
Avalon Reincarnated

Avalon Reincarnated! Follow Kwanda as he is reborn in the magical planet of Nibiru, Dragons and magic are the laws. Watch as Kwanda battles to become King of Avalon and eventually Emperor of the world.

Sgt_Caeser · Fantasi
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78 Chs

The meeting

The observation lounge of the ship had a huge wooden table craved with the symbols of the family's of the Chestnut clan. On the Silverberch walls paintings of all the currents heads of the family of the clan were on display. The doctor sat at the one head of the table, while his rival sat on the other side. Next to the doctor on his Right was Wendy, followed by Liza, Zodwa, Thando and then finally the runt of the litter Kwanda.

Monroe also had his family his wife Anya, his eldest child a woman in her early twenties Priya, his two sons aged seventeen and nineteen called Will and Bill respectively and finally a young daughter same age as Kwanda named Nidhi but affectionately called Seven.

The all had distinguished emerald eyes and brown skin associated with the Khans, also they all carried the attitude too like the rest of the clan. They also wore matching clothing a practice used during clan meeting to show which family one belong to. When the introduction were done, the two families sat down for what can only be described as the most silent dinner between enemies.

Eoghan the ships Capitan came to the rescue by opening a few bottles of alcohol to get tongues of the family wagging. What followed was a spectacle that the kids would not soon forgot as the Doctor and Monroe descended into a verbal debate on who has the best kids.

They listed only embarrassing stories of their children, such as how Will would wet the bed then swap mattresses will Bill and so on the stories followed one after the other well into the night, the kids by this time had retired to their respective accommodation. As a family sharing a single living on boat was just fine as it was large enough that each of them had their own room within the living space that accommodated them.

Thando had been experimenting the most with the methods that Kwanda had provided since he is a child and knowledge of magic and magic systems limited she was trying to make it simplified so that she could use it in a way she truly understood.

Liza on the hand had been checking up Kwanda she had noticed the change in him immediately. Wendy had also joined them and after finding out that he had his rune, She called them all into the lounge of the living area. To discuss the reason they were here.

"I need you all to be some what friendly with your cousins, at the very least, your aunt and uncle are difficult people anyway so it won't matter that much. This is not only a vacation but a special family hunting trip where you all might be able to get a Black Diamond, Void Emareld, Abyssal Peridot, Oblivion Hessonite and Vacuum Rudraksha. These are files for each of the stones that you are allowed to find the others stones available are not compitiable with our training program. As you all are out there, please remember to keep an out for distractions and hopefully you will keep in that in mind that even if any of you find the seven colour jade stone. To not use as it will not be for the best even if we all know the legendary effects it has on mana." Wendy was just reminding them of their goals only Thando had a unique item to search for. Kwanda asked about the legendary seven colour jade.

"The Seven color jade is an stone formed from highest rank monsters, til today only about a hundred or so have been found. The Seven Color Jade is actually a monster core of a titan class monster, these titans are usually the most powerful of their species and rarely found and its even more rare to kill one. The Seven color jade is said to be a blessing and a curse. Many years ago a merchant used all his wealth to get his hands on one, the merchant had used the wealth of two nations to buy the Seven Color Jade. He had done so for his son who was a talented mage who only lack power. When the boy absorbed the Seven Color Jade he became the most powerful wizard of his time but by age twenty he had killed himself. While the Jade provides a huge boost in power it also prevents any further development be it personal power or skills, the Seven Color Jade kills potential of the mage that absorb it." Liza explained as best she knew, Wendy knew that Liza had explained it as best as Kwanda could understand after all he is still a baby.