
Before F.R.O.N.D.E.R: Epilogue

A US Marine and two other US Soldiers got to another world when they were working on an operation, caused by the strangeness of the location's phenomenon. They got there. These modern military personnel shortly managed to make progress in that world, and become the Lords of a Kingdom named Warsaw. However, that Kingdom's about to have a war...  This story's available on Wattpad, Scribblehub, Royal Road, Webnovel and the newly added app Inkitt.

Biller2005 · Fantasi
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94 Chs

C252: Realize (Part 2)

Chapter 252: Realize (Part 2)


Shera Rigen's perspective

Japan - Tokyo - 7:49 AM

August 31st, 2060








After our breakfast, we took a little rest time in the hotel before deciding to do something else. According to plan, we would make a little part way before gathering at the hotel to wait for the escort from Lt. Seeley to Okinawa.

Sarah and Hatano (Or I should say Sarah only) is now going to Yasukuni. Her older sister decided to stay, sigh. Well, Seeley is escorting Sarah to Yasukuni shrine. Hatano will be joining her later.

About us. I proposed a short walk in the street, alongside my dear husband together. We're doing it now, enjoy our time together. We are now walking in a residential zone or something, it's empty.

Maybe the people here have gone outside to work in the morning so their houses are mostly closed. The street we're going is quite empty, seems to be only us around. The scenery here is so lively to look at. I can feel the place's peacefulness while walking with my husband.

About Reimi... that bitch is now locking herself in my hotel room. She'll be waiting for us to return, deserves her. Hmmph... I wonder what would I do in these free hours to enjoy my time with John.

We'll be going to Okinawa island in the late time. So I want to spend my precious time to make up, and be intimated with my husband once again... I love him.

"John...". - After a short time walking in my silence, I finally spoke up to John

We walk on the road slowly, enjoying its silence and beautiful scenery. I walk with my husband, wrapping his hand to make up with him. Honestly I'm a little bit sleepy at this moment. But I think I will be okay, especially when my husband is now with me.

John doesn't reply to me at all, he just hugs my waist as tight as possible. Both of us stare at each other while walking on the road, we don't blink.

Hmmmm... I want to heat up my relationship with my beloved husband. Though he cheated on me, I love him more than anything in my life... only one apology from him is enough. Now I'm waiting for him to apologize to me. John... please apologize, I've already forgiven you, so please do it!

"Uhhh...". - John hesitated a little bit. "You seem to be sleepy, did I trouble you so much last night...?". - He hesitantly pulled me closer to him, putting my face to his chest as if to let me rest

"I'm sorry for making you sad and uhhh...". - John stopped walking, he just hugged me. "Please, Shera... please don't leave me, I love you very much so please don't... uhhh". - He lowered his face, feeling remorsed for cheating on me

It's good when my husband regretted it. This is a good time for us to re-tie our relationship, to heat it up. Hmmmm... I hold his hand gently, I gaze at my husband deeply, gasping. I peek at his injured ring finger, poor John.

However... my bite mark on his ring finger is so gorgeous to me. It's a proof that shows everyone that my hus belongs to me forever. Now it's injured, but I will heal it soon. I feel my husband's warmth, I put my left hand on his chest.

"Kiss...!". - I silently gave him a sweet kiss. "I forgive you... please only be with me, John". - Before he could open his mouth, I led my husband on the road ahead

"Thanks for understanding me, Shera... ummm". - John grabbed my hand tighter. "You need anything to make you feel happy or... uhhhh? Well, I will do anything".

"Only you is enough, John". - I gently replied to my husband, then we kept walking

Maybe it's time for us to return to the hotel. My purpose for having a street walk with my husband has now succeeded nicely. We will surely have a nice time together in the next hours to come, hehe. I cannot wait!

"Let's get back to the hotel, I'm quite sleepy...". - I suggested John return to the hotel with me

"Yeah, if you say so...".

Both of us slowly turn around and walk back to where we went earlier. We are now hands in hands, deeply in love with each other, no separation can stop us at all. Now I need a short nap, then I will get up. I want to intimate with my husband once again.

"I want to tell you something, please don't be upset, Shera".

"?". - My husband wants to confess to me something?

"She's truly devoted to you, she only wants the best things for us and our future children, that's the true person of Reimi". - Again, please stop saying good about that slut, John!

