. You have seen from the background check who I am as in skills, so you may rest assured I’m not just saying this, Mr. Shawn. But to whatever strategies I have in store for a spectacular comeback, I need time. And you’ll give it to me. I’m not dad and I don’t surrender. He’s from the old generation. I’m from the new one. My balls reign the companies. I’ll assume full responsibility. He signed the connected contracts with you without consulting with me and having my approval on this major decision. I have fifty percent in shares. And to see I’m serious about this and not here to beg for anything but only to do business, if you agree to it, I’ll give you right now ten million dollars as a first instalment for extending the time for me. So, listening to this, what’s your decision, Mr. Shawn?”

Yes, I’m true to my words. I told you guys that for me luxury level isn’t a must. So, for whatever money I had, I put them aside. I’ve never indulged in the riches I had under my ass. Dad doesn’t know about this. But yes, I don’t have 40 or 200 million dollars unfortunately.

He chuckles, locking our stares. There’s an Alpha battle in stares between us, and the fuck if I’m intimidated.

“Mona….” I interrupt him.

“Miss Sandler, Mr. Shawn. We’re not buddies. I demand respect. I’m not your bitch.” I’m with a malevolent smirk at him, burning him with my stare. Yeah, I’m a lunatic one in general. Genius people are never sane ones….

He’s studying my eyes with crave, smiling from ear to ear. I would so whack you right now…. Fuck yes…. “Whatever your plan, it won’t work. Ten million isn’t enough. I’ve delayed your dad far too much these two years. I’m aware of who you are but the depth of financial problems is at sky level to be able to solve it in a few months with everyone on your back. You need a high investment upfront to deal with it. It’s 200 million, not two.” I’m laughing under my lips, and he tilts his left brow at me in a smirk on his lips.

“Aww! You’re worried…. Don’t be, Mr. Shawn. This is nothing for me. I’m here now. If Mr. Sandler were to tell me what was happening, all this shit would be prevented. Trust me. But being a dad, he wanted me to have peace of mind and focus on what I had at hand to finish, considering he had everything under control until he lost himself along the way. You’re a billionaire, Mr. Shawn. You can give more time for this. It’s not as if your life at this moment or for some more months depend on the 30 million. I know it’s business and there are contracts to be respected with deadlines and all, but I promise I’ll add more to the rest of investment when I’ll give it back, along with interest and penalties per the base contract. Marrying you is not an option for me. I’m not going to give myself to such nonsense. I don’t even like you but marry you. Business partners, yes. Other than that, no.”

He shakes his head in disbelief with some stars playing in his eyes. “I have already decided and signed my decision with your dad. You’re mine, Mona. And nothing will change that. You’re cornered in debts and whatever plan you have in mind, everyone will release legal actions to take what’s theirs before the official collapse of the companies you own. Time is not on your side as it has already been used. And because I knew you’ll do this….” His devilish smile sprouts on his face with a twist of his head and some splashes of sparks in his eyes flash. “I’ve already bought all the debts and I’m the sole creditor, baby. So, you either have 200 million now with a 25% interest to give or sign the marriage contract now as we had planned.” WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY?!

I don’t have a reaction on my face or in body outside, but it fucking hits me. My heart is beating in my mouth. I put off my cigarette in a glass with water on the desk without escaping his triumphant stare with my lunatic narrowed one, contracting my jawline, breathing in killings. “You play dirty.”

He cocks his head aside with a boss of the world stare at me. “I’m a winner, baby. I never let anything escape. If I want you to be my wife, the fuck I’ll do otherwise. I never go back on my decisions. I can show you all the contracts for purchasing the debts if you want. I have nothing to hide. So, what’s going to be? Become my wife or give the money?”

I’m flaring under my nostrils at him. SON OF A FUCKING BITCH! I DON’T HAVE THAT KIND OF MONEY! JESUS CHRIST! ALL MY PLANS GO DOWN THE DRAIN! FUCK ME! SHIT! “Why me? Huh? Why? You’re playing hundreds of millions for this. Why do you want a woman who doesn’t want you when you can have any other woman out there who would want you?”

He doesn’t delay his answer with a blast of fireworks in his eyes, dead serious. “Because I want you. It’s that simple.”

I’m struck with dizziness, but I keep myself steady, chewing from my inner left cheek in frustration and controlling myself to not jump on the fucker to fucking trash the office with him. “You want me…. For what? Drop the wife shit and tell me the essence of wanting me.” He’s in a wide smirk, tensing up, and his eyes get darker shades of green forming an animal stare at me. I’ll kill you….

“Why don’t I show you to better understand?” He’s standing up and my killer stare is following him. We’re in a war of stares and I think I’ll fuck him in blood. I’m calm but my blood is burning me down my veins for all this.

“Show me what?” I bark at him. “SHAWN!” He has just grabbed me and forces a kiss on me, pressing me against him, trapping me on him, while I’m rioting to stop this! YOU FUCKER! STOP! NO! BASTARD!