
Awaken DEMON

'Waah......waaah' My baby was crying tremendously and here I was thinking what was happening there. "It's ok child .Everything is going to be alright, The bitter seeds that I have sowed .I would not let you cut them in my instead ,that's my promise to you" Suddenly the horse slipped and I fell to the ground with my child intact. I mumble to myself "Is this what we call karma but still I must protect you .I Immediately left the horse and tearing the magic scroll .I whispered 'The Catholic Temple' "Bring that child to me," said Patricia, the Highest priest in rank. As he holds my child with care in both hands a question arises in his mind "What name do you like to give him? He is your son. It's wise if you give him a name." . I took a last glimpse afterwards,I turned my back against him before murmuring with an uneven heart."I always desire to call him Ryaniar ." I have been running Goddess. I have been running a lot from my destiny till my sister to the handmaiden. Everybody has been sacrificed against my bad fortune .It even did not let the white witch unstained. So how come I dared to fantasise a future that's very bricks was served by uncountable baits. If you are reading this letter then . At least I can entrust his safety to you. Please save my child in this life. Your deceased Isabella Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mint_malimilkain10001/ YouTube| https://www.youtube.com/@Mint_malimilkain You guys can also support me on PayPal https://www.paypal.me/HarshKumar629

Mintmalimilkain · Fantasi
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28 Chs

End of the sad Tale

"Ryan you don't have any choice". . said Iannae.

"Listen, your life is not going to be any easier for sure .Do not expect that you will be at ease. shortly I would not be able to protect you forever. Ryan, you need to take special care of your body."

Ryan shook his hand and said "Not at all master. You teach me enough to fight against this harsh world as long as I am beside you master. I intend to protect everyone who I cherish dearly."

Ryan don't want to continue this conversation anymore so he change the topics like "Ah. . . come to think of it, Master have not told me about your remaining story"

Ryan truly has a lot to ask but before any judgement, he wants to listen to the remaining, so that he will take the right judgement regarding Iannae's behaviour .Ryan gets back straight to one point and asks "I want to know the remaining story that miss Iannae had described 3 weeks ago."

Iannae tries to think about what she told him three weeks ago. and she realises that it was the real Iannae's story.

She left the story in the middle due to the lack of time at that instance.

Iannae apologises to Ryan for being ignorant for an entire month. There is some time left before they will start their morning schedule and yet both of them have no reason to go back to sleep . Iannae summoned a dark teleportation magic circle through her power. It seems like a black hole.

It's Ryan's first time seeing a transverse portal which helps in gaping around from one place to another. . .Ryan was amazed because he never went outside these big temple walls. It's really exciting for him to make his portal for teleportation. Having a smart brain is worthy of showing him the producer once. Afterwards he would learn it all in seconds.

Iannae extended her hands to let him ingress that magic circle. He grabs her hand without reluctance and A dark light spreads all over his body before he gasps his situation .He is already

"How is it?

Do you like it, Ryan? Is it beautiful .No? said Iannae scornfully.

Ryan does not understand her behaviour but he knows immediately after a while after localising her behaviour.

Iannae continued as "Ryan you mentioned that you want to know the full story of me. Right. . . here. . . .I died."

December 25th,

I was working in the kitchen when it was time to furnish refreshments for my mother and sister. l, formulate everything to gratify them by trudging the guardian trolley up to the tenancy cabin which is an office too that is only used by my mother at times. Unusually, the door knob was slightly open. I overheard a conversation between both of them...

"Mother at times. I wonder How much of an evil b**** you are. You let your older daughter labour as a household maid and let me enjoy all the life expectancy. Why?.... Why? you just hate Iannae so much.. ." ignorantly said, Katina.

"Mind your terminology before talking to me Katina." said Linda as she continued polishing her delicate nails after adding, "And the answer to your question is that do you have any sympathy for the street kids. No, you don't even care about them".

Katina opened her mouth wide and muttered "Oh! My God. . . . . No no don't tell me, mother . . Iannae is not Your child ".

"Of course," said Linda with a smirk on her face.

"I am Inanne's maternal mother Stella's corporal sister. My older sister Stella fell in love with a garbage like man and bore two children Heiman and Iannae. . . later we find out that Stella was suffering from a chronic disease which led her to die at the age of 26. It's approximately 18 months after the birth of Iannae. The kids are minors back then so our father decides to let me marry that garbage to take care of the offspring

Iannae is not my child do you get it? After marriage, I bear you Katina in my womb. I had only one child and that is you."

Iannae who was strutting outside the door could not reckon her ears. She set the trolley outside the door and ran away as far as she could. but the guards catch her and beat her somehow she averts it.

Ryan was clenching his breath the universal time since Inanne enacted the remaining story.

"This place is known as kokon lake. and that's where". . . by pointing at the spot Iannae said " I was resting under the banyan tree. Iannae was drowning here. . . and I didn't save her."

Ryan got terrified by the tone and the words Iannae is whispering .It makes him worried more about Iannae. Ryan believes She must be really sad today which converts her past trauma into a seizure.

Ryan is anxious that something wrong might have gone through her mentality. He tries to shake Iannae's hand but She doesn't react. She took slow steps towards the wooden bridge over the lake. Ryan follows her. . .he again tries to grab Iannae's hand but this time she Yanks back her hand against his gasp which makes Ryan lose his balance and fall onto the ground. . . Iannae murmured, "A bait like you dare to pity me do you know who I am, you son of a b****".

Ryan doesn't believe his ears he almost thinks that the person is in front of him There is no way he recognises her. . her personality got distorted. It's the first time Ryan is afraid of Iannae. not because she will prevail going to hurt him but because she might get hurt instead.

In a situation like this, he just remembers what Iannae always says. It's his memories which stick through his senses and posterior rewind back when he is in a dreadful situation.

"Remember Ryan there is no one tougher in this world, we all are weak at times . . . . .even me."

Ryan has no idea how to stop Iannae?. and what happened next was even more unexpected. . .

to be continued