
Becoming Sakura Haruno

Immortal_Sakura · Komik
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3 Chs

#3 Naruto ??!

The Next Day Sakura woke up feeling an aching pain in her muscles.

"Maybe I should not have done that yesterday, no stop bad brain don't make excuses this is a dog-eat-dog world, so toughen up."


Sakura just remembered that she forgot something yesterday and she hurriedly went to her book.

1- Find out if the filler episodes are real in this world -> Actions may change if real.

2- Somehow manipulate Sasuke into liking me.

3- Stay away from Naruto, or else Danzo will get you.

4- Improve Physical Condition and eat a proper diet.

5- Improve the Amount of Chakra I have.

6- Learn how to Control Chakra. (Leaf sticking, Tree Walking, Water Walking)

7- Learn how to use the Rasengan. Find Out Elemental Chakra Nature.

8- Try to not cause the end everything through the butterfly effect.

9- Learn about Sage Mode / Nature Energy

1- Go to the Academy.

2- Try to change the fangirl act.

3- Ignore Naruto

4- Go to the Library and figure out if the Fillers are Reality / Learn about the World.

5- Diet Change

6- Exercising

7- Leaf Sticking Exercise

"I knew it, I'm a big Idiot, why didn't I plan for this the Uchiha Massacre hasn't happened yet, I need to reorganize my plans I don't really have any time to properly prepare for it, I can't stop it."

'Sakura Calm down, lets go through today calmly, there is no need to stress about things you can do nothing about, you are not ninja Jesus, Naruto is.'

"Now to the weird part, taking a shower and wearing female clothing, I really need to get used to these things I am a woman now."

Sakura decides to go and take a shower trying to act as normal as she can, and she finishes cleaning herself and drying herself off she then goes to put on panties as she had no bra because well she is 7.

After putting on her Clothes, Sakura went downstairs and ate breakfast with her parents and they talked about useless things, she grabbed her Things and headed to the Academy.

'Whew now comes the real Deal, school… again, I hope it's not like it was on earth.'

Sakura walked inside of the Academy and went to find her classroom, where she saw Several other children that we're Already swarming Where Sasuke would usually sit down. Sakura decided to Just sit down somewhere Else and to Not Brother with the fangirls.

After a few Minutes people started coming in and that included Sasuke Uchiha. But When Sakura looked at the Emo kid, her heart skipped a beat and she almost lost control over her own body.

'Even if he's hot and cute that reaction was more than I expected, I need to be more careful.'

As Sakura started thinking about Sasuke, she started drooling a bit until Naruto got into class whilst being loud and thus snapped her back to reality.

'What was that ? I get we merged souls but that was terrifying, I guess Sasuke will forever be in my heart. But I know that he currently kind of hates me for my stupid fangirling, so I need to control myself. I am weak, if in the future I want to get him I need to get stronger first. Curse this stupid soul merge, everything is so awkward.'

Naruto "HAHAHA I came on time I'm the best!"

Naruto then rushed over towards Sakura's direction and stopped right before headbutting with her.

Naruto "Sakura can I sit next to you? pleaase?"

'Shit what to do, uh what would I usually do? Right!'


Sakura then proceeded to punch Naruto. What she forgot to remember was that she has never hit him full force before and thus she knocked Naruto down as he then staggered and fell flat on the ground before her and stopped moving. After several seconds Sakura realized something was very wrong.

"Uhhm Naruto are you okay ?"

Sakura got no response and the class around her was completely silent.

'Fuck Fuck Fuck I didn't kill him, did I ?'

"Please Move Naruto this isn't funny anymore."

Sakura proceeded to shake Naruto over and over again getting no response.

'Ah shit they are going to kill me, no ? I just killed the Jinchuriki, fuck Konoha I need to flee this village. Wait is the kyuubi about to be rereleased I don't remember how this works.'

Sakura kept looking around eventually landing on the happy face of her classmates as they seemingly reveled at the sight of Naruto's unmoving body.