"Hmmph, tch...". - I tried to hold my anger back, but I accidentally squeezed John's hand too hard

"Please listen, just a little bit more... just a little bit more".

"From the start to the end, only I commit shit to make you feel pain, Shera". - John patted my head, trying to explain to me. "Please don't blame her, I'm the one who has the fault here, not her...". - I know, John! I know you make sins... but I only want to widen my hands with you!

"Please give her a second chance... she doesn't make any fault at all so...".

"Shut up...". - I lowered my face, squeezing his hand harder than ever

John doesn't say anything else against me anymore. Silently, we go on the road without saying or looking at each other, we just simply walk. Hmmm... not good, nothing is according to plan. My husband is still thinking about that woman, not good at all.

I need to erase her from his mine forever. I can't kill her. Then I must cleanse John's mind by caring and loving him more. I wrap his hand harder, sniffing his scents.

"Kiss...". - I kissed John fastly, then walked with him without saying anything

"Uhhh...". - John wanted to confide or something, but he stopped it at the last moment

On our way walking back to the hotel, I feel something... odd, unnerving. I sense that something is making me feel very annoyed, but I cannot tell what that thing is exactly. John doesn't seem to know what is it. My husband cannot sense that unnerving thing.

"What's wrong?". - John stopped moving as he saw me nervous

"Do you feel something odd about this place, John?". - I looked around, at every corner of the street to find out what is that thing

"I feel something odd too... cannot say what it is". - He did sense that unnerving thing

"Maybe this place is so silent and empty so...". - I replied to John in my nervous voice

Yeah. Maybe I feel nervous because of walking in a strange place without people. But now I just want to go back to the hotel soon. No saying, my feet move on their own and I lead John with me.

I return to the hotel with my invisible fear. I look around the street, checking every house, every corner to make sure no one is around us. Somehow that unnerving feeling hasn't gone out of our sensation yet. Not good at all.

"Keep moving like that, Shera... don't look back...". - All of sudden, John reminded me to do that oddly

"Eh?". - I moved slower, but he later pushed me to go faster

"I forgot to turn on Advisor... someone is stalking us...". - What?!

"That stalker behind us, just keep walking, ignore him...".

Both of us keep pretending to be normal by walking back to the hotel without caring about the thing behind us. Walking for a while, we haven't seen a person in the street yet, oh no. Hmmmm... I peek behind a few times. I only see a dark figure showing up and hiding, that's a person, a stalker.

That thing hides behind the poles and the trash cans every time we move far a certain distance away. I later keep my eyes on the road for safety. Peeking at my husband, I realize that his face is very, quite nervous. He's scared.

"Remember, Shera". "When you're being followed by something, move to the crowded area, mix in the crowd and go away, fast...". - He reminded me, guiding me to deal with this situation

"But there are no people in the street... what should we do?". - I'm so stupid to choose a quiet place like this to make up with my husband!

The way to the hotel is away from us about less than 10 minutes of going on foot. However, that area is also a quiet one. This stalker will surely do something to hurt my husband and me, no way. Hmmm... I must find a weapon to kill that man.

I hold the backup key of our hotel room. I can use its sharp point to stab the man, I hope. Hmmmm... I pull out the key, holding it tightly. My husband suddenly stops walking.

"Stay here... run if you have to, alright?". - John put his hand on my shoulder, reminding me to run away

"Wait... what are you doing?". - I followed my husband, but he forced me to stop

"Only one in this area... he won't stop stalking us". - John later turned around, walking back to where we went. "Alright...? I'll deal with him myself, don't worry".


"They will immediately flee from big guys, he'll surely run when I come to him".

"It's dangerous".

"I know...". "But if I don't do it, you'll be in danger...". - Done saying, my husband kept walking on that roadside

Then he stops, pointing his eyes at a corner of the left side house. The stalker must be hiding over there, I think.

"Hey! I know you're there!". "Come out, right now!!!". - He roared, scaring the stalker

Although being warned by my husband, I keep approaching him silently. I reach John when I am just away from him about 1 meter from behind, very close to him. Hmmmm... I will be protecting John. I must be brave, I can do it myself!

Surprisingly, a dark figure silently comes out from the wall's corner. The stalker comes to us, walking and then stops as he reaches a pole. Now we are away from that man by about 5 meters. Good.

