

After the peace is disturbed again the world needs Athra more than ever, even if they don't know it yet. With a terrorist group capable of bringing the world to its knees on one side and an ancient unknown enemy on the other Athra must risk everything to save the world or die trying. Visit my Patreon for bonus content Patreon.com/Nifflerheim

Nifflerheim · Fantasi
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41 Chs

Chapter 30 – The Pantheon’s apprentice

After leaving Sera to face her fears, Lewis headed into the city. He walked along the coast looking out at the aquamarine crystal waters and the golden beaches.

Years ago when he'd last been here, he, Kate and Eric had found this nice little café, hidden away at the edge of the city. Lewis wandered the streets as he searched hoping it hadn't closed down during his time away. He couldn't remember exactly where it was and instead just hoped he'd recognise the area once he came across it. However, that was difficult when pretty much every building was white as snow with roofs painted with all the colours of the light spectrum.

The first time he was here, he'd always wondered why they used those colours. He'd then discovered it was due to Athena. Over a thousand years ago she'd assigned each colour its own trait every warrior should possess, and to be a true warrior in her army you needed to possess all seven. If he was remembering them all correctly, red was wrath and passion, orange was desire for glory and power, yellow was fearlessness, green was willpower and stamina, blue was technique and strategic thinking, and violet/indigo were leadership and loyalty.

Lewis continued to stroll around until he came across a fountain. It was formed from smooth grey marble and spewed crystal water. At its centre, standing on a square pedestal, was a golden statue. It depicted a man holding an arrow pronged trident as tall as he. The warrior was completely clad in the royal guard armour of the Thalassian island Alfa. Easily identified by the layered sea dragon fins, that looked more like wings, moulded on the side of his helm as well as the eye of a sea dragon engraved into his chest plate.

Lewis remembered this place the café should be around here. He remembered asking their waiter about the statue. The warrior had been awarded the title, Corin the sea slayer, famous for killing dozens of sea dragons that tried to invade the island Alfa all of them years ago and was also the man who established the design the Alfa's royal guards and soldiers still use to this day. There was apparently a grand monument in his honour on Alfa however, Lewis had never seen it.

Lewis scanned the area, he remembered the café was a small building with a blue tiled triangle roof, that could probably seat around twenty. It also had a little outdoor area containing six tables.

"Lewis!? Imagine seeing you here" a voice called out to him.

Lewis spun to see Korra sitting outside the café he'd been searching for. She had on her black leather jacket and cargo pants with a snug grey shirt. Korra wore a wide smile on her face like she was happy to have randomly run into him. But that wasn't the case, it never was with Korra. He gripped the note that had been slipped in his pocket earlier telling him to come here.

Lewis then noticed Korra wasn't alone.

Sitting across the small round table from Korra was a girl who looked to be a similar age to Lucina. She had a strong face, ashy black hair, and tanned light brown skin that you'd commonly find in the continent Eneasia. However, her most noticeable feature were her eyes that held him with a detached stare. She had heterochromia, her right eye was a bright glowing yellow while her left was an ice-cold blue.

Korra then preceded to wave him over. Lewis took a seat between them.

"Do you want a drink?" Korra asked.

"No I'm alright. Have you been waiting long?" Lewis asked as he got comfortable in his seat.

"No, only about fifteen minutes. I did expect you to be quicker finding this place though" Korra told him.

"It's been a while" Lewis said before glancing at the girl, "So, is this her?".

"It is" Korra said happily, "Lewis I'd like you to meet Azra Ece. Azra this is the boy I've been telling you about Lewis Athra".

Lewis reached his hand across the table "Good to meet you Azra".

"You too" she said plainly as she shook his hand "I've heard a lot about you, especially in Elysia" she said, almost as if she approved him.

"Where are you from?" Lewis quickly asked, not wanting to dwell on it. Azra went to answer but quickly caught her words.

'Obviously doesn't approve of me enough'.

"You can trust him" Korra spoke up "He might be the only one you can help you". Confusion struck Lewis.

Azra nodded. "Aetia" she told him.

"Nice, I've heard it's an interesting country" Lewis stated mindlessly before directing his attention to Korra who had an expression of 'that's for sure'. "Now. What do you mean I might be only one to help her? There's plenty of people out there capable of teaching a Pantheon-" he asked.

Suddenly Korra's hand shot across the table and covered his mouth. "We're keeping that part on the down low for now" she told him before releasing her grip.

"Noted" he said rubbing his jaw. 'She's got a stronger grip than Hafbor'. "Still doesn't explain what you said".

"You haven't told him?" Azra asked.

"Told me what?" Lewis questioned, shooting quick glances at them both.

Korra sighed. "I was going to wait until after the Atlas games and until after maybe you got to know Azra better, but that second bit was a strong maybe. She can be really awkward with new people", Azra instantly stared down at the table, "Do you remember what I asked of you back at the Imperial?"

"Yeah you asked me to help with her summoning" Lewis answered.

"I did", she paused, "Well that wasn't the entire truth. I do want you to teach her what you can, but the reason for that was mostly for you two to bond. She needs help Lewis. Help I'm not in a position to give" Korra informed him.

"But I am" Lewis stated but then he hesitated. "I don't know Korra, you know I don't-".

"Please" Azra suddenly pleaded desperately, completely catching Lewis off-guard. The calm and collected persona she'd had since he got here had completely, melted.

"Hear Azra out" Korra said, "At least give her that".

"Okay" Lewis sighed "But I'm making no promises".