1 Chapter 1: Register and Goblins?

There were shadows moving about in a disclosure location.

A teenager standing with a mask covering his face and taking a odd pose.

There were also other men and a few women's surrounding the boy with all sorts of tools and weapons.

"It seems that these guys got the message." The boy said to himself while observing the goons.

"You gonna get it now kid." One of the goons said before charging forward with a iron sword.

That was when multiple shots were fired and the goon with the iron sword scream in pain.

He dropped on both his knees while holding his right arm.

Blood dripping down on the pavement ground as all the other goons were confused as to what happen.

Some of them even taking a step back from the boy.

"Theres no way that this pesky kid was able to do that!" One of the goons said who held a trash can and threw it at the boy.

Suddenly, the trash can was riddle with small holes and it flew backwards due to the impact of so many accurate hits by something.

Everyone looked at the trash can and saw holes in them.

"Wha-What is this kid!?" A female goon shouted before taking out a crossbow and aiming it at the boy.

The mask teenager took this chance to jump kick one of the goons on the chest.

While something was shooting at the other goons from placing a hand on the boy.

Before the female goon could finally get a shot with her crossbow.

immediately something shot her hands and the gun a dozen of times.

She scream in pain and notice the deep small holes in her hands and even crossbow that was destory to pieces that was on the ground near her feet.

"This kid is a freak! let's get outta here!" One of the goons said before making a run for it.

While that goon was running away, he thought he heard a couple of clicks under his feet for some reason before explosions erupted under his feet.

He fell onto the ground yelling in great pain while blood was squirting out of his exposed bone and flesh.

All the goons stop and saw what happen and started to retreat and run away as well.

The boy smiled and knew that they would do something like this and gave the signal to something in the shadows.

The goons thought that they heard Something like firing behind them but before they can turn around.

They were all hit by a dozen of rounds of small bullets and explosions afterwards.

Some died instantly and others died slowly, none of them were able to escape in time.

The boy heard heavy footsteps approaching towards the open Alleyway he was in.

"Shoot, it's the guards!" He said to himself before turning around and making a run for it.

The sound of heavy footsteps were getting closer until he heard the guards shouting.

"What the heck happen here!?" One of the guards shouted.

The boy made his escape and eventually got to his hideout.

He laughed to himself while sitting down and taking off his mask.

Revealing his face which was fair skin and brown hair along with hazel green eye on his left eye and blue on his right eye.

'It was fun!' He thought to himself before sheepishly smiling and showing his right fang tooth.

He sighed and laid down on his handmade bed.

"Bad Company!" He said in a commanding way and slowly sat up again.

Looking to his right and seeing a dozen of hand-held toy soldiers at attention with their rifle's position on their right side and quickly they all Saluted him.

"Hehe, yeah, I salute you all too." He said while saluting back and looked at every single one of them.

"Well, I'm going to sleep, it was a long day after all and finally getting rid of those goons that kept bullying me." He said and laid back on his back.

"Good night, guys." He said before drifting to sleep, The toy soldiers all looking at him in silence before disappearing into the shadows.

The Next Day...

"Eh... ehm..." He slowly open his eyes and noticed that it was day time and smiled.

Getting off of his handmade bed and took off his heroic dressing and change it into his usual clothing.

And started to leave his hideout and saw so many people walking about their own businesses.

He smiled and place both his hands into his pockets and walked into the busy streets.

So this is his story, A boy with a powerful Ablity named Bad Company.

'You know, this isn't so bad.' He looked down at himself and soon looked up at the sky in thought.

"Its time to finally become an Adventurer since last night was my birthday, haha!" He said happily and ran to the building he has been waiting to finally go and register.

He open the two doors of the building and notice many Adventurers wearing all sorts of armor and weapons and equipment that looked expensive.

The boy saw a female receptionist standing behind a table and talking to other adventurers happily.

He begin to slow his pace and walked towards the receptionist.

The woman notice a boy walking towards her.

'Not again.' She thought.

The boy finally made it to her and slam both his hands on the table with a beaming goofy smile.

"Its time for the day, I will become an adventurer!" He said with happiness as other nearby Adventurers watch the scene taking place and trying not to laugh.

The receptionist sighed to herself and turn around to get a odd ball device.

"Well, since you finally became 15 years old, let's see what this device say." She said with a bored tune in her voice.

"Yay! Woohoo!" The boy smiled across his lips and jump up and down with his hands out.

'Does he have any shame?' The adventurers nearby thought.

The boy place his hand on the ball device and it started to scan him.



[Ablity: BsodjkAdudwiD CixhOjdbMPbdheksnANY]

The receptionist noticed his ability was weird and the device ball seem to have trouble scanning it.

Other Adventurers were curious about this and took a quick glance with confusion on their faces.

Carter gave the receptionist a sheepis smile and chuckles at the reaction from everyone around him.

The Receptionist rub her back neck at the weird glitch and soon took the ball away and looked at the adorable boy.

"Alright, it's time for you to be register as an adventurer since you are finally 15 years old." She said before sighing after all these crazy times, Carter would come into The Adventurer Guild and bother the receptionist all the time, till she chase him out of the building, literally with a broom.

