
NANI! who are you?

In the span of a single night, by the work of an entity not known by the general mass, the xiao sect branch in new moon city has been destroyed almost completely. Their master, Xiao tiannan, killed along with his numerous disciples. The only people spared from this massacre were the elders who were in the city during the destruction's small time frame.

Shocked is an understatement. Everyone in moon city was practically at the edge of their seat, this happening was the first ever to occur in the history of the prestigious city known as new moon. What is even more tragic is the fact that the treasures located in xiao sect manor were all looted as well. A single burning question lodged itself inside the subconscious of everyone. "Who could have done this?"

To kill an earth profound realm cultivator is no small matter, especially in a place like the blue wind empire where experts on the way of the profound were extremely scarce. The death of an earth profound realm cultivator can, without a doubt, and effectively at that, shake the foundation of the city if not the empire.

This entire scenario was peculiar as it was mysterious. Everyone was aware that the xiao sect branch, before the unfortunate incident that spelled their unchangeable doom, was in conflict with a super genius cultivator from the new moon palace. It seems, under fate's ruthless eyes, their young master xiao Luocheng was apparently crippled during the banquet that occurred 2 days ago. On that same day, they mightily declared war on this little boy only to sink to devastation soon after.

Intelligence was fortunately existent within the constitution of the people. The mass was aware with much conviction that the entire scenario was not a coincidence, yet no one was foolish enough to attribute the death of so many people to a single 12-year-old boy who has not even reached the earth profound realm, it was simply impossible no matter how one thinks about it.

In attempts at finding the culprit while still sticking to their original goals of finding this mysterious little boy, the remaining xiao sect elders issued a city-wide search for all of the people milling about within close proximity of the manor during the night of the massacre. However, whether people would actually take the necessary steps to follow up on those orders seemed to hang on the balance. After all, the xiao sect branch has lost its footing in new moon city. Their glory, pride, money, power, all of it was swept away by the wind and into the grace of the unknown, never to be recovered again.

Inside of a luxurious looking hotel situated in the heart of new moon city, Azazel awoke with sluggish movements and hazy eyes that failed to focus on anything in particular within the warm confine that was the hotel room.

What he was faintly aware of, however, was the snowy white aroma that drifted lazily across the place, highlighting the room with a rich air that served to make the room a serene and cozy abode.

It took approximately 10 seconds of slowly asking himself the same, singular question of "who am I?" did awareness and the ability to think in a logical manner dawn upon him once more.

The first thing his eyes sat on was not the blue rug that was made with precious furs from a high-level profound beast, nor was it the beautifully drawn painting of a pretty girl holding a pink umbrella.

All of those things, while beautiful in their own ways, paled in comparison to the man he was seeing in front of him.

Before his king sized bed stood a man no older than 20. In the symbolism of both wisdom and immortality, the man had long white hair that cascaded down like a free-flowing waterfall, uncomparably silky and smooth. 2 scarlet eyes that glowed with a light so strong- so cold, it made one shiver just at the thought of comprehending the degree of frost contained within those pristine pupils.

The man was reading a book in complete silence, his eyes never leaving the page in front of him.

Azazel did not how to feel. awe? no, that was not it. An emotion that could not be described with words took root in his heart. This man, he looked exactly like him! just a little older. NANI! since when did my father teleport here? not even, my father never had white hair or scarlet eyes. Could it be my great great great grandfather?

Azazel gulped in clear nervousness, his hands sluggishly moved to the bed sheets that covered his body, slowly removing them off of his vessel. The little boy, while drowning in his own confusion, asked the question that was plaguing his ability to think rationally.

"Um, who are you?"

The man looked unbothered by the question. his scarlet eyes slowly yet dangerously moved upwards until they rested on the pale white-haired boy whose mouth seemed permanently shaped like an O.

"who do you think I am?" the man asked almost curiously if it was not for the permanently cold expression marring his otherwise perfect features.

Azazel's eyes widened in sudden realization, pointing his finger at the man while simultaneously exclaiming in surprise


" took you long enough" chief rolled his eyes before turning his attention to his book.

