
[ For 10,000 Years, Been Waiting For You ]

I held back from showing my emotions to her, my mind struggling to unearth the right words for an explanation. Before that, I wondered how much she had actually perceived, and from what point? Contemplating further, I realized she was still in bed when I walked in.

Taking a breath, I started to speak. "I had a nightmare... I was just about to switch on the light, but your voice startled me."

I questioned the adequacy of my response. Yet, I concluded that it would suffice. After all, molding the recollection of a drowsy young girl wouldn't prove to be too challenging.

"Oh, I–I understand now, you went through a nightmare…" Naera's words lingered momentarily, suggesting she was searching for a more comforting reply. Swiftly, she grasped my hand, her touch reassuring.

Her smile attempted to dispel the shadows in my mind. Her words brought some ease, a small sigh of relief escaping me. My deception seemed to have worked, and I was grateful for that.

"You're absolutely right. It was just a dream," I conceded, my anxiety gradually easing.

Following that, we both settled into bed. This time, her grip on my hand remained unyielding. No matter how much I subtly tried to withdraw, she clung to it, even in her slumber. After a few futile attempts to disengage, I surrendered. I shut my eyes, giving in to the warmth of her presence.

The following morning, Naera and her family departed for their home. With smiles and waves, my family and I bid them farewell, presenting a gift as a gesture of gratitude. Naera's cheerful gestures filled the air as she cradled her baby brother.

As their figures gradually receded from Raul's residence, Naera cast a parting glance at the house, her gaze affixed to its rear.

"There's no connecting path from that window..." Her words were a mere murmur.

Curious, her father inquired, "What's on your mind, Naera?"

She swiftly brushed it off with a light laugh, "Oh, nothing! hehe. Father, could we stop by that restaurant on our way home?"

"Ah, of course. Yes, that sounds like a plan," he responded.


The following day, my family took me to the bustling town plaza for a delightful lunch. Nestled between my parents, I relished the warmth of their grasp as we strolled through the lively square.

Our leisurely pace led us on a brief journey around the plaza, the cobbled streets echoing with the sounds of merriment and the gentle clatter of hooves.

The plaza itself retained a medieval charm, yet hints of modernity. Enchanted lamps hung overhead, casting a soft, radiant glow that played upon the intricately carved facades of the surrounding buildings.

Market stalls boasted an array of both mundane and mystic wares, while street performers entertained with feats that defied the laws of physics, captivating the gathered crowd.

Upon reaching the restaurant, a sense of wonder continued to envelop me. Its exterior was adorned with enchanting murals that seemed to shimmer and shift with every passing glance.

Upon entry, the interior revealed a captivating crystal chandeliers illuminate the space with a soft, multicolored radiance, while floating orbs of light served as both decor and a source of illumination.

Elaborately designed tables and chairs appeared carved from wood but exuded a subtle warmth, hinting at the enchantments woven into their construction.

The staff, dressed in a harmonious blend of contemporary elegance, glided gracefully among the tables. Some wielded trays enchanted to float effortlessly, bearing delectable dishes infused with magical flavors.

Others expertly manipulated enchanted tools, adding a touch of modern to their craft. The harmonious symphony of clinking utensils and hushed conversations danced in the air, accompanied by occasional bursts of laughter.

Seated comfortably at our reserved table, Viora's fingers intertwined with Aeren's, her eyes danced and sparkled.

"Truly, this restaurant is an exceptional find. It's no wonder Zerec and Fiona couldn't stop raving about it," she remarked, her enthusiasm palpable.

Aeren's eyes widened with awe, a hint of excitement in his voice. "It's my first time experiencing such grandeur in dining."

Yet, as the ambiance shifted, a more serious note entered the conversation. My curiosity piqued, I listened attentively as Viora's expression changed.

"Aeren, there's something I meant to share with you, something that feels right to reveal now," she began, a blend of nervousness and anticipation in her demeanor.

Intrigued, I exchanged glances between them as Viora's gaze shifted from Aeren to me. Her voice quivered slightly as she continued, "Aeren, I... I'm pregnant." Her words held a shy vulnerability, her gaze settling on me once more. "Raul, you're going to be a brother."

Aeren's eyes widened in surprise, his features a mixture of astonishment and joy. For a moment, he seemed at a loss for words, but a radiant smile quickly broke through.

"Viora, that's incredible!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine delight. His grip on her hand tightened, expressing his happiness and anticipation.

