

The wind blew, softly. The waves gently rise up and down. The sun, slowly coming to an end. Everything good, and everything bright, dims down. Once surrounded by friends; now alone on a beach. 

The pink hue in the sky was truly mesmerizing. I used to say I would wait to watch the sunset for the first time with my girlfriend, what a joke. 

It wasn't my fault.

This sand feels rough.

Eventually, my life will dim away too. Fade into nothingness.

This beautiful melancholic nature of life. 

That's how I would describe this scene. Dismayed yet mesmerized. Distraught yet jubilant. 

I was at a loss as to how to feel. 

It feels like everything I've worked towards is gone. 

"The beautiful melancholy of life" A magical voice came from the side of me.

"That's how I would describe this scene." 

A girl? I thought I was all alone.

"What are you doing out here all alone?" 

She asked a piercing question. I didn't really know why I was out here. 

"Not much of a talker?"

No.. I meant to say something. 

"Mind if I watch the sunset with you?"

I guess I won't be watching it by myself.

I used to want to propose to someone like this. 

Under the moonlit starry sky. No one else but the two of us.

Walking down the beach and just talking about life.

That's how I wanted to propose to her.

As like everything else in life, the sun dimmed out. Gone, until it will rise again.

I feel almost a comfort in that. 

No matter what bad happens today, the sun will always be there tomorrow.

The moon will always be there tonight.

But everything changes.

Your mom won't always be there to wake you up for school. 

Your friends will move on with life and might stop talking to you.

Your highschool sweetheart most likely won't be your wife.

But even despite all that. 

The sun will rise again, and it will set. 

Then the shining moon will rule the night.

That's one thing that will always stay the same. 

The moon came out of its chambers, and illuminated the night. A full moon tonight. 

"Say, would you like to take a walk with me alongside the beach?"

That sounds fine.

"Still aren't gonna talk are we?"

For some reason my voice won't come out of me.

We began to walk.

One step at a time.

"Do you have a dream?"

Like a puppy, my face lit up. Of course, I couldn't get the words out. 

"I'll take that as a yes." 

I wonder if she has any dreams. 

Oftentimes, our dreams are thrown to the wayside. 

We label them childish dreams and move on. 

They call them dreams, because they never come true.

But as our life's are dimming anyways, constantly fading away; we might as well enjoy it while it lasts.

Not wasting a breath on this earth. 

"I too, have a dream." 

I wonder what it is.

To be famous?

To be rich? 

To have everything she could want?

"My dream is to make people happy."


"Whether that be as a public servant, a comedian, a janitor, anything that will put a smile on someone's face." 

To.. make people happy?

I guess I never really thought about that.

Tears slightly swirled up in my eyes.

"Is it dumb? Haha." 

No it wasn't dumb at all. It just took me by surprise a little.

The ocean's whispers swelled, a symphony of waves. The night sky, a jet black cloak, embraced the world in its inky depths

"Wow. It's getting dark out here." 

It was quite dark, it was quiet, but yet here she still was; with a complete and utter stranger who hasn't said a word to her. 

She really was kind.

Not just nice. But kind.

"Say.. what's your greatest fear?" 

She turned around, and looked me in the eye. 

My greatest fear was to be left behind. 


In this dark, frigid, lonesome world.

Fading away by myself. 

With no one to spend my time with.

"I see. You don't need to answer my question."

It seems she saw the anguish on my face. 

"My greatest fear is that I haven't done enough."

What do you mean? Is what I wanted to ask. The words wouldn't exit my mouth.

My face screamed with curiosity.

"Curious are we? Hmm."

"Okay, I'll tell you. Under one condition."

I'm not a big fan of conditions. 

Or promises.

They tie you down to an agreement that you might not be able to follow through on. 

Then you must deal with the guilt of failing that person.

"If I tell you, you have to answer one question. Out loud. Got it?" 

Beneath the star-strewn tapestry of night, she danced playfully, a celestial dance, aglow in the lunar moon.. I stood enraptured, silenced by her grace, all I could do was nod my head.

"My greatest fear is that.. Someone will hurt themselves, or hurt someone else. Because of me. Because I said something hurtful to them once. Because I could have done something nice for them but didn't. I never want that on me again." 


That explains a lot. 

"Time for my question!" 

I wonder what she will ask. 

My darkest secret?

My trauma? 

If I'm single?

My number?

"How would you describe me in five words?" 

I hadn't known her for long. 

I didn't know much about her. 

Yet my heart strings were pulled in such a way.

Under the dark night sky 

Beneath the shining pearl in the sky. 

Dancing in the moonlight.

Basking in the luminescence.

Upon waves that dance like liquid light

By the effervescent waves.

The only words I could think of. 

"The beautiful melancholy of life"