

I am Ayumi Madrigal, the sole Survivor of Katana pack. Katana Pack are werewolves who are blessed with abilities sought after by people. Abilities we can harness when we turn 18 years old after our first shift. We share these abilities with our true mate, mate chosen by the Moon Goddess. Once a Katana member dies our abilities are passed on to our family member or our mate. Making them acquire more strength, providing them with a new ability. I have been hunted for 8 years now by Tibolo pack; the people responsible for my packs' demise. Although I am powerful, revenge is not an option. Surviving is my priority. I have discovered recently that my mate is the only Son of Alpha Apollo Saavedra head of Tibolo pack. He is my hunter who turned prey. Will he survive the surge of pain till the full moon? How will his pack accept the fact that now I am paired by the Moon Goddess to its future Alpha.

DhonAlair · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
45 Chs


I woke up with Devon's breathing on my neck. Ray hit my face, as it passed through the sheared curtains of the window. I squinted my eyes, trying to adjust my vision. I noticed Devon was asleep, lying on his stomach, his face placed by my neck. His arm wrapped my abdomen.

I smiled; I have a clingy mate. To think I am not used to sleeping with someone next to me. For some reason I find it comfortable. I lifted my head up and looked around, I realized we were in our bedroom. I sighed in relief. I fell asleep while Devon was carrying me earlier. After fighting Tessa and marked by Devon I felt exhausted. I placed my head back on the pillow and stared at the ceiling, feeling at ease.

"We survive!" my wolf exclaimed in my head which startled me.

"I'm glad you're ok and you're back Alora", I told her happily.

"Sorry if it wasn't much help. I could not even warn you. That witch did a strong binding spell, I could not do anything, I felt helpless, watching you fighting her alone was torture Ayumi" her voice full of concern. She was whining like a child. It made me smile.

"Silly wolf, I wasn't alone. I had Devon, our mate. He never left me." I glanced at my side at my mate sleeping peacefully. I stared at his neck; my eyes caught a glimpse of my mark.

I stared at him. Who would have thought that I would be blessed with a good-looking, strong willed and loving mate? I was desperate to find a company. I thought it would be my pleasure to find a wolf who was from my former pack, how much more a mate. I thought I was fated to be alone for the rest of my life. I have been looking for any Katana Wolf who had survived like me, but I have found my mate instead.

I could not help but reach for his face. Touched his cheeks with my fingers then his prominent jawline, and his luscious lips, as gazed at them, made me bite my lower lip.

"I know I'm gorgeous and all, but you need to sleep woman." He said through mind link. He smiled while I was staring over his lips. He opened his eyes and stared at me, grabbed my hand, and kissed it.

"Thank you for staying by my side, love. Although I was your enemy's son you gave me chance to be your mate and choose to be with me when you could have run and hide." he said in his husky voice.

"It'll be my loss if I had given up that easily." I answered.

He turned facing me, extended his hand to touch my face, pulled me closer by my nape then kissed me. He hugged me and placed me on top of him. I cupped his face deepening the kiss, he bites my lower lip of which made me moan. He slid his tongue to my mouth seducing me to play with it. I sucked it in response which made him moan as well. His hands are caressing my back then it traveled down to my ass. I pushed myself up, straddling him. Then I looked straight to his eyes.

"I love you Devon". I whispered.

He sat down leaning on the headboard and pulled me back to a sumptuous kiss. He slid his kiss to my jaw, neck then to his bite mark... nibbling the base of my neck. I tilt my head back giving him full access...

"I love you more, mate" he said while kissing my neck. Then he held the hem of my dress then pulled my dress above my head. I leaned down, exposing his waist, kissing his lean muscular abs... tracing it my tongue. I kissed his neck while trying to unbutton his polo. Suddenly I heard Drew, my mates wolf mind links us.

"Sex is definitely on the table now mate" I burst into laughter hearing his comment, I leaned on his neck still chuckling.

"Way to go on ruining the mood, Drew!" Devon said aloud. Were Both laughing. I stared at Devon, tried to talk to Drew, his wolf.

"I am glad you're are alright Drew." Devon smiled.

"You were awesome mate. Seeing you fight and use your powers...then moving that sand. All I did was watch but then I felt worried about you, but you were beating that witch's ass..." Drew eagerly answered me through mind link.

"Drew! Drew!" Devon calling his attention. He shakes his head. He looked at me.

"Drew is not good at waiting." he said playfully which made me smile. His face turned serious suddenly. "Alora sweety... I know you are listening could you be kind enough, you and Drew to allow me to have an alone time with Ayumi? I promise we will let you have your own later." Devon called out Alora. Alora took the chance to control. My eye colors might have changed. She grinned, I felt how excited she was.

"You promise?" She asked.

"No restrictions?" Drew also took control over Devon. He had golden colored eyes now, which made me say Drew took over. I smiled at Drew.

"Of course, you can even meet in wolf form if you want. You can also block us out while having your alone time." I proudly offered through mind link. Drew smiled wickedly. I started to doubt my offer. He forced his self to put on a serious face. He raised one of his brows

"Ok then, I am willing to step aside. You can also block us if you want" Drew answered. Devon's eye color returned to normal. Alora gave back my control too. Devon's eyes were questioning.

"It's ok love, let's not be selfish!" I smiled at him, which made him chuckle. "Will give him and Alora their time later"

He pulled me back to his lips, deepening his kiss. We spent the rest of the night enjoying each other's bodies. Completing our bond as mates. Consummating and exploring each other. Now we are one.