As for me, a rush of emotions swirled within. A smile tugged at the corners of my lips, mirroring the excitement that enveloped the moment. I was genuinely thrilled until…

I let a soft smile play on my face. I'm going to be a brother? I repeated, my words infused with both happiness and surprise. A familiar face unexpectedly resurfaced in my mind, a flood of memories rushing back. It was a fleeting moment of reflection, a few seconds where my thoughts wandered through countless shared experiences.

Thankfully, Aeren and Viora remained engrossed in their conversation, seemingly unaware of the subtle shift in my expression. My heart was a mix of emotions—joy for their news and a touch of nostalgia for the past.

My moment of reverie was interrupted by Aeren's question, pulling me back to the present. Blinking, I refocused on the here and now, gently brushing aside those lingering thoughts that had momentarily carried me away.

With a shake of my head, I returned my attention to the menu, determined to immerse myself in the task at hand.

"Ah, right," I responded, a faint smile still playing on my lips. I perused the options before me, making a deliberate choice from the array of dishes available.

My voice clear, I shared my order with Aeren, feeling a renewed sense of enthusiasm as the conversation shifted back to the delectable offerings of the restaurant.

The flavors of the food at the restaurant lingered on my palate as I made my way back home. Each dish had been a harmonious blend of familiar ingredients and enchanting twists, an experience that left my taste buds dancing with delight.

The savory notes mingled with subtle hints of magic-infused seasonings, creating a symphony of tastes that I couldn't help but savor with every bite.

At our way home, we made a brief stop by the nearest vendor stall, where Viora's gaze fixated on an assortment of curious trinkets and accessories elegantly displayed upon the table.

Engrossed in my thoughts, I was immersed in a mental dialogue with Garen regarding the intricacies of magic. However, an unsettling transformation began to unfold. Garen's voice, once distinct and clear within my mind, began to dwindle, as if sinking into an abyss, until it faded away entirely.

"Garen?" I called out mentally, a note of urgency lacing my thoughts. Yet, no response echoed in the void that had replaced his presence.

Amidst this bewildering occurrence, another peculiarity manifested. The bustling sounds of the crowd, which had been an unceasing undercurrent, abruptly ceased. Conversations turned to silence, and movements froze like a scene paused in time. An eerie hush settled over the surroundings, leaving only a ghostly stillness in its wake.

Panicked, I turned to Aeren and Viora, attempting to elicit a response from them. "Mom, dad?" I tugged at their clothing, my voice tinged with uncertainty. However, they remained unmoved, like statues caught in an enigmatic trance.

An exclamation of shock formed on my lips as the surreal reality of the situation began to set in. "What's happening?" I murmured to myself, the weight of the inexplicable strangeness pressing down on me. Even the birds in the sky seemed suspended in time, as if the world itself had momentarily slipped into an uncanny suspension.

"Status Profile," I said, but no status window appeared.

An undeniable sense of unease settled over the scene, signaling that something profoundly peculiar was afoot. Positioned just behind my parents, I found myself within arm's reach of the vendor stall, the solid surface of the table cool against my back. My eyes cast a wary gaze downward, landing on the unassuming expanse of concrete beneath my feet.

Could it be…The Astral paused the game?

And then, without warning, an unsettling transformation of the surroundings began to unfold. The outline of a shadow began to elongate and broaden, expanding toward the very spot upon which my gaze was fixed.

A chill slithered down my spine as the mundane transitioned into the uncanny, and an eerie sensation gripped my senses like an icy vice.

The hair on my arms stood at attention, each follicle a sentinel of the growing tension in the air. A shiver coursed through me, an involuntary response to the inexplicable strangeness of the moment.

Then, breaking the unsettling stillness, a voice emerged—ominous and chilling. The words hung in the air, their weight laden with an undeniable sense of foreboding.

"Found you," the voice intoned, its tone striking terror into the very core of my being.

The air grew heavier, every heartbeat echoing with a newfound awareness that I was ensnared in a situation far beyond my understanding.

Struggling to lift my head, I sought to unravel the enigma that had unfolded before me. Emerging from the shrouded recesses, a figure draped in a luminescent white cloak materialized, casting an otherworldly radiance that commanded my attention.

The ethereal fabric cascaded with brilliance, concealing half of her countenance, revealing only a fraction of her visage—a visage framed by an almost translucent, unnaturally pale complexion.

Intrigued yet immobilized, I watched as she advanced, each step a deliberate and measured movement.

My heart raced as her pale hand extended, drawing closer to my chest. The instant our contact was established, an electrifying sensation coursed through me.

