

It's a pity, but I died…

Hello, imaginary voyeurs of mine. My name is Karen Iota.

Alright, get it out of your systems. First off, my mother chose my name so deal with it. And second, I have only previously… died.

It was nothing tragic or anything. I 'think' died from monoxide poisoning as I didn't even realize it when I passed away. So, I died and am afloat in a dark and depressing void where no sound echoes.

Pretty creepy ain't it? Well, I'm used to it. I honestly don't know how long I've been here since time is like… pfft!

But, it seems like I've retained enough of my sanity by interacting with an imaginary audience in my head. I don't know if I'm right or not but, I choose to believe my life is at east being interviewed by people with a pension for literature of my life.

Usually, this would be the part where an omnipresent god or ROB would show up and offer me a second life along with three wishes of my choosing…

Nothing happened. Haaa, it was worth a try.

["Hello there."]

Oh great, now I'm hearing voices. No wait, if you're there, give me a second life. I'll even become a cat, just get me out of this place.

["Amusing. But no. We will conduct this with merit and integrity. So, would you like a second life along with three wishes as you said?"]

… is that… is that it? Just like that?

["Well… do you want to be charged for this service?"]

Noooo. I'm all good, in fact, let's get this over with!

["That is the spirit. So, for your new body, would you like to be reborn from infancy or would you like a premade body?"]

Premade body, please. Uh, can I customize myself?

["Oh, sure. Here is a mouse and keyboard."]

I blinked and then began thinking of how I wanted to look like going into my new life. It was finally happening that I was certain if I was still alive with a living body, I would be in tears.

I mean, wouldn't you guys be if this happened to you? No? Just me then.

Let's see…I've been white all my life so, I want to be tan in my next life. No flat-chest for me anymore. I want to become one of those big busty and amazonian women with slim muscles and naturally curvaceous.

Hmm, now for the hair. Long? Short? Maybe a mix? No, I'll choose long dark-brown, brunette colored straight silky hair. Okay. Now for my eyes, I want them sharp. And the color… red?

It feels edgy, I know. But, why not? It's sexy. Pupils will be slitted like a snakes and pulse like normal pupils but sideways so they can reflect my emotions. Wow… this looks impressive if I do say-so-myself.

As for my height, 6'2ft tall. I want to tower over people since I have always been a shorty all my life. Finally, I can look down on the masses, mwahaha!

Ahem. So, now onto my clothes because I can't stand staring at my nakedness without feeling frizzy inside. Oh! Did I not mention that I was gay? Or is it lesbian? Honestly, I can't remember how it's pronounced since the genderfication war of 2027.

You guys know what I'm talking about right?

Well, I was gay and proud of it. I like women as I believe they are my cup-of-tea.

Anyway, tangent aside, I was now able to pick out my new clothes and went with a more reserved outfit… a militaristic combat uniform which made me look badass.

Hmm. This is immensely good. Oh! And I can't forget to add 'that' for late-night fun. I always wondered how different it will feel like having one of my own while still retaining my official 'set-up'.

Soon after that was done… wait, what do I do now?

Hello? Disembodied voice of my dreams… ?

["We are here. Now, state your three wishes."]

I smiled with relief and then began to put down thought into this.

The usual route would be to aim for fictional superpowers and stuff… buuut, no.

I don't want to break my potential lover on our first night with a single 'thrust-of-death'.

Thinking about it carefully, I then titled my head and had an idea.

Hey, disembodied voice; I wish to become an Esper.

["Esper… may you allow me to take a look through your memories to understand it more?"]

Sus… but alright. It's not like I'm hiding anything.

Sure, go ahead.

["Thank you… hmm, I see. Very well, you will have it once you enter your second life. Two wishes remain."]

Oh, great! Then, for my second wish; I wish for the ability to make my potential lovers immortal, no! Wait! That feels too wasteful.

I instead wish to be an angel that can heal others from the brink of death and even grant them immortality.


I-Is that too much?

["No. Rather, is that it?"]

Huh? W-What do you mean? It feels like it's a lot already.

["Hmm… sure. That can be arranged but, I want to ask. What you view as an angel, is that what you want or the 'biblical' version of it?"]

Uh… my version of it? At least, it's the one with two massive white wings and a halo over their head right?

["Good. Just checking. Now, you have one final wish."]

Okay… here's for all the marbles.

Anyway, for my last and final wish; I wish for a resource-system.

["… a what?"]

A resource-system. You know, a system that gives me an endless supply of resources for free.

["… sure. So. Are you ready?"]

Uh, yeah. I think so.

["Great. I will now be sending you away."]

Thank you. And I'm Karen Iota by the way.

["I know. Who do you think you are talking to?"]

Ugh… god?

["Close. I'm-"]

What? I'm sorry I didn't catch-AGHHHH!!!

["May we never meet again; Karen Iota!"]
