4 King

As everyone was following the protocol ,witch prioritized evacuating people to the safe area of the city. uncle Spear was still glancing gravely at the distance.

when the gate was about to close , strangely no beast was seen. this confused the guards closing the gate and the ones atop the wall. however , their trust in their leader is second to none ! they kept dragging the gate chains with all their might.

uncle Spear walked in to the inside of the Walls just before the gate was fully closed.

"was i mistaken ? was that terrifying feeling   only my imagination ! 

Sigh~ , i think I'm getting old and I'm starting to see stuff "thought uncle Spear.

 just as he was about Tell the guards that it was a false alarm.


A loud sound was heard as if someone  hammered the closed  gate behind him !

BOOM ! BOOM ! ..

Everyone  was petrified by this ear piercing sound that was louder than a bolts of lightning.

the gate started trembling and it's shape started deforming ! 

two seconds later , a huge bulge was formed in the middle of this enormous iron gate ! what on earth was hitting it to cause such damage !

the guards that were on top of the Walls to monitor the area were scared witless !

"h-how is This possible ! this monster just appeared out of nowhere ! " a guard was so scared by the sight of the monster attacking the gate that he was stuttering.


the gate couldn't withstand those frightening attacks that is crumbled like paper !

a huge hole ,four meters in diameter, was now in the middle of the gate.

uncle Spear was looking at this with a terrified expression ! even though he was a veteran and fought so many beasts over the years ,this still was the first time he saw the mighty gate be ripped  with only several attacks !

this man has been through life and death situations multiple times , however ,his body still couldn't help but shiver when he saw two thick monsterous arms slowly appearing from the hole !

those arms definitely belonged to a beast at least a dozen meters in height! that's almost the height of th gate itself!!

they were covered in  thick layer of dark green scales, the strange thing was that those arms were similar to human arms ,with five fingers in each hand.

the only differences were obviously the size and sharp deadly claws at the tip of every finger !

just looking at them sent cold shivers in every one who was watching!

the two hands slowly gripped the opposite sides of the hole.when everyone wishfully thought that the gate had stopped the beasts. they were hit by the harsh reality!

the two thick hands started applying some force and under the eyes of every one,


the gate was forcefully snapped in half !

the gate that was made entirely from hard iron was torn like a piece of paper !

when everyone saw this , their last hope was extinguished.

the two half's of the gate fall apart revealing a huge humanoid figure.

the group of guards that are responsible for handling the gate ,were so shocked by This sudden chain of events. they didn't even have any time to react at all as the huge right half of the gate that weighed more than 10 tons fall on them !

they immediately became meat paste as their bodies were crushed and bursed apart under the heavy weight of the iron gate !

blood splashed everywhere !

more than ten guards died just like that !

however ,no one has the time to pay heed to this because the monster that was the cause of this was now standing right before their eyes !

"m-my god , an A-Agjim can be this terrifying"

this was the thought everyone had at this moment !

this Agjim is a Known local beast , it's favorite place to live is between the mountains , it's a lisard type beast that has a tough skin that was layered with scales similar to crocodiles.

Agjims can grow to at most one and a half meters in height and around 2 meters in length.

their favorite preys to hunt can range from small animals like squirrels to large mammals

such as deers.

but rarely they would target humans as their pray. however , sometimes when Agjims hunt for cows and sheeps, it becomes inevitable to avoid humans since they also consider cows and sheeps livestock. and then Agjims might try to attack humans.

Agjims don't have high intelligence and they are not very fast or strong. however they have an ability that makes them hard to kill , which is camouflage ! they can change their skin colors to hide  and ambush their prey. this is why they are considered dangerous ,and this is the reason why none of the surveiling guards saw this Agjim coming.

Agjims  are ranked from strong to weak based on the color of their scales. 

light gray for the weakest ,then green , yellow ,and finally red. Agjims with red scales are considered dangerous enemies even for strong martial artist  ! let alone normal humans. however , they are very rare to see , even ones with green scales are hard to find.

luckily for "Afra" city (1) ,they have uncle Spear, even though he didn't see anything, his 20 plus years of fighting and guarding against wild beasts gave him an acute intuition for danger ! 

Except in this case even his intuition wouldn't serve him much.

everyone wished this was just a bad dream ,and didn't want anything more than to wake up from it. however , when the gate's right half fell on the ground and killed those guards, that served as the evidence that this is not a nightmare but a cruel reality! 

 only five seconds passed since the gate was first attacked.

everyone was rooted in their place due to fear.

the dust cloud created by the falling gate finally  settled down and revealed the real appeance of this Agjim.

it was strangely almost 6 meters in height not a dozen meters, with two disproportionately sized arms. it's body was filled with bulging muscles ,and with those thick arms that resembled two canons,it was no wonder it could punch through steel.

the most strange thing about this monster , besides it disproportionate huge dark green arms ,is the color of the rest of it's body. it was shockingly light gold !!!

"how is this real ! it's color is not red ,yet it can easily deform metal ! " uncle Spear was still a warrior , after the initial shock ,he bit his tongue and used pain to stimulate his shocked body and restore it under his control!

most of the citizens of Afra city are not even aware of the existance of red scalled Agjims. that's how rare they are. but uncle Spear was one of the few people who were not ignorant of their existance, he knew some important information regarding them .

he knew that even if it was a red scalled Agjim ,it would still take it at least one minute to break through the gate !

Even if red scalled Agjims are dangerous to martial artists ,it was because of their hiding ability , and brute power is not necessarily Agjims best quality.

after thinking to this point and considering the color and the weird shape of the beast 15 meters away from him, a sudden realization struck him , his expression turned ugly,

" a k-king… A KING AGJIM !! a mutated one at that !!! "


(1) "Afra" means peace and safety in Tamazight.

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