I glance at the stalker slowly. He happens to be a very young man with a slim body, wearing a black hoodie. Somehow... his hood has covered his face. We cannot know if he is looking at us directly, or glaring at us.

His hands are now putting on his pants pockets. I look closely once again, I see he has a beard... very clumsy. Hmmm... I look closely, knowing that his zipper is wide open. How sick this stalker is, I'm quite anxious.

"He may be carrying some weapons, be careful...". - John told me to look out for this stalker, his pockets may carry a dangerous weapon

"Get the fuck outta here... you son of a bitch". - John grinded his voice, scaring the man. "I'll fucking kill you next time, now get out of my sight...". - John coldly threatened the stalker, glaring at him like glaring at a maggot

The stalker doesn't reply to John's threaten. He makes a stoop pose, then looks at us, he doesn't make any moves. Oddly, the stalker turns around when John glares at him once again. He slowly walks away till he vanishes from our sight, I'm so glad.

"That's it". - John wrapped my back and both of us returned walking back to the hotel

"You okay, Shera?". - My husband gently checked on me after the earlier incident

"Yeah... I was just a bit scared, sorry". - Now I'm sweating a little bit

"Do you feel it's okay to let him go like that?". - I could see that my husband was shaking a little bit, he did scare of that mysterious stalker

"We'll be okay". - John peeked behind a few times to check on the stalker. "He's gone". - He checked on his Advisor's screen, then he put an airpod to his right ear

"Why did he...?". - I was also nervous, I also peeked behind to check on the situation. "Following us for no reason... why?".

"He must be some kind of pervert... Japan has lots of guys like him". - John pulled me closer to him, trying to make him feel safe with me. "I read a lot on internet, Japan has a shit out of perverts, it's normal in this country...". - He checked behind once again

"This is the future but they can't even solve this shit...".

Both of us slowly walk on our way peacefully. I try to erase that bad memory from my mind to have a good moment with my dear husband. However, John's face oddly grumbles slowly. He grumbles more, then he furiously turns behind with his raising fists.

"Shit! Run away! Run away right now!!!". - He yelled at me, asking me to run away


While waiting for my husband's reply, I spot something running at a very fast speed. I look in that direction, that's the previous stalker who used to stalk us. His running steps are coming at us speedily. He runs like an athlete despite having a slimming form, not good!!!

I sharpen my eyes, I see him pulling out a black thing that looks like a knife. John makes his fighting form, he fastly glances around to find a good object to be a weapon.

However, he finds nothing but his bare hands. The closest trash can is away from us about 5 steps of running.

"Reimi!!! Reimi, where are you?!!!". - I desperately called Reimi, asking her to show up, I yelled and looked around, hoping to see her

Then I realize... Reimi isn't here with me. I ordered her to lock herself in that hotel. Please no... I must do something to save my husband now. I must do it!

Haaahhhh... in a panic moment, I hand my husband the backup key. I raise my palm toward the runner.

"Waterballs!!!". - I casted a spell, aiming at the stalker

"Spurt! Spurt! Spurt! Spurt!". - After three seconds, four small boiled waterballs spurted out and targeted the running stalker

Three waterballs missed the target, oh no. With the final waterball, I control it by using my mind, I've mastered this basic magic skill after all.

"Urrrrrgggghhhh!!!!". - That stalker moaned in pain as his right shoulder was hit by the final boiled waterball

His hoodie's shoulder cloths start getting torn out because of the hot water. His skin starts burning, the stalker loses his balance, he has to slower his running speed. John approaches the man cautiously. However, he keeps his distance from the stalker.

"What are you doing? Kick his knife away!!!". - John kept his distance from the man or something, I can't understand!

"Slashes!!!". - The stalker suddenly slashed up his knife, but missed. "Slashes! Slashes! Slashes! Slashes! Slashes!". - He slashed more, rushing to my husband with a crazy speed of a runner

"John!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!". - I was very shocked when my husband was overwhelmed by the man

"Reimi!!! Reimi!!! Help!!!". - Once again, I follow my instinct to call for Reimi's help

Once again, I realize that she isn't here. My husband is struggling against the stalker. I am so hopeless and useless to dismiss my servant that stupidly... I need help!!!!!!!

I see John's clothes being slashed constantly when I worriedly check on his situation. The stalker runs up, and John manages to lock one of his hands, but not his crazy knife. Now the blade has John's blood, no no!!!

