
Chapter 30

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Did We Win The Game?

I woke up in a familiar room.

Right when I came into my senses I groaned, shutting my eyes again, tightly. I sucked in a deep breath as pain shot through my whole body. My whole upper body felt sore and weak and almost lifeless.

"Tiffany," Noah exhaled, coming over to his bed that I was laying on.

I squinted my eyes open as I looked at him. His hair was a disheveled mess, concern all over his face. "Hey, Ace." The words came out in a weak croak. I grinned at Noah who couldn't look more like a worried, sobbing mess even though he wasn't sobbing.

I wondered why the hell I was at Noah's house as I tried to sit up but failed when the pain shot through my all my limbs again.