"hold up a second thought", Azazel asked attentively, there were so many things that made no sense and required immediate explanation.

"Why do you look like me? Not that it is of relevance, but you know I like to get an answer to everything that I deem mysterious. Unless, of course, you simply adapted a body emulation technique that allows you to take a form of everything and everyone you see. That will make a lot of sense now that I think about it"

Chief closed his book abruptly, his long legs stretching to accommodate for the space left by the rather large couch he was resting on.

"This is my original appearance. If you were smart, then, you would understand the reason why I chose you in particular to be an inheritor for my powers. However," chief narrowed his eyes indifferently, the feeling of danger emanating from him sent Azazel into a state of worry instantly. whatever he was about to say was probably not positive at all. "what you have done in the xiao sect manor while being a definite sign that your battle experience has grown richer, tells me that you have a flawed state of mind that will hinder you from operating as effectively in this world. To show mercy to the enemy for the simple reasoning that you are not used to extinguishing one's flame of life is understandable if aligned with the moral standards present in the world you came from. Yet, do realize quickly and succinctly that this is not Earth. There is no America, there is no billion dollar organizations or anything of the sort. This is a cultivation world. It is kill or be killed. I hope that with your adequate level of intelligence you can understand where I'm coming from with this."

The last line was spoken softly as if Chief was trying to coax the little boy in front of him to comprehend the key information he was talking about. Despite donning an elevated level of intelligence, his inheritor was still a 12 years old boy who's sense of logic and rationality was directed majorily by emotions and the desire to avoid pain or conflict. By the magical work of fate and the passing of time, this indecisiveness and mercy will similarly wane and slowly disappear into nothingness. He was not asking for There to be a change in the way the boy conducts himself with his loved ones or the general mass, No. Azazel was aware of this, hence the reason why he was contemplating on what chief was saying.

It will be difficult to bear the burden and tasks of killing someone. However what he is doing right now is nothing more than stalling for time, pushing the topic of discussion for a later date until it ultimately comes back to bite him. Might as well get it over with and experience the mental strains and slowly steer himself to the right course.

Yet, truthfully, despite knowing this, Azazel felt hesitant, extremely hesitant. This was in part due to the novels and animes he watched during his time on earth. The voices of the dead, the sleepless nights, it was something he wished to avoid so desperately.

Chief realized this, of course, yet there was nothing the spirit could do. Again, the passing of time is the only dictator to these sort of things. Instead, the older man merely smiled to lighten the mood

"there is no need to dwell on this currently. The event has passed, we have much more important matters at hand I suppose."

Azazel nodded absentmindedly. Choosing, like last time, to put these thoughts in the back of his mind. Slowly, his cheerfulness returned and the air of solemnity scattered away from his countenance.

"Alright chief! so what about the new moon palace? should I return? not that I personally find it necessary since the place is of no importance to me anymore."

The spirit nodded before responding calmly "At this point, there is no need to worry about the Xiao clan and the possible dangers they could put you in. A clan that relied on a single person and the potential of another can no longer strive once those foundation pillars have been destroyed."

"what about the Main xiao sect? they will take this as a form of insult."

chief curled his lips and at looked Azazel as if he was a moron." the Xiao sect should know better. For someone to effectively kill an earth profound realm practitioner and then decimate a bunch of disciples is something to look out for. There is no way the xiao sect will spare any effort in saving a dying branch that is of no use to them. benefits, I tell you, in the eyes of these people, is much greater than their almost non-existent sense of justice. "

Azazel's eyes twitched at the mentioning of the word kill, for he was perfectly aware that he spared everyone during the confrontation. Chief must have been the one to do the deed.

"Alright then. I suppose we should make preparations to obtain some divine constitutions and widen my array of skills no? wait, I forgot to tell you. I met Jasmine yesterday."

Chief coked his head to the side gently, an action birthed from a habit and not of deliberate execution.

"what did she say to you?"

Azazel smirked devilishly, his memories going back to the extremely silent interaction between him and the star princess.

" A lot of things if I say so myself"

Winter break is in 2 days.


SadisticPrincecreators' thoughts
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