
4. Name

I've never been good with animals.

Especially with dogs, had a very unpleasant experience with them as a child, and if I have to choose, cats are more to my liking. It's not that I'm afraid of dogs, that fear is gone, it's just that I'm always on my head when a dog is around. I never feel at ease around them, well.... Except for pugs... Pugs are too dumb ( in a good way).

Animals can't think like humans, don't have emotion like we or speech, so some of them are easier to read, but that's not accurate either. There are a lot of videos of animals doing all sorts of shit acting unusual, attacks, etc.

But I'm not gonna deny that they're also magnificent creatures. And their behavior is still being studied to this day. I heard once that pets can feel the pain of their owners: both psychological and physical.

That's why psychologists are often asked to get a pet, because it frees the head from unpleasant thoughts. In TV series and movies often saw this. And maybe it's not fiction.

Because I don't know how to explain why this Pikachu girl is near me. She was a girl all the time, wow. I've never noticed the difference in anime, do all pokémon have such differences? I'll have to find out.

Maybe it's something feminine? To feel when the one you like is going through hardship? I thought she was scared of me when I got angry. I don't know, I'm bad at these things

I'll be honest with, that little yellow mouse is pretty damn cute. It kind of melts under my hand. Maybe she sensed my condition and decided to keep me company. I don't see any other reason. Or is there something tasty in my pocket? Hmm... No, definitely not, the first one is more likely.

Then so be it, I'll have someone to talk to. But we need to name her. And decide what to do next, and what to do with these kids, and deal with Omntrix and...wait, we need more pokeballs...And come up with some excuse for the kids to start asking questions. Yeah, there's a lot to do, but let's start with the name.


"I'll name you Beatrice," Goliath declared, scratching the Pikachu's head affectionately. "Where I come from, that name means 'she who brings happiness.' "

As he spoke, Pikachu began to wiggle with excitement. Goliath turned to her, asking, "Do you like the name? Or perhaps you'd prefer to choose another?"

But Beatrice, the newly named Pikachu, had already made up her mind. She liked the name very much and shook her head passionately at the suggestion of choosing another. She followed it up with a cute "Pika-Pika."

Andre couldn't help but laugh heartily at Beatrice's enthusiastic response.

Bonnie grinned from ear to ear, her excitement mirroring Beatrice's enthusiasm. Meanwhile, Clemont pulled out a map from seemingly nowhere and studied it intently, his gaze shifting toward the dense forest ahead. Ash shared Bonnie's joy, his Pikachu joining in with a cheerful chirp.

Ash's curiosity piqued, he turned to Andre, his gaze fixed on the glasses that had never left Andre's face. "Mr. Andre, what were you doing out here in the middle of nowhere?" he inquired, his tone laced with genuine interest and intrigue. He'd also like to know where his home was, it's just about his figure and character of him. But that would be rude. If he's from the Kalos region, he's from the Kalos region, isn't he?

"There goes the excuse I was thinking about. " Andre thought quickly, removing his hand from Beatrice's and focusing his attention on Ash. Several possible answers came to his mind.

" Maybe say amnesia? Hmm, no, too late, I've already introduced myself. Maybe say lost? But how do I explain the broken tree? Say I just woke up here? That's a good one, but it's too boring. "His nature as a showman and a dramatist had taken its toll. Enjoying the moment was something he had always loved, becoming theatrical and impulsive. He loved Action... " Can't say I've been dealing with some kind of evil organization? I mean, there's Team P, I think that's what they called themselves. Then that would explain that I ran away from home because they were after me, they caused me to lose my ID, and they decided to get rid of me for good... Damn, that's a good idea. Let's make it a reality! I hope they won't ask about the trees. "

Andre purposely shifted his demeanor, his movements slowing as he ceased stroking Beatrice. Lifting his head for dramatic effect, he gazed up at the sky with a somber expression. "Escape..." he began, his tone carrying a hint of sorrow that immediately captured the children's attention.

"I was running away from a vicious organization," Andre continued, his voice laden with emotion. "The one I confronted. And they used one of their strongest weapons against me. They separated me from my family, they took everything from me... they didn't want me to just not exist."

Lowering his head and clenching his hand into a fist, Andre's entire being radiated with determination. His fist trembled as if containing all the power of his resolve. Ash's eyes glittered with intensity as he leaned in, hanging on Andre's every word.

"But," Andre declared, his voice growing stronger, "I would not obey , I would not lay down!" With a resounding roar, he unleashed his defiance, his words echoing through the forest with unwavering conviction.

