

I am Ayumi Madrigal, the sole Survivor of Katana pack. Katana Pack are werewolves who are blessed with abilities sought after by people. Abilities we can harness when we turn 18 years old after our first shift. We share these abilities with our true mate, mate chosen by the Moon Goddess. Once a Katana member dies our abilities are passed on to our family member or our mate. Making them acquire more strength, providing them with a new ability. I have been hunted for 8 years now by Tibolo pack; the people responsible for my packs' demise. Although I am powerful, revenge is not an option. Surviving is my priority. I have discovered recently that my mate is the only Son of Alpha Apollo Saavedra head of Tibolo pack. He is my hunter who turned prey. Will he survive the surge of pain till the full moon? How will his pack accept the fact that now I am paired by the Moon Goddess to its future Alpha.

DhonAlair · Fantasi
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45 Chs

Looking at the bright side

I felt awfully tired after using my strength wielding the barrier to hold off our attacker and hindering the lightning from injuring my warriors and the rouge group. It was a big relief that Devon and the other warriors was able to back us up before we could fucked up. Not even once have I imagined that I would rely on someone else.

Devon have carried me from the west border of our territory to our pack house. It was a mansion I built to home the high-ranking wolves of our pack. It stood tall and proud although the ground where it was built used to be the ruins of my old family house.

Devon was walking towards the office instead of our room since he had plenty of pack concerns to organize. After what happened earlier, I had expected Devon will be even busier than usual. It is no surprise if Devon opted to bring me along to his office. Knowing him, he will not let his sight get off me. It has to do with what I have done in the past. Leaving him behind, Devon had accumulated this separation anxiety problem. My actions from the past were to blame.

I helped by opening the door, while he carried me like a bride. He gently kicked his office chair to give him a room to sit comfortably then placed me on his lap then started looking through the papers on the table. I could not help but smile. He was busy but he was not giving up on his possessiveness over me.

"You could have placed me on that chair, then you could work comfortably. I am not going anywhere." I said while looking at his serious face.

"I am comfortable this way, just let me be." he said while still flipping each paper on the table.

"Are you angry at me?" I asked Devon. He stopped flipping the papers then stared at me.

"Ayumi, you gave me a fright. Do you know how scared I was? But I am not angry at you, I am just worried." He answered honestly. I kissed his lips in return. He responded, pulling me closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and continuously devoured his lips.

Suddenly a knock and an opened door interrupted us. It was Caleb who looked surprisingly serious who came inside the office. He looked displeased seeing the both of us.

"You could have at least gone inside your room. I am here to discuss something with you Alpha, yet you are busy doing something.... you are clearly busy..." he said while looking at both of us. He had this disappointed vibe. For someone who has found their mate this one was immensely disgruntled. I narrowed my eyes while staring at him. Then attempted to slide down from Devon's lap. Devon's arm stopped me from sliding off his lap. He wrapped his arm around my waist then looked at Caleb, matching his mood. His brows were raised, irritated from being disrupted.

"For someone who has found his mate, you looked peeved. You looked constipated man" Devon commented on Caleb.

"Has found his mate...." Caleb mimicking Devon's voice. "No one found who." He added rolling his eyes.

"Keep rolling your eyes on me, I am your Alpha do not disrespect me." Devon warned Caleb somberly, but a glimpse of humor mirrored his eyes.

"I am not disrespecting my Alpha; I am talking to a friend." Celeb nonchalantly commented. He walked towards us then slumped on his back on the couch near Devon's desk.

"What are you doing here by the way, should you be with your mate? I asked Caleb.

"I do not understand what you're talking about, Luna. You kept insisting I found my mate." Caleb said, denying the fact that he found his mate. I could not help but elbow Devon's chest. I really wanted to laugh but looking at Caleb's face, that might be a bad idea.

"Quit denying it Caleb, I know that look, I know that face... I kept denying it yet here I am. Cradling my Luna." Devon proudly commented.

I stared at Caleb who looked so lost. I squinted my eyes then alternately tilted my head to the side intentionally getting his attention from his thoughts. He stared at me with a blunt affect and sighed.

"Get your head out of the gutter, Luna. Those were kids." Caleb answered me with his blunt affect. I narrowed my eyes while staring at him.

"How old is she?" I asked. I tried my best to look serious.

"I don't know, maybe 16 or 17?" He briefly answered, his eyes darted on the floor.

"That's why you're pissed!" I said while smiling at Caleb. "You can sense the wolf bond, but she cannot tell you are her mate. She hasn't wolf out yet." I added.

"Do you have any idea when she will turn 18?" Devon commented.

"No! I left them in the infirmary." Caleb uttered.

"Could have at least ask her?" I quickly said. Caleb looked in our direction then alternately stared at me and Devon then his facial expression from serious to disgusted.

"Seeing you both obsessing one another, I would rather become mate less. Look at these!" touching the papers on the table. "You have not finished this, but I handed these to you ages ago. I rather function well as a Beta." He complained.

"I really hope she will give you a tough time. Go back to the infirmary and do the screening yourself." Devon commanded Caleb.

"That is not my work as a Beta." Caleb matches Devon's mood. I alternately glance at both gentlemen, amused by the flow of their conversation.

"I know, but I am commanding you to do so." Devon said as he smirk. Caleb glared at us, then stood up then started stomping his way towards the door. I could not help but smile. He then slammed the door close making me and Devon laugh. I stared at Devon who was still laughing. I caressed his cheek then cupped it.

"I am glad your mood is back. I will later thank Caleb for cheering you up." I said to Devon. He smiled.

"We got plenty of problems in our hands, but I have learned to look at the bright side no matter. You taught me that. Besides, how could I miss messing with Caleb? He was pain in the ass every time he caught us getting intimate."

Thank you for coming this far. reading my book is a good motivation. please leave a vote or comment. It will surely cheer me up!

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