My entire being ignited, and intricate runes flickered to life upon my skin, casting a mesmerizing glow that transformed my body into an arcane canvas.

In the wake of this bewitching transformation, she spoke—her voice a delicate yet potent melody that seemed to transcend reality itself.

"The world consumed by shadows, where the fury of The Horns reigns,"

"Amidst skies veiled in ethereal violet, humanity finds its home,"

"In a world forgotten by time, the dwindling star retains its memory,"

"The fallen stellar will return, and the fate will be rewritten,"

Her voice resonating like an incantation that hung in the air as if it was a cryptic riddle.

In a crescendo of brilliance that momentarily blinded my senses, her radiance intensified, and through that radiant glow, she glimpsed a fleeting smile—a smile both enigmatic and beguiling before another whisper came from her.


Then, as swiftly as it had begun, the luminous phenomenon receded, leaving behind a trail of retreating light.

Reality returned with a jolt as the world reassembled itself around me. Garen's voice pierced through the lingering echoes of the enchanting encounter, drawing me back to the present.

Hey, are you alright? Garen's concerned voice repeated, his words grounding me in the mundane.

Bewildered, I struggled to piece together the fragments of a memory that seemed to elude my grasp.

The recent mysterious occurrence remained enshrouded in fog, yet the haunting words she had spoken remained etched within my consciousness, a haunting reminder of an encounter that felt almost like a curse.

"What happened?" I asked Garen.

I was the one who was asking you that. He replied.

Shaking off the lingering thoughts, I reoriented myself to the present. How long was I lost in thought? I inquired, seeking to gauge the duration of my mental reverie.

Garen's response was filled with a mixture of concern and understanding. You were lost for a few minutes, he explained. I was trying to get your attention, but you seemed distant. Maybe you should rest. We won't have any training tonight or tomorrow, he added, his words echoing with a sense of care for my well-being.

As the remnants of the mysterious encounter continued to linger in my mind, I took in a deep breath, acknowledging the need for a moment of respite.

Once Viora had completed her purchase and secured what she had been searching for, our collective journey led us back to the familiar embrace of our home.

The next week held the promise of something extraordinary—Aeren's offer to teach me elemental magic.

As the days drifted by, the date of my training neared. However, I harbored a secret, one that I kept hidden from Aeren amidst our training. Despite knowing that I held an affinity for four elements, I chose to reveal only my connection to water.

I watched as Aeren shared his insights and techniques, marveling at the way his teachings mirrored those I had heard from Garen.

During the training sessions, Aeren was surprised at my swift grasp of my water element affinity. Yet, the truth I concealed from him added an extra layer of intrigue to the equation.

I wondered how he would react if he knew that I possessed an affinity for more than just one element?

Throughout the day, whenever Aeren and Viora found themselves free from their schedules, Aeren undertook the role of my elemental magic instructor, imparting the intricate art of water manipulation. Meanwhile, my mother, Viora, assumed the mantle of teaching me the ways of the sword, passing down her skills with a blade.

Yet, even as the sun dipped below the horizon, my training continued. The stillness of the midnight hours became a canvas for my exploration of the other three elements under Garen's guidance. These clandestine sessions persisted over the span of a month, the cover of darkness providing the perfect shroud for my secret development.

As the weeks unfolded, each day brought new challenges and revelations. Aeren's tutelage in water magic was both enlightening and demanding.

The way he guided me to sense and manipulate the currents of magic mirrored the fluidity of water itself. Every ripple, every droplet of progress, was a testament to the mastery he sought to impart.

Simultaneously, the clash of stick against stick echoed under Viora's watchful gaze as she instructed me in the art of swordsmanship.

Her guidance was firm yet encouraging, and I marveled at the grace with which she wielded her blade.

Then, one day, after a month of rigorous training, Aeren proposed a new challenge. His suggestion took me by surprise: a hunting expedition. The notion of venturing into the wild alongside my father.

I readied myself. The eagerness to witness the tangible results of my training sessions fueled me.

Viora's concern resonated in her words as she turned to Aeren, her eyes holding a mixture of worry and protective instinct. "Are you sure about this, Aeren? I mean, Raul is still quite young," she voiced, her motherly instincts taking the forefront.

Aeren's response was laced with confidence and reassurance, his tone carrying an air of steadfast determination.

"I understand your concern, Viora. But with both you and me by his side, there's no need to worry. We'll ensure his safety throughout the journey," he assured her, his words aimed at easing her apprehensions.

Thanks for reading my story >_<

Shyrlocreators' thoughts
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