
The talk

The old woman continued her explanation.

"Do you know the theory of karma?"

Tom immediately answered :

"Yes of course, the karma is the central idea of the boudhism and it explain that our destiny is written by the different actions of our precedent lives. So if we had a good and selfless life, we will have more luck, health, and opportunity to live a good reincarnation. Is that so? "

" Yes exactly, and what you don't know is that the idea of karma didn't just come from nowhere, but it's more like a reminiscence of the soul from certain particularly powerful minds. I will not enter into details but karma is the simplification of an already existing system one of the main difference is that some good actions strengthen the soul and then the body. It's why a lot of murderer, stealer, the whole bunch of evil men are often crazy or ill, that's like a punition from the system. After a lot of good deads your soul can be powerful enough to go to a higher realm. "

" A higher realm? "

" Yes à higher realm is like another universe that can cause ripples on plenty of lower realms. For exemple somewhere exists a realm that is really like the star wars movies. But no, not all movies are the representation of others universe its completely random. Sometimes it's just the imagination of some people that give birth to books and movies."

" And if all the people forget about this discussion, why do you take your time to explain all this to me? "

" For reason unknown all the soul energy of your whole body went into your brain and was not equally repartited in your body. The result is you, and your illness. Your destiny was not that at all. You should have benn intelligent but not a genius. Your genius mind was very positive for your world but not for you, it destroyed you, your health, body, family, emotion. You are 13, any teenager would have been at least thinking about the opposite sex but not you!!! And it's very sad to see such a promising young man suffering like that. So for all your suffering, please forgive me and all the gods. "

" You know that it's was not your fault, as you said earlier we don't know what caused the changement in my soul. "

" We don't really ask forgiveness for that but more for the fact that your affliction is easely removed. And normally we as god and gardien of this universe should have seen your problem and correct it as soon as you were implanted in your mother womb. As we failed to do that, we beg for you forgiveness."

"So what's the catch? You are a god and I'm more like an insect for you. So why do you need to beg me?"

" It's true that we feel a bit guilty but you are not just a mortal anymore... Your 2 inventions brought a now era in your world and so your soul became very strong, even stronger that certain weak gods. What is truly remarquable is that your soul is still new and to become this strong on this low realm is the first. "

" But if I understand your hidden meaning, I'm not a god yet? "

" Not truly, your soul is indeed very powerful but the second requirement to be a god is to be from on of the higher realm, the higher realm you will be from the more powerful as a god you will be. "

" You know, even if I could I don't know if I really wanted to be a god, I didn't live long enough to be this important. I just wanted to mark my world you know. "

" Your soul is one of the most pure I have ever seen. I will now personally travel with you to a higher realm, it will easier that way and you will not be obligated to pass through the waterfall of memory that take all your life memory, it's my first gift for you. "

" Thanks a lot! Can you tell me what the higher realm will be like? At least some basic thing? "

" Yes of course! This realm leak through yours and is known as the Manga and after anime danmachi. Not everything will be the same so you need to be careful. Do not let prejudice cloud your jugement! "

" Don't worry for that, I don't even know the story! Isn't the main character and teenager with red eyes and white hair? Like Tokyo ghoul? "

" Yes but he is more gentle and the world is friendlier than the Tokyo ghoul one. "

As she said that a blach hole suddenly appear near Tom and the goddess.

" This way Tom, as we travel I will explain more. I will also stop suppressing your feelings so you will probably experience fright."

As she said that, Tom suddenly had the same feeling that he had years before when the doctor explained that he was going to die. He quickly used the meditation exercises and cleared his mind. His usual calmness came back quickly.

" You truly are a genius Tom, accepting all the news like that in one moment... You know, in your prochain live you will not be as brilliant as you were, even if your soul is very powerful, your body will take a major part of it, like everybody else. But your soul is so powerful that your body will be even more strong than the others. If you are to intelligent you will lose a good part of your humanity you know, you should not be able to suppress your emotions like you just did. In your next life you will be intelligent, you will also have a good memory and will have a lot of knowledge from your past but you will not have a quantum computer in place of your brain. But don't worry, we have a second gift for you. It's a bloodline that we will integrate to your soul and that way it will go into your marrow and replace your blood cells. "

" A bloodline? What kind of bloodline? "

" This bloodline is in the Manga naruto, the Uchiha clan has it. As a present to ask your forgiveness, we will modify it a bit. Your eyes will always be red and when you activate it, they will be 4 red marks in your eyes, each one of these 4 mark will be relied to the others. It will form a square in a cercle with the 4 marks at each point of the square at the final stage. The first stage only the 4 mark will be here, after the circle will form and finally the square."

" And what will my eyes do when activated, and what is the requirement to activate them?"

" The only requirement will the strength of your body. At the first stage you will be able to memorize things with just a glance a raise a lot your comprehension. This way you will be able to copy some fight moves and techniques. The second stage will enable you to predict things by a little bit of time, less than 2 seconds, you will be able to create and control sole fire and use some illusions, the final stage will enable you to form a armor from those flame, sometimes have vision of the future and your illusions will become real if your want to. I know that this bloodline is really different from the original one but we think that it will be better for you. "

" Yes I think so too, even if I'm not a fan of Manga, I know Naruto and I know that the sharingan is more like a curse. I truly thank you all, and I really want you not to feel guilty for me, I'm happy, I lived and marked my world, my dream came true so yes you are not responsible for everything bad that happened."

"Young Tom, your words really warm my heart, this is the end of our trip, you will soon be reincarnated. My last gift is more an information that a gift. Your soul is very powerful and so remember those words, you can update your status board yourself. You will understand when you will grow up. This is farewell young Tom, or should I say... Bell Uchiha Cranel. Farewell and may the system be with you. "

" Goodbye and thank you for everything, please thank the others gods for me too. "

" I will not forget it go in peace"

And here the newly baptized Bell pass through a veil and go to the next adventure... In a different realm.

1450 words!!!! And a lot of blabla but I think it's necessary for the story. I don like when it's just you died but you have a lot of karma so in exchange of the karma you can reincarnate bye!

Tell me what you think about this, the powers, idea about the soul, vocabulary and grammar too!!! If you say that you want a longer chapter I just say piss off!!

More seriously thanks for reading and commenting, I'm glad that you like this story. Don't hesitate to correct my mistakes! So yes... bye!!!

pierreleloupcreators' thoughts
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