
Between the top and bottom

After leaving a sound life in his world. The boy is forced to reincarnated to another world with magic. He is very angry and tries to escape this world, but can he achieve this ? Let's find out how is going to survive now !!

Cosmo_Qain_3853 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

Stream of bad luck

In the morning Silva got up early in the morning . With a slight pain in his leg , he placed his foot gently and took all the books and other things in his Space ring and took off . The cultivators don't need to brush or have a bath. They only eat for a cultivation purpose. As the food in the normal human body makes makes energy for him but for cultivators its a source of pure qi energy . You can call it a ' qi rich diet '. For a good body and cultivation students need it hence the cafeteria take care of it. That doesn't mean they are not tasty. You have to give up on your tongue for your body hence the more tasty dishes often are less nutritive.

Silva haven't done cultivation till now ! ( from the time of his reincarnation ) . He is not bothered though. His friends are satisfied . He just need to take the dagger back which his friend took last night by mistake and every trouble will be over for now. Atleast it is what Silva is thinking now. As soon as he started walking , the corridor seem long. He saw many students walking around with thier friends and saw a teacher . As he was walking past her Miss Astuty caught him.

" I knew it. She knows I am the one who was collapsed outside the Spirit Pagoda . The students here don't know about it . If she says anything every one will know about it !".

" Are you the one who got out of Spirit Pagoda unconscious ? " Yes ". Silva forced a smile.

All the other students started looking at him. Started gossiping .

" Is he that weirdo who broke his leg in Spirit Pagoda ? ".

" What was he trying to do ? Break the walls ?".

( This wild guess is correct )

" He might have got an eye on some fortune . Hence the Pagoda might wanted to test him ".

"Maybe you are right ".

The teacher looked at the students . The crowd started to move away. Then she looked at Silva.

" Come to the classroom . We want to talk to you ".

Silva nodded his head in agreement. Not uttering a single word.

They soon reached tbe staffroom. The environment in the staffroom is rather cramped. Loads of papers on the big wide table and the chairs lining with thier fronts towards them. Another table for the for the food and beverages .

Looking at the Silva all the other teachers started to rearrange the room with the single chair at the centre of the room and teachers at the other side of the desk so that they could see Silva face . The set up is like an interview. All the five person in the room are fat person ( Sir Tiswa ) , Miss Astuty , Sir Vicer and the headmaster Sirius James.

" Look Silva . Without any question tell us about what happened to you in the Spirit Pagoda ".

" Are you serious Vicer ?". Fat

person ( Sir Tiswa ) said .

" Yes I am serious ".

" Don't do that you two . We have to be serious about this ". Miss Liner interrupted their conversation.

" Who is not serious here Miss Liner ? I think We all are serious. Instead of this boy ". Miss Astuty then looked a Silva .

" Well I am serious too ". Silva felt wronged so he tried to explain.

Sir Serious James coughed twice . ( This conversation got too much about ' Serius ' ! ). The room went silent for a moment.

" So tell us Silva ". Sir Vicer broke the silence.

" Oh okay ". Then Silva told them about how he moved he boulder and break the wall".

" You broke the wall ". Everyone was surprised .

" But the ceiling fell upon me ".

" The ceiling must be fragile. You miscalculated everything".

" I haven't calculated anything ". Silva said in his mind.

" I assume you got three martial scrolls , right ?. What are they ?".

" I don't know . But All three had different animals upon them. One had a bear , then a tiger and a phoenix ".

" So can we look at them ".

Actually I have only one scroll . It's the ' bear ' one ".

" Where are others ? ".

" I gave them to my friends ".

" You did what ?".

" All those two were decent scrolls of Class B ( Here class means ability grading of the martial scrolls ). Then one you took was rather Class C ".

" What ?". Silva couldn't hold the shock and shouted . The pupil of his eyes expanded and he clenched his fists.

" You are very Ignorant, aint you ? We cannot interfere in your matter . While we are advising to have some awareness ".

" Those two scrolls might give you a quite kickstart ". After a moment of silence he proceeded .

" As you stated that you gave those two scrolls two your friends. You have two options . One to talk those scrolls from your friends and another to practice optimum bear martial arts ".

Silva thought for a while. He now understands his situation thoroughly but with a hint of doubt he said.

" Why all of you are helping me so much. Why this special treatment ? ".

Hearing these questions made all four of them a but surprised. Although they were expecting this question from Silva but no this soon.

Mr Vicer explained.

" Well your mother herself asked the favour to give guidance to you personally . Although the ministery of educational group is not influenced by any empire but as a princess if Chola who had placed the foundation stone in the making of this wide group we cannot refuse her this small request ".

" The Chola empire is truly very old " , Silva thought .

" You may go now. Everything is up to you now ". Head master said this last sentence of conversation.

Silva headed towards the classroom of class 2 section C.

Entering the classroom of different class or section makes you feel like an alien. Silva is also feeling this sensation now . Upon seeing Silva in the classroom his two friends felt very displeased because whenever he comes in the classroom means he is in a trouble and they have to solve it.

Silva headed towards them and said , " Give me my dagger which you took last night without knowing ".

Everyone who heard these words gasped . His words were simple . He thought that he is straight forwardly asking for his daggers to his friends who took it without knowing . But for others it is a matter of pride . Unless you take someone's weapon or any cultivation material with his permission or by him personally it is regarded as theft. Also the tone of Silva seem like he is asking his lost belonging to robber.

Actually Silva was trying to be confident and straight but this led to a grave misunderstanding . Also the two words , ' without knowing ' made the most of the impact.