I rush to a nearby trash can, hoping to find something useful to fight. My husband is now bleeding, it will be very bad if I don't join to save him.

"Urrrrrgggghhhh!!!!!!!!". - All of sudden, I heard a painful moan as I managed to find a dropped magazine in the trash can to fight for John

I am surprised to see the stalker lying on the ground. His face, specially his nose, is terribly bleeding, as if his nose is broken. I rush to my husband, I hug him but he pushes me away forcefully.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!". - John kicked the stalker's belly powerfully. "Urrrrrgggghh!". - His right eye was beaten, the stalker moaned painfully. (Please... please s-, ahhhh!). - His chest was crushed by my husband's leg

"Alright alright alright...". "Haaahhhh... haaahhhh... haaahhhh... haaahhhh...". - John gasped tiredly, he grabbed my hand and headed to a corner

My husband picks up something, I glance at it and it turns out to be the knife of that scary stalker. Its blade has John's blood, it's so bad. John puts the knife in his pocket, he keeps his eyes on the collapsed man while escaping with me in a hurry.

"You're bleeding, John!!!!". - Running with John for a short line, I noticed that both of his forearms were bleeding

I stop John from going. I pull his shredded sleeves up, and they show me my husband's injured forearms. Both of his forearms had been slashed very badly, I feel bad for him. I want to touch his forearms but I stop it. My hands are now full of bacteria that I had from looting the trash can during that incident.

(This is the Police! Stay where you are, right now!!!). - All of sudden, a loud voice sounded right in front of us

I can also hear an odd sound that's called "siren", but this one seems to be very difficult to hear. I hear the running sounds of a thing that my husband calls "motorbike". We look at the road ahead, and see a man in a blue uniform riding a white motorbike. He comes to us.

He wears a dark blue uniform, as if he comes from a well-organized foundation. He has a white metal helmet that has a dark face protector made of glass. The man comes down from his motorbike as he reaches us about 2 meters.

"He's a policeman, a cop... you remember, right?". - Yeah, whatever you taught me, I remember carefully, John

Then the blue-uniformed man before me is a Japanese policeman. From what I know, "Police" is a law enforcement organization in John's world. He is a JP cop.

(White men?). - The cop was surprised to see us, he put his hand on his chin, doubting

"Are you okay, John?". - I checked on my husband to know if he was alright

"It hurts like shit...". - John grunted, trying to hold his pain and gazed at the JP cop

"Hey, officer... we don't know Japanese so uh...". - While talking to the policeman, my husband suddenly looked behind for no reason

I look behind, and see the stalker running away from the area miserably. The cop passes us, gazing at the injured stalker instead of checking on my husband. Hmmmm... how careless this policeman is. They should be working cleverly and fastly, not this slow and careless.

"Shit... tch". - My husband suddenly swore, he clicked his tongue as if he sensed something bad ahead

(I'm from the Police Department). - The cop later blocked our way, he pulled out a wallet thing that had a yellow crest placed on it, as if to introduce himself to us

(I heard beatings in this area while patrolling here so I went to check...). - He put his wallet in his shirt's pocket, then examined me and my husband. (And it turns out to be like this...). - He gazed at us doubtfully. (Hmmm... may I check on your pants, Mister?).

"Here, we're innocent...". - John pulled out the bloody knife from his pocket, and handed it to the policeman

(Hmmm...). - The cop examined the knife, checking its blood and its sharpness. (Seems like there was a small fight here). - He gazed at us, speaking to us by using Japanese, a language that both of us couldn't understand even a word

"My wife and I were followed by that man, he hurt me...". - John tried to explain to the policeman by using English. "Trust me, officer, we're innocent, let us go".

"Please bandage him, he's wounded". - I begged the cop, but he only looked at us with his doubtful eyes

(You're injured, mister... it looks serious). - He later put the knife in a clean bag, then stored it in his shirt. (Whatever happened, you two need to come with me to the station to take the testifies). (To be honest, I hate to say this, but foreign criminals in Japan are increasing quite a lot in these years).  (I hope you two are not them).

(I'm just doing my job so... have to follow all of the instructions, my apologies). - The cop bowed to us for no reason. (Whatever happened, I need you two to come to the station for taking the testifies). - He later looked at the residential area. (I'll also check on CCTVs of this place too).

