

For the lively people of London, today was an ordinary day. Steam powered cars ran through the streets as people commuted to work in the tall, sleek multiple story buildings and factories. The trolleys and buses took men and women with more time on their hands to their private businesses. The shops of London opened and the civilian-grade transport airships flew overhead, bringing new people to see the industrialized city of London everyday. Newspapers were passed around and the daily news of impending war passed over most Londoners' heads. It however, did not pass over one boy's head.

Erik Thomas most definitely heard this news for he was enlisting in the British army starting today. Most people would question why the bright, young Erik would enlist. He was an honor student, passing his school exams with flying colors. He was set to be a useful and important steam industrialist and engineer. Moreover, he was half-Korean and was raised with Asian culture.

So why would he enlist for the British army? The answer could be found in his family tree.

"Mother, you're sending me to certain death! War is on the horizon. Anyone can see this, and you want me to enlist for the Army?!"

"You don't need to enlist for the Army. There's also the Air Navy and Armored Corps."

"Oh yes, because dying in an airship or land-ship is any better."

"Your grandfather fought back in the Second Imjin War and his father before him served in the Korean military for 40 years. Both of them told me that war is terrible. I know what kind of things are happening, and I have an idea of what you will have to go through."

"Then, why! This is absolutely pointless!"

"Because they both also said that no true man could not serve in the armed forces. They said that military service should be mandatory, and indeed it was, back in Korea. So why should you be the baby of the family."

"This is Britain. Why should I enlist for the sake of ancestors I barely knew?!"

"Your father was British you know." she pointed out.

Erik did not, could not, say anything. His father served in the military as well, before a freak accident with his Goliath had killed him and and his entire team instantly. He had few memories of his father as he was only six at the time, but they were still very dear to him. Once he was old enough to understand his mother's loss, he promised to always take care of her.

Erik's mother was a playful spirit. She didn't get mad easily and often got along with others, but Erik always worried that someone may take that kindness and use it against her. (This was not the case of course. Erik's mother was kind, but also deadly intelligent and a black belt in Taekwondoe, a Korean martial art, but Erik was unaware of this.)

In fact, he was not against the military because he was worried for his own life but worried for his mother's health if he left. He was quite sure that his intellect would lead him to survive, whether that was arrogant, true, or both, was beyond the point. In the end this last argument was pointless and purely for attitude; he had already prepared to enlist since his 18th birthday last year.

"I'll stay for the four years that are required after enlisting, but you have to take care of yourself."

"Take care of myself? Ha! Says the child who never brought home any friends. You should really get some and maybe a girlfriend when you're in service," said his mother slyly with a smirk.

Erik was an intelligent boy. He had always brought home top scores and placed in the top ten in the national boards for his exams. However, he was also unsocial. Not antisocial per say, he just didn't see the point in making any friends.

"Alright, alright. I'll try to make some friends. (Sarcasm) Now, I'll go get my stuff."

"I already packed your stuff; they're at the door."

"Ah, I got it... So then, I'll make sure to try to visit on holiday."

"Yeah, yeah. Get a move on soldier. Bring glory for your ancestors."

"Ha, ha... Goodbye."

"Goodbye son," his mother said before embracing him one last time.

After Erik stepped out of the homey one floor house, he headed towards the nearest enlistment center. These centers weren't exactly everywhere, but you didn't have to try hard to find one. The British military was undoubtedly not hiding the fact that they were mobilizing forces for the impending conflict. As Erik walked the busy streets on London, he said his goodbyes to the few people in the shops he visited.

"Well, let's hope the military isn't as boring as this place."

As he made it an enlistment center, he filled out some forms for his age and home. He was planning on sending over money no matter how much his mother said no. He knew better than anyone that he wouldn't do much with it anyway. Now as for which part of the British Army he would join. Although he could join the army or marines without taking any tests, he knew he could ace any test on steam tech, so he chose the Air Navy. After all, the Air Navy is where Britain's Dreadnought-class behemoths were.

Erik stopped.

"Heh. If there's one place I want to be, it would be on a Dreadnought. After all, who had ever heard of a British Dreadnought being downed. Sure, the French Behemoth had been taken down before, but that was a land-ship."

He filled out forms for the Air Navy and was sent to a testing area. After passing the tests with flying colors, even the physical tests - he was a young man after all - , he was given a uniform and told to wait for the next airship with his fellow enlisted peers.

"I'm a soldier now... That was easy."

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he saw someone looking in his area. He looked around and realized that he was looking at him.

"Hello. Do I happen to know you?"

The other man looked at him strangely.

"Aren't you Erik Thomas?"


"And you enlisted?"


"Do you really not know me?"

Erik thought hard for a moment before realizing something about his face.

"Were you in my class back in school?"

"Yeah, I sat next to you last year."

"Oh, well I'm very sorry for not recognizing you sooner. What's your name?"

"Name's Roger. So you of all people enlisted. Would've thought you would become an industrialist with your grades?"

"Me, too." He rolled his eyes in his mind.

Roger looked at him confused.

"Well, I guess we're going to the same place. Let's get along."


"He seems like a good guy," he thought.

"I mean he didn't get mad when I couldn't even recognize the guy who sat to me last year... Come to think of it, I don't remember anyone from last year."

As he pushed the depressing thought down, the airship had come to take them to the Air Navy center at the port city of Dover. Dover was right up against the English Channel. It was also the closest place to France on the southern side of the British Isles.

Erik looked down at the city of London one last as the transport airship rose from the ground.

"Hey Roger."


"Why'd you enlist."

"Was bored."


Erik thought about his answer. He didn't want to enlist, but it wasn't like he wanted to do anything else. He wasn't strapped by his ancestors, yet he didn't follow his own path either. Then, he thought back to his mother.

"Did I enlist solely for her sake?" He pushed the thought down.

"I guess I was bored too."

"Hmph." Roger regarded him with a light nod.

Erik lulled about for a bit before they arrived in Dover.

"I wonder why my ancestors served in the army?"

The first and second Imjin wars would be enough for a Korean to want to protect their people. If we hadn't won the second Imjin war, the Empire of Japan might've done worse atrocities to us than the natives of Hokkaido which Japan won in the Russo-Japanese War. Erik put the thought aside.

"No use thinking about what-if's anyway."

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