

"So you mean you brought us here to replace your people's mutant genes and to use our wombs to give children to those who cannot conceive with one?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I trusted the wrong person. Tears started dripping down my face. The gentle, innocent man I fell in love with was no more there. He was gone. Planet Pluma, the paradise I found my first love became hell in a split second. Planet Pluma is no ordinary planet. It revolves around three suns in irregular orbits. Even though suns are located distantly, the harmful rays entering the atmosphere increase rapidly due to the heavy damages done by the bizamuls on the protective shields built thousand years ago. plumans were dying one by one due to burns and cancers they got from radiation. All the offspring were mutated and many mothers couldn't even conceive a child at all. when the hopes of all the plumans faded away, the young prince Chithak finds "the Pazaroma" the door to their mother world which was created by his ancestors a thousand years ago, and sets off to find the mother Earth. That is where he finds his lover Minashi. Will their love story end with a smile? Will their love be able to protect both worlds?

Raveesha_Rajapakse · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Inside a glass box

I couldn't move a bit. I felt numb from my head to my toes. I tried to open my eyes, but a large flashlight kept piercing right into my eyes. Through my teary eyes, all I could see were some figures wearing thick leather coats and masks looking at me disappointed and uninterested as if I was a mistake. That look was nothing to bother about as I have never been able to make someone interested in me ever in my life. I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer.

"But wait...someone was looking at me." my eyes paused in front of a figure.

Through the mask, I could see two sparkly dark brown eyes. Those eyes were definitely of a human. Then a hand started reaching towards me as if it was trying to touch me. But it couldn't. "Am I inside a glass box?" I was trapped inside a glass box!

I tried my best to look around me. There were a lot of glass boxes kept in a line. The masked men were inspecting all the other glass boxes and were taking down notes. But as usual, I was ignored. I just couldn't believe myself. How did I end up in a glass box! All I could remember was trying to push my little best friend when the large beam of light started pulling her. But I got stuck in it instead. But how come these creatures have hands and eyes just like us. So they are not some aliens? Was I caught by humans who came in a large aircraft?

I never thought that beautiful day I woke up into would end up me being trapped inside a glass box. Today after a long time I was woken up early, had perfect cute little eggs for my breakfast and my makeup came out soo well. To be precise I was not late today. It was like everything came out so well so that I would be there right under that light beam at the right time. Everyone must be soo worried about me and I am pretty sure Lily must be sobbing down there screaming that it was her fault for me being here. "Don't worry Lily, I am just fine. I'll come out of this in no time." I wished I could say those words to her.

Suddenly I started feeling like I was being pushed. Yes, I could feel that I was moving. They were taking me somewhere else. That was so scary. I felt more comfortable while I was inside that room with other glass boxes. I am pretty sure that there must have been people just like me inside those boxes as well. "But why did they kidnap us? Who are they? And why am I the only one they are taking taken away? Maybe their target was Lily, and since I pushed her they caught me by mistake. So that means they don't need me. But what are they going to do with me? Are they going to kill me?" I couldn't stop myself from thinking the worst. Tears came running down my cheeks but I couldn't wipe them out.

"Maybe I'll just have to make up my mind." I thought. "How am I supposed to escape when I can't at least move my finger!"

After a long time with a loud cracking sound, I saw the door open. Through it came that person with dark brown eyes. By judging the hand, I could say that it belonged to a man. He came towards me slowly and took off his mask.

I lost my breath for a second. His gaze made my heart beat wildly. I... I was speechless. He was looking at me so calmly and gently touched the glass box. His eyes were like trying to say "don't worry, I won't harm you..."

What is happening to me? My whole body started to heat up. I couldn't take my eyes off him. Can a man look so perfect? His deep brown eyes locked my eyes in his.

"Oh god! What am I thinking?" I shook my head. "All I should be thinking now is how to get out of this hell. I must have gone crazy."

Then this man took out a key from his front pocket and unlocked my glass box. In his hands was a syringe with some brown liquid which he injected into my right vein. Finally, I could feel my toes and fingertips. Gradually I was able to move. So did he save me? With his help, I was able to sit up straight.

That is when I saw the gigantic room around me. through a small window, I could see small twinkly lights moving at an incredible speed. I walked towards the window. I could see myself getting dragged away from everything at an unbelievable speed. I was terrified.

I started screaming " where are you taking me?! What are you trying to do to me? Who are you?"

Then he started talking. But I couldn't understand a single thing! It was another language that I have never heard of. With his expressions, I could say that he was trying to calm down me. But how am I supposed to calm down? I was lost.

I was gazing out of that window for hours. He left me inside that room with the door locked. I was all alone crying myself out. After some time he came back with a bowl in his hands. He gave it to me slowly. Through his eyes, I could see that he had no intention to harm me and I was really hungry as well. So I took the bowl and just pushed a spoon full of that weird-looking porridge down my mouth. It tasted terrible. But I couldn't help myself but eat that cause if not I would faint. I again asked him "please tell me, what are you'll going to do to me? I haven't done anything wrong to anyone. Please spare me. Please let me go. please!" I took my hands together crying and pleading for help. "Please get me out of here. I want to go back. please help me, sir. I will do anything you want me to do. Please just let me go!" He patted gently on my shoulder and gave me a signal to come with him. I stood up quickly and followed him out of the room. But my feet stopped me from moving when I saw outside the room. Am I seeing something real? Can what I am seeing be real?