"You understand?". - Finally, the cop had finally spoken some English words. "Go... the station... follow me... uhh... testify... follow me". - The man made some hand signals, he was very bad at English so... no way!

"Shit...". - John glanced at the man's wrist, he didn't see the man's Toolwatch

(Excuse me, Sir). - All of sudden, a woman's voice came out from behind us

She pushes us away and approaches the young Japanese policeman. Somehow that is Hatano, she suddenly shows up. She talks with the policeman in her fluent Japanese, she even pulls out something.

Ohh... she pulled out her Advisor, why?

But I stay silent to observe Hatano's actions. She shows to the cop a video of something, or that's what I can explain. After watching the entire video, the Japanese policeman bows to us oddly. He later jumps on his motorbike, and drives it away from the area.

"Why the fuck are you here?". - My husband doubtfully asked Hatano

"Walking around... scanning stuff... spotted the stalker... showing up to save you...". - Hatano answered us curtly, no respect toward us

I temporarily neglect their dialogues, but go on to check my husband. I pull down his sleeves, hoping to do something to heal his wounds. John stares at Hatano doubtfully, both of them later go silent. I need to heal John.

I can see that the blood from the cut sides of John's forearms is now starting to get dried. But even when the situation goes better, John stills need to be healed. Hmmmm... I must get him somewhere. Hatano may be able to help us right now.

"Hatano, we need to help John, right now". - I asked his subordinate to help him

Then, I gently aid John in walking, I hold his injured forearms, hoping to help him. Hatano nods to me, the three of us move on. Please be alright, John, now I'm very concerned about you...

















8:44 AM

It's been a while since the previous incident. Hatano had led us to a nearby hospital to cure John's wounded forearms, and it ended well. She later neglected us and headed to the Yasukuni shrine all by herself. Both of us went back to the hotel and decided to remain there for the next hours.

We're now in our room, sitting on bed. My husband's injured forearms are now full of cloths, he's getting better. However, I feel so guilty for making my husband be like this miserable. He could've been safe, not this wounded!

"Hey, don't worry, don't worry, Shera...". - He tapped my head, gently asked me to calm down

"I'm sorry, John, I could've done something better but I couldn't...". - I apologized to my husband, I also checked on him a few times to make sure he is fine

"People would run away in that situation... but you didn't, it's the past now". - John unpleasantly glanced at his right forearm.  "They're just light cuts, I was very lucky...".

"Why didn't you kick his knife from the start?". - Your strength was far enough to overwhelm that slim stalker but you behaved so strange

"In any situation, we must be careful with those who carry weapons, even if it's a knife". - John slowly lay on the bed, I aided him.  "He would rip off my calves if I kicked him, that was very dangerous".

"It's normal to get cut when you confront the attacker... shit...". - He felt itching or something, or pain.  "I'm fine".

"I hope you won't mind if I ask you to give me some silence, Shera... I wanna rest".

"Yes, of course". - I also have something to say to Reimi

I realize that I need her all the time with me. She could've done something better in that situation, I'm so hopeless. Sobs... sobs... I must protect John all the way. I'll temporarily ignore my hatred toward her, now I need her.

"John...". - I got close to my husband, to please him.  "Kiss...". - I gave him a sweet kiss, slowly felt his pleasure

"Please call me if you need anything, John". - I stepped down from the bed, I kept holding my husband's hand

"I'll be back, wait for me".

I slowly come out of the room. Right after I come out, Reimi can be seen standing on guard, she looks at me with her nervousness. Clearly to say, her nervousness is definitely of being worried about John... I hate her...

I tell myself to calm down, I start easing my mind and my body slowly. I look at Reimi, throwing my jealousy aside. Hmmmm... I forgot which time this is since the first time I forgave her. No no no no no, I must keep my jealousy aside.

"He is fine, he is now resting".

"I'm very sorry for not following you that time to protect your husband, my Highness... I'm so useless". - But I asked you to lock yourself in here, why did you keep blaming yourself, slut?

"Hmmph... we need to talk". - Then, I pushed Reimi to Sarah's room door to have a free space to speak with her

"Listen...". - I stopped moving, and stared at her straightly.  "Hmmm... tch, nevermind". - Remember... I must keep my jealousy aside! I cannot be that selfish anymore!

"I'll let off you, but for now".

