
Beyond The World

SakimoAisuku · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

Chapter 1: Beyond The Beginning

On the year 2006 the moon exploded leaving us a second moon, however this moon was red its energy was dark and corrupted, blood filled the air violence filled the streets, four teenager's walk out of a bunker sitting in a forest, once they walked outside almost the entire forest was surrounded by an army aiming guns at the group, three helicopters flew around them with sniper's aiming at the group and then everything.....went...black.

The group woke up inside of a heavily armored truck they all were chained together, the driver stopped the truck and men in juggernaut armour opened the back of the truck and pulled the group out, this is where our story begins.

The year is now

(Davison) "King, long blond hair, green eyes, height is 6'3, A literal god that came from nowhere"

(Guard #1) "I heard that Mavier had trouble containing King yesterday"

(Davison) "Yeah...he did, luckily no one was severely injured, at this rate we'll be wiped out before the experiment is complete"

(Guard #1) "Cynix is no better that damn flame demon is a problem"

(Davison) "Cynix, short Red hair, Red eyes, height 6'1, Demi Human of Crimson Flames, this one is no joke he's deadly stay away from him if you don't you'll get burned to a crisp"

(Guard #2) "True, but his brother is worse not even our fastest vehicle's are able to catch him"

(Davison) "Pain, short blue hair, Red eyes, height 5'9, Demi human of Phantom Speed, he's too fast for us, catching him is almost impossible luckily we have them all on a leash keeping their leader locked up"

(Guard #1) "The one that killed sixty three of our men"

(Davison) "Yeah they call him Xero, white hair, orange eyes, he's 6'1, Demi God of destruction, he's a son of a bitch we have to keep chained up in the lowest levels of the facility".

Alarms began to go off and men wearing armour ran to an elevator Davison pulls one of them to the side.

(Davison) "What the hell is going on!?"


(Davison) "Something feels off, Okay send all our available men to keep watch on the others" as Davison says that a wave of Crimson Flames begin to flood the hall Davison quickly jumps around the corner as the flames blew right passed him.

Davison hears screams and cries as he peaks around the corner, he see's Cynix walking down the hall with flames surrounding him "What the hell is going on?" Davison says to himself, Cynix gets down on one knee and begins burning through the floor while king and Pain come from the other end of the hallway, they walk towards Cynix.

Cynix removed his hand and stood up leaving a hole in the floor Xero jumps out of the hole and lands in front of king and Pain,

(Xero) "Damn it's bright up here" He says as he covers his eyes

(Pain) "Where do we go from here?" pain asked

(Xero) "Want do you mean?"

(King) "Well we are outcasts everyone wants us dead and they think we are responsible for the explosion of the moon"

(Cynix) "Why don't we prove them wrong, we know who was responsible for the explosion so let's just show everyone what actually happened"

(King) "Easier said than done"

(Xero) "Listen up! Our target is Hunter's Haven let's kill every last one of those bastard's for framing us, We will fix this broken world after that we'll handle the two who put us through hell, we are Beyond The World!"

"Right!" Everyone says feeling inspired.

Davison walked around the corner and says "You all should go back to your chamber's immediately or else" the group looked at each other then laughed "I'm sorry but you're nothing just a little human you couldn't hurt us even if you tried" Xero says looking a bit aggravated "Then why did you let us use you for experiment's, you all could've easily broken out why pick now of all times" Davison cries. Cynix walks up to Davison "We needed information and you provided us with it, we thank you for that" Cynix moved out of the way as a blast of light hits Davison knocking him towards the wall once Davison hits the wall he passes out, Xero begins walking towards the exit the others follow behind him.

The group walked outside as they did a large army was waiting for them fully armored and ready to fire "I sense a large number of evil spirit's, if you don't mind I'd like to take them out" Pain whispered to Xero "They're all your's" Xero says back to Pain. Pain gets excited and rubs his hands together creating black smoke around the group, the large army started firing at the smoke as they did Pain ran out holding a blade that's transparent with a black outline he smiled as he impales the first man moving to the others he mowed them all down one by one moving quicker with each kill cutting off limbs. The army fell and pain stood there covered in blood smiling "Here's what we're going to do first we'll get a change of clothes next we will secure a base last we will form a group to fix this broken world" Xero yells, Everyone else nods in agreement.

This is the beginning of the end this is Beyond The World.