
Avatar: An Evolveable Avatar

The basics, I'm new to creating stories don't expect much and don't expect constant updates the plot and the logo of the original movie is not from me and the image is taken from an artificial intelligence. The story will revolve around the avatar movie with an original character revolving around it as a child.

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After I was able to obtain shelter and a somewhat sustainable source of nutrients, I realized something important.

From how boring it is to be alone, therefore I began to train some hobbies such as music in the following four weeks. Apparently from what I remember they would teach me later and it was scheduled were music classes.

Therefore, I started voice classes for the basics, which was basically cheating with my body, being able to imitate all the sounds I wanted. Then I proceeded to improvise some string instruments based on wood and thin vines that I found around, stretching them enough to reach the tone that in my opinion was the most appropriate until I could create what in general culture was called a guitar, I got bored three days after mastering it.

Therefore I began with the creation of air instruments such as flutes and a trumpet this time thinking about the properties offered by these types of wood and the most appropriate way I mastered both to surprising degrees in four days, curious fact a certain type of sound attracts some animals around me.

In my second week I went back to the same thing not knowing what to do so I followed my instincts and decided to see my adaptive abilities and how far they can go.

I started on my first day to see the speed of my adaptation and I realized two things, the first is that if I want my body to adapt when I want it and the second if I am not aware of what I am looking for myself body transforms it to what is most recommended for that situation in a longer time so that it can know if it is the most effective change. As was my change to the atmosphere of Pandora.

On my second day of observing my physical abilities, I went to the anatomical in the na'vi version, which, like all the na'vi or the fauna of Pandora, can be bioluminescent in the dark, but if I want it, my body cancels it, otherwise I can still see in the absence of light. That brings me to the following on my third day my eyes.

They are similar to the Na'vi with a strong yellow color allowing me to observe things with detection in microscopic detail, allowing me to see uv rays, see in infrared among other capabilities. My tail, like all the other beings in Pandora, was connected to my nervous system with the only peculiarity of being able to hide a useful function in case I didn't want to go blind, but it would probably regenerate if that happened in a tiny case.

On my fourth day I observed more capacities of my bones that were basically perfect to keep me in this atmosphere with a durability superior to that of any living being on this planet or that's what I think, for the moment I haven't broken any of them, despite that I try by throwing myself from great heights.

On the fifth day it was basically observing my breath and testing it against all kinds of odors, none affected me. After having completely scanned it I went for my nervous system which by my other thought was very fast.

In the next two days that I had left of that week, I practiced everything necessary to improve my adaptation to different possible scenarios.

This is how I started my third week, which was based on doing everything mentioned above in the first and second week to see where I was failing and where I could improve. Didn't notice any errors.

In the fourth week I decided to see what kind of aberration or is it what the scientists would think I could transform with all the adaptive capacities. Which turned me into a humanoid being the size of an adult Na'vi standing twelve feet tall.

With an armored skin based on scales much more resistant than the clothes I was wearing made of Kevlar, a fur that helped the homeostasis of my body along with much more resistant organs for the total functioning of this state. Amazing compressed muscles. Both internal and external teeth, basically the tooth that was on the outside had about 2 to 3 more teeth inside that jaw. The skeletal system felt much more resistant than before.

A much more developed perception and senses of their environment.

Basically it was a being designed for the perfect hunt, best of all it consumed almost no energy, it was like being normal alone with the intense need for a lot of wild instincts.

I had been practicing that state for that week, improving to the point of almost perfecting it with all the testing I could do.

And well that was what happened this month, I hardly know anything. But it was tried.