"Thanks for your forgiveness, my Highness". - Reimi bowed to me deeply, she didn't dare to look up

"Just... uhhh...". - I must calm down, I must not be jealous.  "When it happened, I realized how important you were to me and my family...". - I looked away, trying to calm my voice down.  "Having you with me is very essential... incidents like the previous one are not allowed to happen again, not even once".

"Understood...". - She kept bowing, waiting for my order

"But do not cross me again...". - I grabbed her hair, squeezing it forcefully, pulling it up.  "Look at me and swear to me that you won't ever be close to my husband again...". - I wanted to choke her, but I calmed myself down

"Yes, I promise I won't ev-".

"Too low, say it louder and calmer...". - I pushed her, making her kneel on the floor.  "Say it... every time I look at you, more hater I am...". - Hmmmm... I must calm down, what I am doing...?

"Please, my Highness... I swear that I won't e-".

"Urrrrrgggghhhh!!!". - I grunted a bit, my hand uncountably grabbed her neck, thinking about killing her to make her die

"We must hurry up, sis!". - Suddenly, Sarah's voice from nowhere sounded out

I wake up from my deep and burning anger, I put my hand off Reimi's neck. I step away from her about 5 meters. Then, I inhale and exhale slowly, telling myself to be calm, not angry. I can do it.

"Oh, Princess!". - Her voice came out once again, then I heard her footsteps.  "Reimi... why are you there? Just stand up, here here". - She came before us, then grabbed Reimi's hand to pull her up

From my view, I see Sarah is in a little bit hurry. Her left hand holds a small white bag, containing something, huh? Must be food or some drinks.

"Sis, how can you be that calm?!!!".  "Hmmph!". - Sarah turned back to call her older sister, she ended up grumbling her face

"What are you doing, Lady Sarah?". - Reimi humbly asked Sarah in her low voice

"We were going back here from the shrine and she told me something... uhhh". - She put her hand on her head, feeling like having a headache

"How's about John? Is he...?". - She looked at us worriedly

"He is alright now, but is now resting in here". - I replied to her, I stepped to the door

"May I come in?". - Later Sarah showed me the bag, widening its inside space.  "Here, I bought some medicines for him so...".

"He needs silence, so please be quiet to not disturb him". - Then I opened the door slowly for Sarah to come in

"Thanks, Princess". - Sarah came in, but she gazed at her older sister, feeling frustrated.  "C'mon, sis... hmmph". - Then she came in, ignoring her uncaring older sister

"We'll talk again when I feel better, Reimi... now guard". - Shortly, I also walked inside

My husband's condition is more important, I must keep my jealousy aside to not trouble him. When John is fully healed, I must find a way to keep him with me forever. Reimi must obey me, but she also needs to stay away from my husband.

But I must learn to control my emotions first, especially when I get jealous. It's very important to end conflicts.

John Rigen's perspective

I wake up because of hearing the door opening. My wife may have come in to check on me once again, she's so soon. However, I get up and see Sarah approaching me from the door's frame. She puts the bag on an empty bedside.

"Commander, are you okay?". - She grabbed a chair nearby, then took a seat.  "Lemme...". - She grabbed my right forearm, pulling it closer to let her see detailedly

"It hurts, just do it softly". - She came back here from the shrine, huh?

"You okay, John?". - My wife later approached me, she checked on me

"How did you know, Sarah?".

"We visited the shrine till we returned, my sis told me when we were on our way...".  "Hmmph... how mean she was, she doesn't care about you at all". - She grumbled, feeling frustrated

"Hey hey hey hey... it hurts like shit, stop". - Sarah accidentally pressed my forearm a bit tight, making the wounds go bad a bit

"Oh, sorry sorry...". - She got her hand off mine, then grabbed the bag.  "Princess, may you give me a hand?". - Sarah asked my wife to help her, she slowly got to the desk nearby the bed

"What?". - My wife glanced at Sarah while checking on me

"I want to sort out these medicines for him, it takes time so please help me". - Sarah put the bag on the desk, she removed it and started pulling out medicine boxes

"Wait for me a bit... I'll come". - Then my wife held my hands tighter, checking on both of my bandaged forearms once again.  "You need to rest, John, please recover soon...".

"Kiss". - Shera kissed my cheek, she later left the bed to help Sarah on the desk

I stay in the bed, staring at two women sorting out medicines for me. I also want to help them, but I cannot. Maybe I should lie on the bed, stay there comfortably and ease my mind. I must rest well before going to Okinawa.

