
Chapter 13 - The Riled Army!

Seeing the masses kowtowing to him, Theo had never felt so pleased before in his life. His smile was so wide, extending from ear to ear, that if the villagers were to stop their kowtowing and observe his facial expressions, they would find out that it is similar to that of a demon lord's crazed look.

"Ahem! Dear villagers! There is no need for all these kowtowing! Please.. rise before your feet everyone!" Theo spoke with a troubled voice.

He finally stopped them from their actions that took quite a while for someone who looked troubled. However, eventhough he felt satisfied when the crowd began to plead to him, overtime he felt a little bit guilty and decided its not such a good thing to take advantage of the public.

He is after all, a man of high morals, or so he thought.

"There is no need to plead either, as I have made an oath to the heavens! Thus, shall i ensure everyone here to be safe and sound, and when the time comes for us to fight the devils, we will be more than just prepared!"

"And from now on, instead of calling me Revered Immortal Monarch, just revered Sir is enough."

"Also.. "


As his speech finally coming to an end, he turned his attention back towards the village head Samo.

"I have just been to the Great Forest to the West of this village, and fought some rabbits, are there any more dangerous creatures roaming around in that forest?"

When Samo heard this, he couldn't help but be amazed. That forest is quite dangerous and more often than not, those who ventured in wouldn't be able to made it out.

"Reverred Sir, Do you mean the [Mad Rabbits]?" asked the village head after a little thinking on his part.

"Yes, that should be their names." replied Theo.

"Ohh! although those rabbits isn't much, but their innate abilities to call upon their species when they die is a nuisance!"

"The Great Forest are literally crowded with the [Mad Rabbits], thus when you kill one, ten will come. If you kill ten, a hundred will come!"

As the village head spoke of the rabbits, he shake his from time to time and let out a sigh between several words. He explained that if not for the rabbits, the villagers could move more safely a little bit into the forest and gather some precious fruits for them to trade with the passing merchants to their village from the neighbouring Pearl Town.

The village head also recalled one time that in the past, all of the villagers pooled up their savings to hire some groups of mercenaries to clear the rabbits away. But in less than a month, the rabbits population seems to increase back to how it was before.

"In our frustration to their seemingly infinite numbers, we captured two of the rabbits of opposite sexes and put them in a cage to see how fast they multiply. In a mere one week, they produced more than 5 offsprings that matured in less than 3 weeks!"

As the village head reminisce on that part, he gritted his teeth and his voice sounds a little bit hoarse and anguish. Showing just how agitated he was towards the wild rabbits.

When Theo heard all the stories about the damned rabbits that caused him troubles in the forest before, at first he felt that it would be impossible to head further inside the forest without encountering those flocks of jumping things. Soon however, an idea rose to his mind like a light bulb suddenly being turned on!

"Since those rabbits could multiply in a mind-boggling numbers in just a month... And these villagers are malnourished... Aha!"

As he thought along that line, he couldn't help but to feel excited when he thought about the perfect solution to both of the problems he faced at once. His face twisted contortly showing the grinning smile of a scheming overlord. It soon disappeared though before any of the villagers could caught a glimpse of it.

"I have a plan." Theo spoke after contemplating for awhile.

"Tomorrow, I want at least 10 people who had experience fighting those rabbits before, to gather here in the morning!"

Theo then stood from his throne slowly, with the masses watching his every move. Finally standing upright, he clenched his right fist hard, before suddenly lifting it up into the air!

"We will hunt the rabbits!" Shouted Theo with a clear, domineering voice!

Issueing this order, the air around Theo suddenly turned to that of a veteran general of the battlefield, seeming as if he had already taken into consideration every single thing as his voice sounded firm and resolute!

When the villagers heard this, combined with the effects of the pressing aura Theo exudes standing on top of the Throne like their King, the hairs on their skin stood straight, their blood rioting, boiled and riled!

"We hear and obey!" shouted the masses in a complete unison seeming to instantly transform from meager peasants into that of an elite army that have been through countless battlefields!

"We will massacre those rabbits and their whole families! HUURAA!"

"Those damned rabbits dared to steal my carrots on my farm! I shall spank their a*s and uproot their homes and cook their wife! GRAAHH!"

"How dare those rabbits jump merrily around in the forest without a care in the world, when I had to live my whole life tilling the soil on my farm! Damn it all! Rabbits are the devils! YAAAHHH!"


A series of shrill warcries and shouts filled the main hall.

As of now, the crowd of villagers have turned chaotic and brazen in nature, seeming as if someone had knocked their brains so hard that it refuses to function properly. Some of the villagers even shred upon their own clothes and stood naked while shouting several warcries looking like a total lunatic. More and more started to become like a deranged person as they allowed themselves to swim in their pent up emotions that have frustrated them for so long!

If any of the royal armies were to witness this scene, their scalp would itch and their bodies would have the instinct to back away as far as possible. With the way these crowds of mobs shouting about like crazy with their eyes bloodshot ready to commit murder with a drop of a pin like zombies, perhaps even a city wall would be torn apart by their bare hands!

Looking at the crowd slowly growing out of control, as he saw a person started to ran around the halls punching the decorations around his house, Theo once again turned panicky as he tried to calm the public.

"P-people! C-calm down! The hunt is tomorrow! Save up your energy for tomorrow!"

"Ahhh! You! What are you doing?! Pull back up your pants! I don't want to see your little dong er down there!"

"Ahhh!! You there, stop thrashing my house! Put that fragile thing back where it belongs! Don't throw that to the ground!!"


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_Ram_creators' thoughts
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