
Before Our Spring

One Shots about EXO's ff

NakedTato12 · Kombinasi musik
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

My Poem For You

Kyungsoo was Baekhyun's definition of love

Kyungsoo was the definition of losing for Baekhyun.

Baekhyun didn't know how many hours he had been looking at that white paper on his wooden desk, hotel room facing the beautiful sea of Italy, Baekhyun also didn't know how long he would last in the same situation but something he took for sure was that, despite all the pain, Kyungsoo was the definition of peace in his troubled heart.

Look at the glass of wine that rested in front of the white paper, still intact because he understood that no matter how much wine he drank and no matter how intoxicated with liquor he was, he would only have Kyungsoo in his mind and it was better to resist the pain of the letters, than for the liquor. The young artist looked at the window with regret and realized that the moon was watching him with regret, wanting to push him towards Korea, next to Kyungsoo, in that beautiful bed they shared in his luxurious apartment.

But the moon knew that there were still wounds to heal and the moon let those lovers suffer separately, Baekhyun stood up and went to the window leaning his elbows on the frame of it; he looked at the moon for answers but the moon didn't know what to say, she could only observe.

Baekhyun rubbed his eyes with the palms of his hands and remembered Kyungsoo's smile, he remembered that time when both of them were still lying in bed, on a cold Sunday in December, with their legs entwined together as they shared sweet kisses.

"It tastes like strawberry," Kyungsoo had said between kisses while smiling, he had his head resting on Baekhyun's thin arms, a feeling similar to being at home.

Baekhyun also remembers the special breakfast Kyungsoo had made for him, he remembers the pained look on the big-eyed man, he can also remember how adorable he looked in his beige sweater and white pajama pants.

Baekhyun was being attacked by all those beautiful memories created with Kyungsoo in Korea, he knew that since he was in Italy it was the only constant in his days, it was also constant the fact of looking at those white sheets that rested on his desk. They had been there since he had arrived in Italy, there he planned to write something to overwhelm the feelings that overwhelmed him on that paper, that innocent empty paper.

Baekhyun left that hotel room before his memories drowned him in pain, but even away from the hotel room or Kyungsoo, the memories were as constant as that beautiful moon that looked at him with pain. He calmly sat in a hammock in the hotel garden, from that place he could see the beautiful view of the sea being illuminated by his faithful companion.

Kyungsoo and Baekhyun had loved each other until this gloomy moment, but when words aren't said and feelings are kept in a box, there will always be a Pandora willing to open it and the results will hurt the deepest of the heart. They're both hurt, Baekhyun watching the sea while he remembered his love and Kyungsoo in that bed they had shared so many times.

While Baekhyun looked at the sea, Kyungsoo looked at the moon through the window of his luxurious apartment, he wore pajamas warm from the cold of January but he still felt cold, he had not felt this cold so much because Baekhyun was always willing to hug him tightly in these times of the year, but Baekhyun had run away without hearing anything he had to say to him. The misunderstanding of that December 31st had caused a mess that he wanted to fix but he couldn't do when his love was so far away.

On December 31, they're celebrating at Yixing's house in China, there was too much liquor and too many feelings hidden inside both men, rotten feelings that made each other's jealousy act at will to cover up the truth.

Kyungsoo was jealous of Chanyeol for being so close to his lover and Baekhyun for Kai for showing so much interest in Kyungsoo, two simple actions caused the deepest pain in both men's hearts.

Chanyeol put his arm around Baekhyun's slim shoulders and brought him very close to his body, but for jealousy there is no reasoning and it may be the worst mistake to get carried away by the heart in these cases but no one warned Kyungsoo, the man The big eyes brought Kai so close to him that from their angle Baekhyun looked as if they were kissing, and Baekhyun thought about it before finding out if he was seeing from a bad angle.

"I don't wanna see you again in my life," Baekhyun had shouted that night, making the rest of his friends look at them in alarm, causing Kai to paralyze due to the misunderstanding "Fuck off, Kyungsoo" Baekhyun said angrily to Kyungsoo . He took his jacket and left Yixing's apartment.

Kyungsoo sat on the couch, now thinking about the big mistake he had made and drinking, drinking destructively as Junmyeon and JongDae comforted him with regret. On the other hand, Minseok had gone after Baekhyun and let him cry deeply on his shoulder, both men greeted the new year with pain.

Those memories still make Kyungsoo's heart ache, the man still doesn't know where Baekhyun fled to but he knows that if he stares at the moon, maybe Baekhyun will too.


Baekhyun woke up sore in the bed of that hotel, despite the fact that Italy is very hot, think that Kyungsoo is probably cold now and is dying to hug that small body.

He still remembers the explanation that Minseok gave him about that misunderstanding, if Baekhyun had been a few centimeters more to the right he would have noticed that there was never a kiss and perhaps now he would be with Kyungsoo, but the man needed time to know how to get closer after forceful words that he shouted a little intoxicated in China. The man was aware that he had do something special to be able to get closer again, but he believed that Kyungsoo didn't want to see him again because when he left Yixing's apartment, he didn't follow.

With flowered shorts and a white shirt, he went to the small cafeteria that was a few meters from the hotel, there he had a little chocolate with toast and for the first time he had inspiration. On the napkin on the table he wrote down his feelings in the form of a poem, a special poem for Kyungsoo.

He wrote it all down.

Returning to his hotel room, he continued writing his poem, a beautiful love poem in which he expressed all his love, the poem soon spread over three page and if he wanted, he could sing it in the form of a ballad.

When he had finished his poem, Minseok called out to him:

"How have you been?" Asked the older one with curiosity.

"I want to go back," Baekhyun declared and, even if he hadn't said his mood, Minseok could know that he was ready to face the problem. "Hyung," Baekhyun called the older one, "Could you get me a ticket to go home?"

Minseok just finished his call with Baekhyun, he booked a flight for Baekhyun to come home that same day, Baekhyun packed all his things and prayed to the moon that everything went well, with much love he kept his poem in a place son close to his heart and came home.

Baekhyun was at the door in front of the apartment he shared with Kyungsoo and underneath it he passed the pages with his love poem and he wait

Kyungsoo when he saw the pages, he took them with great curiosity and began to read them, the shameless tears rolled beautifully down his cheeks as he felt how his heart constricted and tightened on his chest, he put his hand on his chest while reading that love poem , which could be song or could be art. When he finished reading that writing, he quickly approached the door of his apartment and opened it in a hurry.

His eyes met a tanned Baekhyun, he was wearing black pants with tennis shoes and a large black jacket, he was wearing a wool hat and gloves that protected his hands from the cold. Kyungsoo's body froze like Baekhyun's, both men looked at each other and you could feel in the air how much they loved each other, needed each other.

When both of them were out of their shocked state, Kyungsoo threw himself into Baekhyun's arms and pressed his lips to those of the taller boy in a strong kiss, Baekhyun cradled Kyungsoo's body with his own and finally felt like he came home.