After he called her a grandma when she was literally 25 years old.

But for some reason, she wouldn't admit it to him, she was enjoying herself whenever Carter came by, she saw him more like a little brother she never had.

"Hey, receptionist, is there something on my face?" Carter asked with a concern look after noticing her staring at him weirdly which creep him out.

"Ah, sorry, I was spacing out about something, here this is your ID, it will immediately register your information but don't lose it, least you need to buy another one and it isn't cheap." She said to the boy with a serious Expression on her face.

"Sure thing! Thanks a whole lot! This is gonna be fun!" Carter said as he cheered out loud which caught the majority of the adventurers attention.

'Ah, reminds me of the time, I first register as an adventurer when, I was a kid.' The majority of Adventurers thought.

Before the receptionist can explain the ranking system, he already ran off and she sighs heavily and smiled a little.

He ran to one of the broads where he will finally start his first mission.

Carter soon ran out of the Adventurer Guild and did a quick dance which everyone saw with weirded expression while some kids laughed at his silly-ness.

The boy stopped and begin to run towards the exit of the village he was in.

And inhale and sighs with happiness while looking at the road leading to the outside world.

"This is gonna be cool!" He said to himself with his Bad company Ablity.

Two soldiers appears sitting on both his shoulders with their M16 and ready for combat.

Carter begin to walk on the road and open the paper he took off of the board.

"Hmm, let's see... Goblin Slaying?" Carter stretch his head in question.

"Well, this is gonna get interesting." Carter said and looked at you with a thumbs up and winked at you.

Carter looked back at the paper and noticed where the request is from.

"Villiage Crossing...?" Carter said while reading the name of the village that was requesting help.

"Villiage, Goblin Problems, Got it." The boy said and started to resume walking on the road.

He wasn't sure where was Village Crossing at since, this was his first time actually leaving the village.

Ever since he gain the ability life immediately changed for him, for the better or worse, he couldn't tell, but he was grateful.

A few hours of walking.

"Man, sure is a long way to find this village, but, I think this is the one right?" Carter said to himself while looking at the village.

"Well, this should be it then." He said to himself before walking towards the village crossing.

It took a couple of minutes to get there in foot and finally made it to the village crossing.

A couple of farmers spotted the young boy and curious if he was an adventurer or just someone passing by on foot, they doubted if he was adventurer due to his appearance and being young.

Once the boy got to the entrance of village crossing, he was met with some guards with lousy armor and weapons.

'Are these supposed to be guards for this place. There's no wonder Goblins have been harassing their village for a while.' Carter thought to himself while observing their gear setup.

"What is your business here?" One of the Guards asked with a serious tone.

"I'm here to get rid of some Goblin problems." The boy replied with a smile.

The 2 village guards looked at each other and back at the teenager.

"Your kidding right?" The second village guard said.

Carter was a bit confused by their words and shook his head.

"No, I am not kidding at all." The boy replied and looked at the 2 guards weirdly.

"I don't think you'll be able to handle these Goblins alone, What a mere teenager going to do with a dozen of those disgusting things?" The first village guard said with doubtfulness.

"Don't worry about me, I Know how to take care of myself, this isn't my first experience of fighting." Carter responded and crosses his arms at them.

"Alright, if you say so. Come in and speak to the chief of this village." The first village guard said while making space for the boy to enter.

The boy soon enter the Village Crossing and notice a lot of miserable expressions on the people faces

'So, these Goblins are giving these poor people a very hard time huh?' Carter thought to himself.

Once he notice a house up ahead with a large board sign above the building door with the name, Chief on it.

He knew that this was the place and soon knocked on the door while ignoring the stares the village people were giving him.

The door soon open and reveal to be a old man with white hair and beard which looked cool to be honest.

"Ah, son, how was your day so far, were you winning?" The old man spoke to him which led to a confusing misunderstanding.

"Uh, no, I'm not your son, sir, I'm an adventurer, Carter!" The boy said to push aside the confusion and misunderstanding for the old chief that mistook him for his son.

The old man paused for a moment and looked at the young boy closer and notice that the person he was speaking to wasn't his son but an adventurer that looked around the age of his son.

"Oh, my mistake there child, I'm always mistaking young children for my own son whom, I hadn't seen for years..." The elderly man said with a small sigh escaping his lips.

"Its fine, so, I came here to take care of the Goblin issue you guys are having here in Village Crossing." Carter said with a smile on his face.

"Oh, dear, Those pesky green rascals keep attacking our village every night and it has been tough for a bunch of us even the village guards." The old man explains while leaning against the doorway.

"Do you know exactly where these Goblins might be, like a cave or something like that?" Carter asked curiously for more information.

"Hmm, I do remember one of the village guards telling me about the Goblins coming from the forest east from here... I think you should ask him, himself, I'm sure he will tell you more." The old man said to the teenager.

Carter rubs his chin about the information he was given and eventually waved goodbye to the old man.

'It seems these Goblins are east from here, I need to ask more information first.' The boy thought to himself.

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