
I'm writing an original story ( attempt)

I found that i love writing. I recently decided to look for advice for an original novel. I don't want to use existing characters and i don't particularly want to use existing worlds that are from other authors. Right now the theme will be similar to a Bleach/fate stay/harry potter/modern world/system type deal. Similar to the mentioned books and anime, i'm going to create a set system of power to be used in the world to completely set in stone an outline for my story. I noticed my comments and while a lot were encouraging and good stuff. I also found a few dissatisfied or confused readers. I want to create my own character and my own powers based off of more common themes and powers i found cool or near gamebreaking. I don't particularly like slow stories and i also don't want to bore the readers of my writing with a story that moves at the speed of light. That said, i looked at Writing excuses by brandon sanderson and some other content for new writers on the web novel site and i want to see if i can write a good, thrilling, or cool story on my own. I'm going to start my outline and plan my story and characters for a week. During the next seven days i'm going to ask that if anyone who read the previous 8 chapters and enjoyed them a bit want to stay and see what ii can do then i would appreciate it. I Will also ask you (the readers) if you have and cool ideas or names for the world or characters. I want to create a group of two or three with a Real MC in the group. I want to Know what the readers prefer when it comes to the ideal Mc, and finally i want to see what you would prefer when it comes to the age the world is in. Im a NEET, and i love japanese anime, manga, and short novels (some korean stuff is cool too). that said i have ideas but i'm also not soaring with confidence. I will read the comments made on this post and base some or all of the preferences into a novel that will hopefully be satisfying to read and fairly long. When i say original i mean general ideas or themes. I can use gods names and do research to solidify my knowledge but ultimately i cannot and will not use names, characters, or powers taken straight from any anime or stories or manga. ( I'll try but if i don't know the story i cant say im taking it?). If i do it will be similar with some similar names but i will twist it all into one main power system that i will make. All powers will be based off of the strength of the soul, body, and mind. The soul or spiritual pressure is my only exception to my claim and i wont change the name unless i find a better term for it, while Mana will be the prevalent energy, With ki being thrown into the mix as well. I won't make everyone aware of the energies and i will make it so that there are several realms that can be traversed with different laws governing them. I'm not a fan of nor am i familiar with eastern culture writing and sayings. I live in the us and am incredibly ignorant with other cultures. I will end my rambling and will look at all comments whether they are rude or helpful. I only ask that you guys and girls keep the comments constructive instead of hating on me or my ideas. thanks

Just throw it all in the comments. ill read all of them regardless, but prefer actual help instead of trollers.

Christian_Fullercreators' thoughts