
author com.small villain pov

Once upon a time there lives a boy with above average face and below average body and above normal intelligence.His life is calm and ordinary with an ordinary family and good grades until he picked up phone to relieve his boredom by watching animes and then to mangas and at last with his last ounce of hesitation he started picking novels. At first it is only boring, sleepy feeling and an ounce of hunger for the next chapter and it gone to reading of 100 chapters per day continuously. Then it came to the stage of commenting and expressing his opinion on the novel to his fellow daoists in the website and it to don't last long as he to want to one of the author to run wild his imagination and desires on his prey(readers). So,it started the day he pick the pen and wrote his first absolute novel and it become one of the great great failure of the year for him. But,he doesn't let go of his dream and continue to remodel the same novel many times until he reach the point of no return that one of his die heart god fan send him to his own fuckin novel and to change it as he wish. important notice:: This is written by a newbie author with no written skills(0.01/100???). So,readers please bless this poor soul to salvation from no written and don't ask what it means as literally I to don't know To say In one line about this story "I am itching to write my own fuckin novel transmigration with villain mc and op specs" So please endure my tantrums if possible comment it to let me know how to improve my writing skills and story as I am just bored and started writing I too don't know where it will leads me and this poor story.................

DaoistPHS166 · Fantasi
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Introduction( no need to read as it is same as synopsis)

Once upon a time there lives a boy with above average face and below average body and above normal intelligence.His life is calm and ordinary with an ordinary family and good grades until he picked up a phone to relieve his boredom by watching anime and then it become manga and at last with his last ounce of hesitation he started picking novels.

At first it is only boring, sleepy feeling and an ounce of hunger for the next chapter and it gone to reading of 100 chapters per day


then it came to the stage of commenting and expressing his opinion on the novel to his fellow daoists in the website and it to don't last long as he to want to one of the author to run wild his imagination and desires on his prey(readers).

So,it started the day he pick the pen and wrote his first absolute novel and it become one of the great great failure of the year for him.

But,he doesn't let go of his dream 😭 and continue to remodel the same novel many times until he reach the point of no return that one of his die heart god fan send him to his own fuckin novel and to change it as he wish.