
Ashen Sun

As a teenager living a fairly normal life, Aaron's life took a radical change when he was caught in a bus accident. It was at the dying moment of his life, that he met a mysterious woman smiling down at him. Offering him a choice to live and join 'Ashen Sun', a secret organization having an objective of eradicating the evils of the world, but underneath it all, things aren't what they portray it to be. With the organization surrounded by mystery and danger, Aaron only had two objectives: survive and live to see his family once more. **************************************************** Discord server: https://discord.gg/w6UWHfGzS8 Hi there, just some things before starting, English is not my mother language, so probably there will be mistakes. I will be grateful if you tell them to me. About the schedule... at the moment there isn't, but expect a chapter every 2 or 3 days. When I finally adjust my schedule I will put it here. Another thing, some of the tags might take their time to see them, like the harem, romance and the antihero, as I intend to do some "slow" character development. Also, I don't mind criticism as long as you are respectful and preferably constructive. If you need it, here is my discord: Donutsaurio#2874 But enough of all that, this is my first novel so have patience with me and don't doubt about giving me advice or correcting me. Said all that, enjoy my novel! *The original art is not mine, if you want to take it down tell me in the comment

Donutsaurio · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

2 - Talk with the boss

-Black-haired girl POV-

I opened my eyes after I didn't know how much time, and what I saw was a white room with medical equipment, which I instantly recognized.


As I was thinking about how I could escape from here, I heard a voice from my right.

"Are you awake?"

I tried to remain silent, but it didn't yield results as that voice kept talking.

"Well, how much has it been since we saw each other? One year? Anyways, it is nice having you here again."

"Like I had a choice."

Finally, looking to my right, my eyes met with another pair of green eyes, along with that long crimson hair, forming a person that I hoped not to see again. But whether I like it or not, I am here again, and I don't think she will let me escape again.

"Rest well, we will talk more in another moment. I have to go, there is another person I have to meet."

Without a goodbye, she exited the room and left me alone with my thoughts.

'She has to meet with another person? Who could it be? Whatever, I will know it later.'


-Aaron POV-

When I woke up, the first thing I saw was Rebecca looking at me from the side of the room.

"Great, you are awake, let's go, we don't want to make the Boss wait. In the corner of the room, you have some clothes. I will wait for you outside."

Saying that she left the room.

" Good morning to you too..."

That is quite a change of personality from the last time I saw her. I guess that means that the Boss really is a very important person, so better not make him or her wait.

Getting up from bed with a little pain, I went to take the clothes that Rebecca mentioned before. I wore them after removing the white robe I now realize I was wearing.

After putting on the clothes I saw a mirror on the other side of the room. After getting there what I saw was a 15 years old boy, with dirty blond hair and gray eyes, that didn't have a very athletic body but at the same time, there wasn't any extra fat. I was wearing a white T-shirt and blue jeans. I could be described as quite handsome but not as the person I met earlier, 07.

Finished my check-up, I left the room and I was received by a long hall with several doors.

I looked around but I couldn't see Rebecca. While I was doing that a voice startled me from behind.

"We meet again, huh?"

When I turned around I saw that the voice was Code 07.

'I didn't hear his steps...'

"Hi, um... have you seen doctor Rebecca?"

"Yes, she had something to do so she asked me to take you to the Boss's office."

'So that is what happened. Well, at least is someone I have met before.'

"Anyways, let's go. The Boss is waiting."

As he said that he started walking, and I started following him. I think I should take advantage of this situation to get more information about the person I am about to meet.

"Code 07, can I call you 07? The code part makes it quite long."

"Do as you want."

"Great. So, uh... what is the Boss like?"

"You will know it soon."


That was not very helpful, but what can I do? Well, it seems like it is going to be a silent walk.


While I was thinking about how to behave in front of the Boss, 07 pulled me out of my thoughts.

"We are here."

We were in front of a big wooden door that stood out due to the walls, which seemed like they were made out of metal. 07 then knocked on the door.

"Boss, I have brought him."

"Go ahead, only him."

The voice that answered 07 was feminine, so the Boss was a woman. While I was thinking about that, I opened the door and then entered the room.

The first thing that I saw was a big desk with a computer and behind the desk, was the most gorgeous woman that I have ever seen. Long wavy crimson hair and a pair of green eyes that seemed to see your soul. She had a perfect face accompanied by what appeared to be a perfect body dressed in a black military uniform.

"How long are you going to stare at me?"

"Oh! Sorry!"

It seemed that I stared at her for too long as she appeared to be a little irritated. I couldn't help it since she was the most astonishing woman I have met, but I have to be more careful. After all, I still have no idea where I am or what is going to happen to me.

"So, is your body well now? You have been resting for 5 days."

"What?! 5 days?! I didn't know it has been so long since the accident..."

'So it has been so long... Now that I think about it, what happened to the rest of the students? And also, wasn't this the people who-'

"Yes, we provoked it. And about the students, you don't have to worry, they are all in the hospital and nobody died."


"That doesn't matter right now, I guess you have more important questions to ask me right?"

'I don't know what is going on, but I indeed have better questions.'

"Then... What is going to happen to me?"

"Well, normally we would kill you without a doubt, but because it is you, I am going to give you another option."

While she was saying that, she looked up as if she was questioning her decision, but she seemed convinced when an amusing smile appeared on her face.

"Here are your only two options, or you let us kill you... or you join us."

'That isn't an option, you are just saying that if I don't join you I will die.'

While I was thinking that, I was making a troubled face that seemed to entertain her as her smile grew.

"And I would join, to where?"

That question was funny to her since she laughed and answered me.

"Of course, you would be joining us."

"The Ashen Sun."

Hi, author here again, I hope you liked the chapter and the little story we had so far. As I said before please comment and tell me if I made any mistakes, I am trying my best to improve the quality of the chapters, so I hope it brings results.

See ya in the next chapter!

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