

The sun had just begun to make its presence felt upon the peak of the hills,as I made my way to my uncle's house.The mist that surrounded the valley at this early hour was just about to ascend and appear out of sight.

Mr. Wood,my uncle,patiently awaited me by his garden gate.As soon as he set his eyes on me,he inquired if I had had my breakfast;and after being totally assured that I lacked nothing,he clasped my hands with both hands of his and put it under his arm kindly.

"Well Chloe",he said. "I shall be with you as far as the ford,to see you grow to become a prominent person in future".

We begun to walk silently together before uncle decided to break the silence. "You miss your mum,don't you?",he asked me.A large tear run down my cheek indicating the sorrow I had in me.I lost mum just a week ago and life already seemed so unbearable for me.

"Yes I do",I replied slowly in a soft spoken voice.Uncle had realized that I was still in so much distress and discomfort,so he hugged me tightly;with the intention to make me feel a little bit relieved.But honestly,his hug changed nothing about the situation.

"Very well,Chloe",uncle nodded."Let me tell you all I can about your fortune now.Years before your mum passed away,when your dad was almost near his end,he left behind a particular letter which he said was his encouraging words to you".

Uncle passed his hand in his pocket and brought out a colorful paper which he gave to me to read.The letter contained motivational and encouraging words written by my dear dad before he finally kicked the bucket.As I kept reading,I felt very weak.I had cried all my tears out.His very last words were,"My dear,you are better,braver and stronger than you seem".

"It's alright Chloe",uncle voiced out. "I will always be there for you through thick and thin to ensure that,your dad's dreams come to reality",he added.Those words uncle told me suddenly boosted my moral and gave me hope that,with time,everything was going to turn out well.I just needed a little push and courage to fight through it all.

In life sometimes,we need a little support from people both far and near just to be bold and endure each endeavor.Uncle had assured me that,he would be with me always,and that made me feel a little better and stronger to endure my plight.