

As Dekai spoke, the air around them changed. It was as though Dekai's every mood affected his surroundings. The mood instantly became serious as the five stood straighter than before. Atticus had also instinctively followed their actions.

"This is the fourth summit. After this, you are only one step away from graduating," Dekai announced.

Atticus scrutinized the five and saw that none of them moved an inch and were listening attentively. This was odd, considering they must have heard it before.

Dekai continued without pausing, "You must all wonder, especially if your brain is the size of a peanut, that the fire element is only about unleashing destruction so why are we creating constructs? But that is nothing short of blasphemy."

Atticus could sense a lot of anger in Dekai's tone. Clearly, it was a sensitive topic.