

"The world is not what it seems. Everything is wrapped in a thick curtain by those so-called 'Gods'. Only those who are willing to lift the blindfold of faith will lift the curtain and reveal the truth."

-Excerpt from The Truth of Everything, by Thomas Luke, declared a heretic and hanged by the paladins of Tyr; Keeper of Justice, and God of Honour.

"Baa!" With a loud sound, a young man awoken from deep sleep, covered in sweat and blood from head to toe.

"Heek!!" The maid next to him let out a loud exclamation from the sudden awakening. Clearing the drool stuck on her lips, the amid composed herself before bowing and retreating from the room and closing the room doors.

The young man laid in bed looking at the unfamiliar ceiling with a dazed look. He didn't have the energy to even think, let alone move around.

Time flew by, and the young man did not know how much time passed, before the doors were flung open, the maid returning following behind a middle aged man with a neatly trimmed beard, and a charmingly mature lady, both dressed rather extravagantly.

"VES!" cried out the elegant lady, completely losing her composure and fall to her knees next to the bed the young man named Ves was lying down on, before embracing him and crying out tears of joy.

She did not care about the blood and sweat staining her clothes and covering her bare hands and face. All she cared about was Ves, the one still laying still on the bed. Although he could not understand what the woman was saying, he could feel the emotions she was giving off. For some reason, he could see deep into her soul, and could understand the emotions she was feeling.

However, the young man named Ves did not think that was strange, in fact, he did not have the energy to think much of anything. However, the emotions raging within the mature lady struck something deep within Ves' heart. It caused him to simply harmonise with those emotions and reciprocate them.

A single tear flowed from Ves' right eyes, which was most definitely noticed by everyone present except the elegant lady.

At this moment, the well-groomed man spoke in a groggy voice, as though something was stuck in his through,

"Ves! Isth hansel fore vexto~" However, he could not finish what he was saying and stopped. His through was completely taken over by the thick saliva one experienced just before bursting into tears.

However, he managed to hold it in, and just stood in his place, unmoving like a statue.

Although Ves did not understand what the man had spoken earlier, he felt the emotions of the man, which similar to the woman's struck something deep within his own being, causing another unwanted tear to flow from his other eye.


Suddenly, a loud rumbling, even louder than the raging storm outside the mansion, stunned everyone. Tracing its origin, the three people moved their gazes towards Ves' stomach.

"Demo grath Ves!" shouted the maid softly before rushing off to bring something.

A few moments later, she returned with two plates, one of deliciously juicy fruits, and the other with some sort of dish, mixed with some meat.

Ves did not recognise what these things were, however, his eyes told him that this was something his body gravely required.

Instinctively, he opened his mouth, the very action straining all the muscles and bones on his face.

Seeing the reaction, the faces of the maid and the man greatly improved from a pale complexion to a much more rosy hue. Naturally, the woman that was still sobbing on Ves' chest did not notice this.

With slightly trembling hands, the young maid took a spoonful of the red and green meat dish and pushed it into Ves' mouth.

Once the entire spoon was emptied, she retrieved it and both the man, and herself waited with baited breath as though they were witnessing something incredible.

Slowly but surely, the mouth closed and began to chew.

Surprisingly, Ves felt nothing too spicy nor too bland, but something in the middle. Nothing was too crispy nor too soft. It was just… perfect.

Swallowing the perfectly tempered food, Ves felt a surprising warmth fill his stomach, quickly spreading through his body as the food almost completely disappeared, leaving a shrivelled up leave-like thing, moving through his digestive system.

Somehow, Ves could see clearly within his own body. However, he did not find this surprising or strange, since he did not know what normal was in the first place.

Energy flowed for a brief moment throughout his entire body, but was instantly sucked up by the cells in his body. However, this greatly improved his ability to move and think.

However, he devoted all the energy to move, and opened his mouth for another bite.

This scene cause both the man and the maid to let out sighs of relief, while the maid herself was already preparing another spoon.

Time passed, and the sobbing lady had already stopped crying and had instead moved to the couch by the side of the bed, and sat together with the man. Their mouths completely agape.

The shrivelled up skeleton-for-a-son had eaten 25 plated of food and was still eating more. His stomach a seemingly endless pit for food, and as the maids and other staff ran around making and delivering the food, Ves was already eating on his own.

Colour had returned to his skin almost completely, and the boy who had seemed like a skeleton with skin just half an hour ago, now looked like a completely fit 15 year old young man. The lustre in his eyes now brighter than ever before.

However, there was one problem, Ves did not understand words.

In the holy cathedral of the Thanatos, keeper of souls, and God of Death, Charles Damion one of the three popes, and one of the 5 most influential mortals in the world, regained consciousness after receiving a divine decree.

He quickly summoned one of his aids and whispered through his aged voice,

"The lord has given a divine decree. It states: 'Find the one who sees a blasphemous truth. Find the one that has come back from death. Find the one who defies my, Thanatos' will, and choses to remain in the mortal world even after death.' Quickly go and pass this message onto the other popes, and tell them to bring together a meeting of Grade 2 importance."

"Certainly, Your holiness!" replied the aid as he sprinted out the large and spacious room.

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