1 Chapter 1 - I'm on a boat...

Bright, the light is so very bright on my closed eyelids. A groan escapes my throat as I start to break free from the last tendrils of unconsciousness. The next thing my still groggy mind realizes is that I must be on a boat. The rhythmic rocking has never made me seasick before but that is swiftly changing. Seagull cries, the scent of the salty ocean and the sound of thunder off in the distance await me as I belatedly open my eyes. As I open my eyes I hear voices that sound as if they're far off in the distance.

"She's waking up!"

"She's so beautiful!"

"She's really buff for a woman."

"Do you think she likes meat?"

"Shut up you meat for brain!"

I gingerly take stock in my surroundings and see that I am surrounded by a large number of people. A woman, or should I say, girl, looking roughly 16 years old, wearing a short mini skirt and tank-top with a strange orb object on her wrist. There are a few men, one is wearing black pants, black dress shoes, and a black vest type shirt. He's drooling for some reason... Another man is carrying three swords and holding a dumbbell. Finally, the last boy is wearing sandals, blue shorts, a red vest that is unbuttoned and has a straw hat on his head. I must be on their boat.

The boat tilts and so does my stomach. I rush straight to the edge and proceed to empty whatever was in my stomach back into the sea.

"Uhhhhggg, what happened, where am I?"

"This is the Grand Line, you're on our boat." said the girl.

"I'm Luffy, I'm the captain and the future King Of The Pirates!" the straw hat boy said.

Pirates? Am I on a pirate ship? That isn't good.

"Not this again! Why do you always say the same thing?! Can't you be normal for once?! You're going to scare her!" while saying this the girl is strangling the boy senseless. He seems to be alright so I'll just let them at it while I try to ignore the aftertaste in my mouth. She seems to realize my attention is on her and starts to grin abashedly. Whatever, I'll ignore it for now... As long as they don't try anything funny, it should be alright, I hope.

"I'm Nami, this is Zoro. That's Sanji and this is Chopper," Nami explained while pointing to each in turn. It looked like she pointed at air that last time but I'll ignore that for now because my stomach is still rolling with the deck.

She continues, "We found you floating in the ocean so we fished you out, do you remember what happened?".

"The last thing I remember I was with..."

I stand bolt upright.

"Did you find anyone else? Is there another girl here?"

"No, you were the only one we found," replies Nami.

"Where, what direction, how far!?" I gripped her arms firmly.

"Tell me, please!"

"It was about an hour ago to the east, but why do you..."

My actions cut her off as I crouched down low on the deck and slowly spun my body and arms around in a circle but... Nothing happened. I tried again. Still nothing. I tried punching the air. Nothing still.

"Why can't I bend!" my frustration and fear were gripped in my voice.

"Whoa calm down there, no need to get so excited. Why don't you tell us what's wrong?" she soothed.

"I was with someone, my friend, Asami. That's the last thing I remember, entering the Spirit World with Asami." I said. "I don't know how I got back to the Physical World. I wish it was this easy to leave all the time."

A small cowardly sounding voice speaks out, "She must be suffering from heatstroke.".

I glanced around but couldn't tell who was speaking.

"Who said that?"

A quick dart of movement out the corner of my eye catches my attention. I spot a small furry creature hiding behind a banister.

"I did," it said while shaking.

I turn to Nami and ask, "Do you have a doctor on board?".

"Yes, Chopper is our doctor, I just introduced him a moment ago," she replied.

"That's good, I think I'm going to have to see Dr. Chopper soon and maybe lay down. I'm starting to see talking animals so I think I might have heatstroke."

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