

three friends, a stud, a girly and a boy , who has been friends for ten years, decided to go for an auction ' THE ROYALS ' , only to end up discovering mysteries about themselves, Will they still be friends or will they break up the ten years friendship,and what for?.

Skyler101starp · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs



Call me the witch in Jamie's life, I don't care, beside if I don't stress him who will ?.

I knew he could do something about it, I just don't want to known how he's going to do it but he has to do it.

well Jamie might know someone who knows someone who knows someone who could Euphoria in, like I said before, we're not going to this housemate of a thing for the money, we're doing it for the fun of it, therefore Jamie could just use his connection and get Euphoria in, since his friend's younger brother is the host of the show and the guy has a huge crush on Euphoria, am sure he's not aware that the Euphoria he kicked out is his crush.

Mind you, Euphoria doesn't give a fuck about the Man.

I stare at my celling for a couple of minutes thinking about how life is going to be for the three of us in one room with other, what if Jamie and Euphoria become way too friendly with other house mates and leave me?

what if we Jamie and Euphoria get into an argument that will lead to a fight which will lead to separation ?

something like that has happened before, if not for me those two wouldn't Even remain friends.

I know something are meant to be left for the future to tell, but Jamie and Euphoria ?

I don't think I want to let the future tell me anything about them, i want to figure it out myself.

I really want us to be best friends till our death, and am guessing maybe that's why we're still single, but whichever way, life goes on.

Jamie and I got into the show but Euphoria got rejected, all because she's bisexual.

Ahh !! what a crazy country we live in !

So earlier today , Jamie left the house, leaving me all alone with Euphoria, am closer to them both but some how it feels like Euphoria is drifting off, recently, she has been staying on her own, not speaking much, hanging out isn't her thing anymore and when she does it's usually very brief.

With a bag of chips, I walked towards the couch and sat down on it, while Watching Euphoria play her PS5 game , it was interesting to see a girl who's so much into gaming.

" chips ?" i offered.

" yeah sure" replied as she took few chips, she went back into playing her game not minding my presence , which lead to an awkward silence.

" uhmm... Euphoria ? " i called out her name.

" yes " she replied

" what will you do if we go to the show without you ?" i askeded her, she didn't even bother to look at me.

" Play games till y'all get back " came she nonchalant reply , i wasn't surprised, like I said earlier,I haven't seen a girl who likes video games more than Euphoria .

" i know Jamie will find a way " i told her , she didn't even seen bothered,

" you two are just stressing yourselves out, I will be fine on my own " she replied still focused on the game.

I wanted to lash out at her but my phone rang, i checked the caller ID and it was Jamie.

" what is it ?" I asked after picking up and placing the phone close to my ear.

* woho!! you sound hash * came his voice.

* i don't have time to Joke around, i need to kill Euphoria * i told her, and that caused Euphoria to look at me.

now she knows she's a dead meat .

* well before you kill her, just know that i got her into the show *

* Ahhhhhhhh* i screamed out loud, i can pretty much guess Jamie took the phone few distance away from his ear.

" don't scream down the house " Euphoria told me.

* that's great news * I told Jamie while shooting a deadly stare at Euphoria which shut her up instantly.

* well just inform her, let her start packing, i don't want anyone to borrow my clothes * he said sarcastically,

okay I know that statement wasn't only for Euphoria but am so excited to lash back at him, we can deal with that later but right now....

* okay Jamey bye....*

* see you girls when I get back * he said and cut the line .

immediately I hugged Euphoria, who could very much guess why am excited.

" Jamie is such a darling " I told her while breaking from the hug.

" obviously, I should thank him personally " Euphoria said, i couldn't agree less.

" I know what you will do to thank him " I told her while giggling,

ohhh, she's not going to like me one bit

" what ?" she asked rising her brows at me .

" cook for him " I voiced out.

The look she gave me was enough to kill me but am not that kind of a girl who melt easily.

" am not cooking for anyone " she told me.

" you have to " i stood my ground , incase you didn't know i don't loose an augment .

" fine " she yelled and Strom off.

i couldn't help but laugh out loud.

" Jamie has a high taste !!!" i screamed.

" f*ck you " I heard her voice.