Then an odd footstep stops before my face, I look at that side to check. Turns out that is Hatano, she came in here, I couldn't even hear her walking footsteps, only heard once when she stopped them. This subordinate, huh? Somehow I suspect her a lot even though I don't have proof.

"How are you doing, Commander...?". - Hatano asked me coldly, she sat on an empty bedside

"Like shit...". - I gazed at her, trying to read through her mind by staring at her dark and empty eyeballs.  "You set it up? That stalker, huh?".

"Why do I have to?". - She looked away, staring at her little sister

"Then why you weren't with her that time...? You showed up in that very moment to help us, huh? Bullshit...".

"I was just... walking around... and met you". - Hatano made a short answer, she later looked at me.  "Seeley said... we would go to Okinawa at 6:00 PM, just one hour flight".

"Rest well... I have things to deal with, Commander...".

Hatano goes silent after speaking to me. She silently steps down from the bed and heads to the room's door. There, she comes out and closes the door. I stared at her as she walked away till she came out of my room.

My mind is quite unnerved when I haven't got the true answer of being followed by that odd stalker. She might've hired him to harm me, the Japanese cop might be just simply an actor to "slap" me. Hmmmm... however, I have no proof, I cannot do anything to accuse her.

I silently watch Hatano getting away from the room. When she is gone, I sigh a little bit, I try to ease my mind once again. I must lie on the bed to rest now, I'm so tired.

I later lie on the pillow, slowly easing my mind. I start thinking about things, Somehow the word "Yasukuni" appears in my mind, recollecting something I used to know. Hmmmm... Yasukuni, a shrine... it's so familiar, it's odd.

Yeah... I remember it now, finally realize it. From what I know, Yasukuni shrine is a controversial location in Japan. Although being a normal shrine, its purpose being built is to worship deceased soldiers.

The place is built to worship deceased Japanese soldiers, considering them as national heroes, the national warriors. Everything seems to be very usual, peaceful. But the shrine itself also worships some "Japanese Empire war criminals" of World War II.

That's why this shrine becomes a very controversial location in Japan. Hatano might be the person who proposed a visit to this shrine, I think... the crazy like her knows what to do. She has a mind of a fascist, no wonder when she visited those devils.

I later tilt my head to glance at Sarah. Poor girl, she seems to be doesn't know about this. An innocent like her, maybe just thought that she was going there to visit the Japanese soldiers who died in the Third World War.

Now I wonder what would we face when we get escorted to Okinawa island. Cawess and the Allied FRONDER are waiting for us, or so I thought. I wonder how NATO and other US military allies are doing. Being neutral...?

"Do you feel better, John?". - All of sudden, my wife came to me and checked on me.  "Please rest well, I'm worried about you". - She stared at me, hoping to do something good to please me

I later hear the door opening once again. A figure approaches my bed, and it turns out to be Reimi, clearly. She bows before my wife, making a humble pose as if to beg her approval. Shera glares at Reimi, very madly.

"Haaahhhh...". - My wife gasped out, she looked away.  "She comes to visit you, John... please... uhhh". - She was trying to calm down, her voice was still full of madness and jealousy

"Just... have a little time with her if it can make you please, John...". - My wife slowly left the bed, she tried to calm down her jealousy

I later see my wife approaching Sarah to aid her in sorting the medicines. Meanwhile, Reimi silently comes to me, she takes a seat. Then, she grabs my left hand, holding them as if to hope I feel better. I can see the sadness showing on her face.

"Hey... I'm okay".

"Thanks very much, Princess". - Sarah spoke up, putting classified medicines on the desk away from each other

My wife returns to me, she silently sits down on the empty bedside. Shera holds my right hand, holding it a bit tight since her love rival is now also appearing before her.

Both of them look at each other, trying to stay calm. Maybe I should change to hold both of my wife's hands instead of Reimi's. However, they seem to be calming down from what I see, or so I think.

"Pip!". - All of sudden, Sarah's Toolwatch got a call

"Hi, this is Sarah...". - Sarah answered the call.  "Seeley...? Okinawa, will be sooner?". - Sarah was a bit surprised when she heard the latest intel from the Lieutenant

So do I. I realize that we're about to go to Okinawa island. I wonder how would our fates go from now on, it's so blurred for us to predict.