
Beyond Bleach: Bones, Ash and Nothingness...

Penulis: Tendom
Anime & Comics
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What is Beyond Bleach: Bones, Ash and Nothingness...

Baca novel Beyond Bleach: Bones, Ash and Nothingness... yang ditulis oleh penulis Tendom yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. A recollection of the events that led to Yhwach's defeat during the very first invasion that would trigger the thousand year blood war; the last fight of the monster of flames that once tormented the ...


A recollection of the events that led to Yhwach's defeat during the very first invasion that would trigger the thousand year blood war; the last fight of the monster of flames that once tormented the seireitei and threatened it's very existence.

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houhuioiu00 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Swordsman of Teyvat (STORY REVAMPED)

The cruel world punished this man. He gave to people, and they stole from him. He supported friends and they paid him back with betrayal. Even in his final moments, he persisted that his own life was meaningless. But what if he is given a new chance. A new lease on life. Will he be able to learn the meaning of self-importance in a world of Gods and Visions, or will he persist in his self-hatred and go down a dark and self-destructive path? ----------------------------------- New Author's Note: Welcome to the new rewrite! Just gonna keep this short and say that hope you enjoy a (hopefully) less cringe version and better version of my previous story. ----------------------------------- *WARNING* This is my first time writing a fanfic novel on this website so please bear with the amateur writing and grammar. *Disclaimer* I do not own Genshin nor its characters, and the cover for the novel. If the artist who made the cover wants to take it down, just contact me. The only characters I own are the OC's that will appear in the story (Including MC) This story will try and follow the main canon of Genshin's main story, but I won't always follow the main story and will deviate from the main canon later on into the fanfic. I'm planning on adding romance later on into the story, but I want to give each of the characters in this story some good development. Also, stuff that happens in the story might not completely follow logic and physics, but I will try to keep some stuff as realistic as possible (Even tho MC is in a fictional world lol) If you have any suggestions for the story, just type in the comments of each chapter as I will try to read them all. But for any personal requests or messages, you can message me on my discord Speedwagon Drip#9279 Again, this is my first time writing any type of novel so I hope you get to enjoy this story. I will also try to improve later in the story if there are any mistakes I make.

SpeedwagonDrip · Derivasi dari game
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs


PREMISE Does your carnal mind longs for brutality in all forms and fashions, fierceness in all cruelty and without judgment, Mercilessness in all rage of bitterness and relentless dig into epitome of betrayals and reproaches. This Malevolent male lead piece is definitely your 'go get' dream novel. It is centered on the vicious ideas and agenda that emerges from utter ruin and darnation. It’s a story that reflects on the co-extensive nature of politics and all its subjects in the past. This consequently results into prospective leaders to making an open bearing into their pasts and plunging deeply down into more failures in the present. this novel reflects how this world is operated based on feedings from the hands of an oppressed to the mouth of an oppressor. Regardless, we know it either kills him or revives him. OUTLINE: • Wars were left to rest between many Kingdoms; the invincible and the just invincible. • The most powerful among these kingdoms are Jobia and Leuz • There were two brothers who sprung out from these wars. • Pash the eldest has more high statute compared to his younger brother Parah, who was still just coming through the ranks. • They both had different objectives and hated each other without respite. • Clema was a naughty princess who doesn’t knows her choice well without the help of her father Parius. • Parius also had conniving plans to be king of the great kingdom of Leuz. • The spat out between the two brothers led to smaller nation seeking a great turning. • The war was colored with many dark secrets in the past that emanates from the two powerful kingdoms. • General Iroh ancestrally is tied to the generation of leuz.

oakinpelu49 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Unleashed Potential : What If Gohan Never Stopped Training

In a unique twist on the Dragon Ball universe, the story follows Gohan, who never stopped training after the Majin Buu saga. Without the interference of destroyers and angels, Gohan's dedication and relentless training have transformed him into a formidable warrior. Alongside Goku, Vegeta, and the rest of the Z-Fighters, he faces a series of intense challenges and battles. As Gohan continues to train and surpass his limits, he becomes a beacon of strength and inspiration to his fellow fighters. His marriage to Videl brings moments of joy and a growing family, while the threats they face test their resolve and unity. New adversaries, such as Beerus and Champa from Universe 6, emerge, adding a fresh layer of excitement and intrigue. The Z-Fighters, each with their unique skills and personalities, rally together to confront these powerful opponents, unleashing epic battles and showcasing their individual growth. Throughout the story, relationships deepen, bonds are forged, and the strength of family and friendship shines through. Gohan's unwavering determination, combined with the support of his loved ones, pushes the Z-Fighters to new heights as they fight for the protection of their universe. With each challenge they overcome, Gohan's journey unfolds, revealing the depth of his character and the extent of his power. The story balances intense action with light-hearted moments, comedic banter, and heartfelt interactions among the characters. As the tale reaches its climax, the fate of the universe hangs in the balance. The Z-Fighters face their greatest test yet, as they confront powerful adversaries, tap into new transformations, and strive to protect all that they hold dear. Overall, this unique iteration of Dragon Ball weaves a captivating narrative, showcasing Gohan's unwavering dedication, the growth of the Z-Fighters, and the bonds of friendship and family. It is a thrilling adventure that celebrates the spirit of never giving up and the power of unity in the face of adversity. Illustration : ??

Jxyzen09 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
28 Chs

How Am I Still Alive?

Spiritual Qi Resurgence, Gods descending? Continuous disasters, all living beings suffering? What does it have to do with me? I'm just a patient with an incurable disease, who's been given up on treatment and has a countdown to death. Embarking on the path of exorcising demons and annihilating immortals with my crippled body is not for the sake of protecting my family and country, but because the hazardous duty pay is too tempting, especially the compensation... "This Evil Gods profession system is cursed, even if there's smooth progress in the early stages, the practitioners will eventually commit suicide..." "Give me a set." "This Demon Sword poisons its user and has already taken ninety-nine lives..." "Give me two, and also that man-eating demonic helmet, soul-devouring blood claws, get me a set." "This Magic Potion is harmful to heaven and earth..." "Enough talk, I'll take them all!" However, the problem is, why am I still alive after taking on all these high-risk missions, stepping on every risk, and doing every deadly task? 【Congratulations, congratulations! Ranked first among the Top Ten Heroes Who Moved the World...】 "...Heavens, wasn't the average life expectancy in this line of work three and a half years? I've been here for one cycle of three years after another, I'm almost an S-level hunter, the first of the top ten heroes! Why am I still alive? I just want to make an honor sacrifice, scam some compensation! Is that so hard?!"

Persimmon Whale · ACG
Peringkat tidak cukup
859 Chs


  • Rata-rata Keseluruhan
  • Kualitas penulisan
  • Memperbarui stabilitas
  • Pengembangan Cerita
  • Desain Karakter
  • latar belakang dunia


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