

Hi! This is my first book I ever wrote. It is a very meaningful story for me. I tried my very best in writing this and I hope you enjoy it. I started writing books at the age of 8 and I was in 4th grade. I am currently 11 and in 7th grade. I enjoy reading and writing books very much. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Zahra_Husain_2336 · Seni bela diri
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Chapter 4 : Found Them

Searching for the petals, I felt a cold hand touch my back as I got shivers down my spine. The hand of the unknown felt ice-cold as I turned to see Chloe smiling at me saying that they were looking for me and were very worried about me. I was so elated that I started screaming out of happiness.

I can't even describe how happy I was, I have no words to spill out of my mouth. After the reunion, all of us did a friendship hug. I told Kelly that she was right about what we thought was a myth, it was reality, but the difference was that I had beat the pattern and had found my friends again and she seemed to smirk at my words. I thought it was odd as she never did something like that.

I had suddenly forgotten all about the ritual but I thought I didn't need it anymore as I had found my friends. We decided to find our way out of the forest and leave for home as we lived in one house.

Let's just say I faced something I did not expect.....

What I didn't know is that we would face THE DEAD, yup you read this right, THE DEAD. Hands poked out of the wet soil like spikes and caught our legs and tried to carry us down to the core of Earth. I'm kidding, I'm just describing that they wanted to take us deep down in the soil to God knows where.

Continuing, Dan's leg was caught in one of the hands and they were aggressively pulling him down. Luckily, we helped him and got rid of the filthy hands. We held knifes and when we saw a hand, we ripped it apart as blood sprayed out of it onto our faces. It was all worth it with my friends. Or at least I thought it was.