
Being A Manderly Was Not What I Was Expecting (ASOIAF)

When a dead man was expecting to go to heaven, he suddenly finds himself in the world of ice and fire. And only with some minimal help from the one who sent him there. But at least he knows the world and has his memories. Lets follow him on his adventure. All of it from the world to most of the characters belong to George R.R. Martin. Only the OCs and the differences belong to me. Have a good reading.

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Plans Everywhere

All of it from the world to most of the characters belong to George R.R. Martin. Only the OCs and the differences belong to me. Have a good reading.


After I and the squire got ready to fight eachother, we waited for my uncle to signal us to start. But we didn't have to wait for much because uncle gave us the go. Since I didn't want give the other guy any opportunity, I lunged at him right away. Even he was surprised by my anticipation of the fight. But he raised his shield just in time to stop my blow.

Yes I might be still 10 years old. But then again I looked nothing like a 10 years old. I was as tall as the guy before me and weighted as much I supposed. And my uncle never gave me the opportunity to slack off during the trainings. So I wasn't weak and I definitely wasn't slow.

Now that I had the initiative, I kept pressing on him. My opponent was using a long sword and a shield. Since his sword was shorter than mine and I wasn't slow, ı had the advantage on him. Slash, block, parry. We kept going on for at least 20 seconds. Then I saw that his grip was getting weaker by the second. I surprised him by slashing my sword at his shield but going at him with my body at full strength and hit him with my shield.

He went down fast. But it was not yet over. I quickly followed him with my bastard sword. His defence was weaker than ever and I had the high ground. "It is over Hayden I have the high ground." I said with a chuckle. But he still tried to hit me from the ground. And I used all my strength to hit his sword with mine. Since his grip was weaker, his sword went flying to gods know where. And I hit his shield from my right side and opened his last ground. And pointed my sword against his throat. "Yield." I said with a smile.

"I yield." He said. I sheathed my sword. And I extended a helping hand for him to help him get up. "Good match." I said with an encouraging smile. I wouldn't want my future subjects to hold a grudge against me after all. He held my hand and got up. "Yeah but for you I suppose." He said while chuckling. Then my uncle came up from where he was watching us. And started to point out our mistakes for us to fix. Well what can I say, he was a good instructor. Then just like that I kept sparring with those guys until I couldn't continue.

Many of them were really surprised with my stamina. And speed. And power. And many of things I supposed. I was not a normal guy after all. And my days kept going like this. Well lets not forget the other things I was focusing on. According to my uncle in a few years I would be the captain of my late father's flagship galley Merman. It was an impressive war galley to be honest. It was bigger than the other galleys. And was made for only war purposes.

But I wanted to have another ship to captain as well. Something I wanted to comission to our dry docks to build. It is a big ass carrack. Yes we had carracks. But I wanted a carrack that was bigger than the other carracks. And not only for trade but also ready for pirates. Yes my late father's flagship could be used for trade ass well. But it wouldn't be the same thing. It was a war galley for fucks sake.

Galley ships was good for sailing in the coastal water. But carracks were the best in the open seas and in the dangerous ocean waters. Not to forget more stable than the others. And so much bigger. Well there was one thing wrong with the ocean ships in this world. Since they wouldn't through the coasts they had a bigger chance of getting lost in the open seas. Only some mad captains would do it or the incredible competent ones. So not so many people.

The good thing was that when I was wandering through White Harbour's streets I saw that a merchant was trying to sell a magnetit stone to a guy who was curious about it. It was a lodestone. And they didn't know it's importance. I immediately bought it and went to make a compass. The good thing was when I was in the middle school I was given a homework project to make a compass. At least it was easy to make. In a day it was done. But it was only for my eyes. It was a dangerous thing in the wrong hands. At least they could make my enemies rich. So it would never leave my side.

And for those who don't know how it is done is that you only need a small needle and a magnet. Since I had the lodestone that is a natural magnet it was easy. You just rub the needle's one point to the magnets surface for a few minutes. Then you will have a needle that will always point to the north. Then you will put a small floating wood on the water in a container. And when you put the needle on it surface it will work. Well I want to thank my teacher now.