Andre's sudden shout startled the children, causing Ash and Bonnie to almost jump in surprise, while Clemont turned sharply to them, his expression a mix of concern and amusement. Internally, Andre chuckled at their reaction but maintained the intensity of his fabricated backstory.

"I escaped!" he said again, and continued with renewed vigor, his voice carrying the weight of his supposed struggles. "And for all that time, I fought back with my bare hands, with nothing to me. Managing to get far enough away, into this forest, I nearly succumbed to dehydration. And then I woke up, with you kids."

Bonnie stretched out with an excited exclamation, "Wow, that's so cool!"

Ash, standing beside her, lifted the tip of his cap in a gesture of surprise, echoing her sentiment, "Yeah, wow!"

Clemont adjusted his glasses with a somber expression and spoke with a tinge of bitterness, "I'm sorry you had to deal with that, Mr. Andre. As wonderful as our world is, unfortunately, there are those who do not want it," he said smartly, acknowledging the harsh realities that sometimes overshadowed the beauty of their world.

"A wise words, pretty smart kid. And apparently they fell for it. So~, to reinforce my story we need to tie in the "P" team." he thought quickly, and how good it was that Ash himself had contributed to it.

"Mr. Andre, can you name the organization you fought with? " Ketchum asked, thinking about the several evil teams he had had to deal with many times. Perhaps Andre had encountered a more dangerous team, one that was in this region. He would have to find out, and be prepared.

Giant man frowned, his brows pulled low and his voice filled with anger. He clenched his lowered hands into fists, Ash could even hear the bones crunching. Andre's face grew sharper, his jaw clenched. He looked quite menacing like that, if he wasn't wearing his glasses he would have been even scarier. Surprising for a human, and quite awe inspiring. "This is a vicious gang of thugs I've been dealing with. Their influence is large, enough to cover more than just one region, the evil team..."

Before he could finish, Ash interrupted him sharply, exclaiming, "R!"


Andreas inwardly breathed a sigh of relief. He hadn't exactly remembered the name of the team, and he had been hoping for Ash's reaction to fill in the gap. His performance had worked to his advantage, as Ash's interruption seamlessly covered his momentary lapse.

And if he hadn't answered him so sharply and helped him, Andreas would have turned on the fool and said that the villains had used something on him so he couldn't remember them. But he didn't have to resort to that, very well.

"Maybe I overplayed my part a bit... I shouldn't have made my face straight up so angry. The way those kids looked at me. Lesson learned. " he was disappointed in himself. He saw little fear in little Bonnie's eyes for just a second, and Ash bristled like his Pikachu. Never in his life had he ever wanted to be scary to children, though it was hard with his height and looks, but he tried.

Clemont chimed in, "I've heard about that R team too, pretty dangerous I must say. "

Ash nodded in agreement before turning his attention back to Andreas, his curiosity piqued. "I'm surprised myself," Ash admitted, a thoughtful frown creasing his brow. "I've been trying to get rid of the three members of Team R for six years for now, and they weren't all that dangerous... Although they did try something in the beginning, but now it's more of a tradition or something... Though what happened to Mr. Andre..."

Meanwhile, Ash was sharing his adventures with Team R and telling them who they were, specifically about Jesse, James, and the talking Meowth. Thomas thought for a moment. " They fell for it!!! Ridiculous story for this ridiculous world. Working perfectly. Okay, one problem solved, now we have to take care of the other. "

He needs the kids to go about their business so he can get started on the Omnitrix and then head into town.

He needs to somehow make himself some paperwork to register in the citizens date so people won't have any questions.

Though he likes to tell spectacular stories, and what he made up was pretty spectacular, he had to admit, it would get tiresome eventually. So maybe with one of Omnitrix's transformations he'll be able to solve that problem? It's not even the standard Omnitrix from the cartoon, he's wearing a whole armored vest, the likes of which he's never heard of. Maybe it'll have some new features? "The more I start thinking, the more questions come up. "

"What are you guys going to do next? " he asked them, distracting them from the "important" conversations they were having. "You were obviously going somewhere, and I'd hate to take you away from your business. "Beatrice nodded along with him.

Clemont stepped forward, taking charge of the situation. "We were heading to Santalune City, but we're running out of time today," he explained. "The best option is to head to the nearest Pokémon Center so we have time to book rooms."

Ash nodded vigorously in agreement with the plan. However, he turned to Andre with a curious expression. "Mr. Andre, what are you going to do?" he inquired, showing genuine concern for their newfound companion.

"So they're going to the hotel. That's good for me. " he can go there with them and while they are resting, he will do his investigation and finally get on with the Omnitrix!



Can you guys give me your opinion on this fanfic? What am I doing wrong and what am I doing right? I would take your advice.

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