
Last Day On The Island (Part I)

[Roy's POV]

Lunch was served, and the two guests hadn't touched their food. Everyone in the room could tell they wanted to talk to Janis about something but were waiting for the others to talk first.

It still felt terrible when the food I made was wasted, but my presence was the least important thing, and in moments like this, I was glad I wasn't the hero. Feeling pressure from times like these was something I wouldn't be able to deal with in the long term. So, instead of focusing on the others, I ignored them and ate my lunch peacefully.

"Hero, when are you ready to depart?" The inquiry came from the empire's representative, wasting no time getting to the heart of the matter. It was evident that retrieving the hero was their primary objective, and their directness left little room for ambiguity.

"We can leave tomorrow. Roy is coming with us." Janis responded, casting a glance in my direction that drew the attention of everyone present.

As the commander fixed their gaze on me, I felt a sense of scrutiny wash over me, as if my very being were being evaluated. Despite my apprehension, the commander's nod of approval came as a relief, signaling their acceptance of Janis's request. It was a small reassurance amidst the uncertainty of our impending journey.

"A rank-four magician at such a young age. If you serve Her Majesty, I will put in a good word for you." The offer caught me off guard, and I found myself unexpectedly recruited into consideration for royal service.

"I'm flattered by your praise, but working in such an environment strains me. I would prefer to work at my own pace." I replied honestly, mindful of the demanding nature of serving in a royal capacity. The thought of working under the empress's command filled me with apprehension, considering the potential challenges and pressures of such a role.

"You'll be working with the hero. There will be a lot of time before you need to make a decision." The reassurance came, offering me some time for immediate commitment as I contemplated the importance of this unexpected opportunity.

"I have finished what I needed. I will return first thing tomorrow morning if you will excuse me." The commander announced this before departing, leaving Janis, Merilyn, and me alone. As I neared the end of my meal, I noticed a significant look pass between Janis and Merilyn.

"Merilyn seems to have something to say to you. I will be in my room." Janis remarked before exiting, leaving Merilyn and me alone in the room. Sensing that they needed privacy for their conversation, I gave them some space and retreated to my room, though the prospect of another evening with nothing to occupy my time left me feeling restless.

"Sorry, I decided I would go outside." I interjected as I reemerged into the living room, eager to escape the confines of the cabin and explore the island one last time. Before bidding farewell to this place, I wanted to find something to serve as a memento, a real reminder of the days spent on this remote island.

"Giant Tree Village's specialty..." The words echoed as I pondered what I could take from this unique place as a keepsake.

Outside, the crowd remained excited as Janis was hailed as a hero. Shopkeepers had set up their stalls near the crowd, and with so many people around, sales were sure to be brisk. This suitable moment was the perfect time to search for a souvenir.

"Hello? Could I ask you something?" I approached the nearest stall, where a seemingly friendly elf was attending to customers.

"Of course, go ahead." The stall owner replied, showing no hesitation as they welcomed my inquiry.

"I'll be departing this island soon, and I'd like to take a souvenir to remember it by. Do you have any recommendations?" I inquired, hoping the resident could offer insight into what would make a fitting keepsake. If their suggestion didn't align with my preferences, I could seek advice elsewhere.

"Ah, that's an easy one. Giant Tree Village's specialty item is the dream catcher." The stall owner replied, enthusiastically showcasing the item on their display. Despite being accustomed to Janis' boldness, I couldn't help but suppress a reaction to the owner's shameless sales pitch.

"The dream catcher is a specially crafted charm believed to ward off nightmares. Blessed by the village spirits, it's a popular item among the locals." The charm resembled a wooden net. Its artistic value is apparent even to someone unfamiliar with its purpose.

"I'll take it. How much does it cost?" Thanks to Janis, I wasn't short on funds, and if I were overcharged, I could always rely on her to intervene. After all, her status as a hero should carry some weight. No one could fault me for ensuring a fair deal.

"It's five silver coins." The owner replied. Although the price was high for the average person, I handed over the coins without hesitation.

"Thanks for the purchase." The stall owner expressed gratitude, and I took that as a cue to move on.

With the transaction completed swiftly, I realized there was still time before Janis and Merilyn finished their conversation. Since I knew Remi, it felt appropriate to bid her farewell before leaving.

"Remi, have you introduced something new to draw in so many customers?" Despite the hero's event happening elsewhere, Remi's shop seemed bustling with activity.

"Roy, you're just in time. Could you fetch Janis for me? These posters of her are selling like prized possession!" Remi exclaimed, immediately requesting my assistance in summoning Janis.

"That won't be possible. She's occupied at the moment. The empire is planning to take Janis away soon, and I'll be accompanying her. Since you're one of the few acquaintances I have here, I wanted to say goodbye." I explained, preparing to bid farewell to Remi.

"Is that so?" Remi thought to herself as she heard my words.

"I didn't anticipate you saying goodbye. It's almost touching, isn't it? Here, take this. Even though you're leaving, we can always strike a deal whenever you come across something interesting." Remi said warmly, offering me a small token as a goodwill gesture.

"This is a rare small-dimensional teleportation device. Whenever you're ready to make a deal, you can use it to reach me whenever you need." Remi explained, handing me the device with a genuine smile.









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