Well I had plans to be the next coming of the Corlys Velaryon. And I would make my house richer than ever. Stronger than ever. After I made the compass I immediatelly commissioned the carrack ship that I envisioned. It would have a catapult on its back like the war galleys had. And a few scorpions in the front as well. It wouldn't only rely on the sails like the normal carracks do. It would also have the oars on its sides. Since it will be bigger than normal carracks it can definitely feed the extra oarsmen as well. Well since normal carracks was so much bigger than galleys, I can't imagine how big it will be.

Well I don't know how they will do it. I have no idea actually. But the thing people in this world lacks is the common sense and the initiative. Since I had the initiative and they the mastery of the said thing, I was sure that we could do good things. One thing I was not sure if to do it or not was the copper sheathing on the ships. Could we even do it. Would it float or sink? I didn't know. And lets not even start on the costs of doing such a thing. Well we were rich but not that rich.

Thankfully my mother aproved of me commissioning a ship from the dry docks. According to my uncle it was because every heir that wants to have a personal ship would do it. It was a tradition in the family it seems. Tradition again. Tradition was the only thing those guys knew I swear.

Anyway the master in the dry dock who would handle my ship said that it would take at least two years to make my ship. Well I had the time. It is not like I am in a hurry. And I would need a new crew for my ship. Or maybe I could take 2 to 3 people from every ship that was a Manderly ship. Yeah that sounds good. And when we are richer then I will think about the copper sheathing. For now I will focus on my lessons and training.

One other thing I was focusing on was the distillaries and the breweries in White Harbour. With my allowances and some extra from my mother I was buying every distillary in the White Harbour. Well my plan was to be the only distributor of alcohol in White Harbour. After that all of my lands and my vassal's lands. Only after that all of the North. Well it was a slowgoing operation. But only because I didn't have much of an opportunity to leave White Harbour.

In the last two harvest we had in the North, I was just born it seems in the first one and there was a fucking war going on. So it makes sense to not have a harvest feast while there was a war. The other time was that since I was still young and the only son of my late Lord Father, mother didn't send me. I think she did the right thing. Because in all the fanfictions that I read, when the main character is young and on the road the wildlings or the bandits attack them. I think I will pass it off but thanks. So mother sent my uncle as a representative. So all is good.

Whatever where was I? Oh yeah distilarries and breweries. I am trying to be the only distibutor around. In White Harbour I already did it. Well according to the reports I keep getting from my distillaries, the brewery I have near the Wolf's Den is popular for its thick stout in Ibben and Braavos. Other than that we make brown ale, mead and yellow small beer. Those are usually consumed locally. And the strong northern ales were a favourite of Good Queen Allysanne Targaryen according to the books I read of Master Harmond. And not much but we also make hippocras as well. But we usually sell it in small amounts and only to the rich merchants in the city. That my be the reason we make it in small amounts.

But it seems that there are no liquors made in Westeros. And only a few in Essos. Since liquors are just a stronger kind of beer maybe I could be the only distributor in Westeros. But at first I need to make some of my workers figure out the correct recipe and process. But since I already buy every different kind of fruits and vegatables or the wheat and of its kind in the markets that is not grown here, I can try to make every kind of beverage.

Not only that though in a few of the farms I bought around White Harbour, I use the hired smallfolks to try to grow the things that is not seen in the North. Since I started this process just a few months before I am still waiting for results. Anyway lets go back to the alcohol. It seems that mead is another favourite of the smallfolk since it is cheap amd easy to use. That means that I can keep the smallfolk happy with my control of mead prices. Another thing I wanted to produce was cider. Yet the market was dominated by Cider Hall in the Reach. One of the places I have here produced it. And I planned to use it to sell to the people who were not rich or poor. It would do just fine. But it wouldn't as good as the Reach's. But one thing I was not surprised about was the North not producing wines. Since grape couldn't grow in the North. Well it could but only in the glasshouses and it wouldn't be worth it.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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