3 Chapter 3: the announcement

09:55                               11-10-2100

Everyone was waiting outside stores and waiting at comicons for the release of the new game and server of the long awaited Vr game: Aurum Blade Online

Then the screen on both the stores and the jumbotrons on the comicons show the creator of the game but his face is covered by a mask, a black mask that has a white outline, hair as black as the night and as messy as the raven's feathers, and he is equipped with a phatom thief attire spicifically the leader; code name: Joker. And he was standing in some sort of trick room. And everyone knew him as the owner of Sc towers

On screan

Joker: Hello everyone, young and all, and all genders

He weaved his hand like a two fingered salute and then bowed

"Look its Joker", "He is way to extravagant on his approach","hopefully he'll say something about the new game he is launching"

Joker: I am happily to inform you that the servers for all countries are up and running for the game, and as a bonus, the first one hundred players gets a bonus.

"Okay NOW I wanna be one of the first one hundred to log in", "but what kind of bonus?", "hopefully this bonus is some sort of weapon that can gove them an edge"

Joker: well I can see that's the topic of the masses, before anyone asks..... Im reading the forum and live streams on line

This in turn made everyone laugh and react to it in a funny way like: "LoL", "what the?" and "he is trolling us right now! 😡"

Joker: the stage is set for you guys to take on and in about 12 hours 34 minutes and 45 seconds before the game is officially launched, mark your clocks folks

"All right!!", "Im actually jealous of the beta testers that had tested this new game", "hopefully that I can get good in this game"

Joker: by the way, before I go, I have another announcement to make!

"Another one?!", "Oh! A surprise announcement?", "what will it be?"

Joker: In 48 hours, I will be releasing a new line of products known as: the "Link Starters" and to start the new "Link Start Program"

Everyone was asking a lot of questions in forum chats, streams, hell even in the streats. All with a similar question in there minds: What is the Link start program?

Joker: (wiggling finger) wannah know? I'll tell everyone at the comicon conference by that date, and I'll even do the unthinkable! I will unmask the Joker himself! And thats me (points thumb at him) see you there folks

All screens had turned off simultaneously and everyone has marked all there calendars for the date of the grandiose reveal


~~ END~~

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