
Avengers romance Chapter 1

Hi let me tell you about me I grew up in an orphanage and moved around a lot that's because my mom died giving birth to me and I never knew my dad. But the day everything changed was "Friday, June 11, 2020" it was the day I was told that I was moving again but not how I thought. That morning was an average morning wake up to get ready to go to school and come "home" to do my chores but when I got home I didn't have to my chores the only thing I had to was pack my things because I was moving to a different location. I just thought that I was moving to another orphanage but I was wrong. It turns out I was being picked up by a family member that finally showed up but I didn't think it would be my dad. I never met him I just thought that he probably left before I was born but was I wrong. My mom didn't tell my dad that she was pregnant with me so he didn't even know until he got a call asking if knew me. Witch, he said know until someone did some research for him. He decided to adopt me "if that's what you would call it?"

After I finished packing my bags it was a little different than normal instead of getting onto a bus with a bunch of other orphans I got into a taxi that led me to the "stark towers" I was so confused I thought omg did Mr stark adopted me and the answer to that would be no. It was Steve Rogers and he was my dad I never thought that I would ever meet my dad but here he was standing at the door welcoming me in like and father you never met would in this situation. Everything went on from there but that leads us to today.

On my first day of high school, I finally get to start the high school experience. "I'm so excited" anyway I got up at 5:00 am and school starts at 8:00 am I wanted to take my time so I wouldn't be late on my firsts day. So Steve told me he would drive me to school today we drove in his Motorcycle so I made an entrance.

Teacher point of view:

Ok, class today we have a new student class this is "y/n" welcome to this class you can sit right there.

Y/n point of view: 

Omg I'm so nervous I got seated behind some kid named Peter he's kinda cute.

Ugh, I have a project to do but I need a partner and I don't have one.

Peters point of view:

I think I'm gonna ask the new girl to be my partner I don't think she has one.

Peter: "Hey I was wondering if you had a partner for the project"

Y/n: " not I don't have one yet what about you"?

Peter: " no me either do want to be my partner"?

Y/n: " sure we can work on it tonight at your house if that's ok with you"?

Peter: " sure my house works can I get your number so I can send you the address and we can text about the project when we're not together.

Y/n: "yah it's (***)***-**** ".

Peter: "Ok thanks I'll send the address later bye".

Y/n: " ok bye".

It's later that day and I'm walking home from school now I'm excited to go to peters to work on the project but I hope my dad says yes I think he will.

I walk through the front door and head up to my room when I hear somebody call my name it's my dad he wanted to tell me something and told me to meet everyone in the living room?.

When I get down there everybody is sitting on the couch waiting for me they tell me to sit down so I do and tony says " we have something to tell you"

Y/n: "ok what is it "?

Dad/Steve: " um this may surprise you and don't freak out but"

Nat: " We are the avengers and you may have superpowers"

Y/n: " WHAT!!! "

Steve: "Yah we are the avengers and your mom was a super powerful and evil person.

Y/n: my mom

Steve: yes your mom was a person we met during a mission we thought she was good we had a fling then I realized that she was bad and we never saw her again until I got a call a few days ago saying that she was found dead in her apartment, they called me because she had my phone number In her wallet and they told if I knew she had a baby and put her up for adoption just a few days before her passing.

That's when I learnt about you and I went straight to the adoption center and adopted you and then I get a DNA test saying that am your biological father. So we thought it would be right to tell you the story of your mom.

Tony: " she was a very powerful person she had witch abilities she was a little like Wanda but a little stronger and we may think you might have those powers like she did.

Wanda: if your do we can help you train and control it.

Y/n: I'm pretty sure I would now if o had superpowers.

Wanda: I didn't know till I was about your age.


Y/n: I just got a text from a friend can we please talk about this later so I can think and I have a project to do so I'm going to my friend's house I will be back at 8:00 pm. Bye

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