
Training Arc - Ending - One shot

Hello readers,

Yes it's been a while! unless you saw me lurking in the comments section when I was not training, more seriously well let's just say adulting is really hard.. and job takes a lot of time

I had some difficulty regarding this fanfiction and had to go on a training arc so that I can come back stronger and at least complete this work.

It took me while, but with arduous effort and willpower I was able to complete my training and I'm happy to announce you that I'm back to at least complete this fanfiction

During my training arc I've also started numerous project that will soon be available if I can find the time to get some chapters in advance so keep an eye out for them

Be sure to leave a comment or review about your thoughts

Now here is the last chapter you were waiting for

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As the sun rises over the horizon, Madara can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. Five years ago, he was just a man with nothing special apart from his ressemblence to Madara, unsure of his place in this new world. But through hard work and determination, he has managed to build an empire that spans the entire globe. He has conquered every challenge that has come his way and has emerged as the undisputed ruler of his world. But Madara's journey has not been easy. In the early days, he faced many obstacles and setbacks. There were times when he doubted himself and his abilities, wondering if he was truly cut out for the task at hand. But he never gave up, and with the help of his system and wives and Omb, he was able to overcome every challenge that came his way. As he expanded his empire, Madara also discovered the existence of other realms. These were worlds beyond his own, filled with incredible creatures and landscapes that he could have never imagined. He was tempted to explore these realms and see what wonders they had to offer. But in the end, he decided to stay in his own world and focus on building the best possible life for himself and those he cared about.

It was also in one of those Realm that he met Kathrine, the two had fought but Madara with his newfound power had completly anihilated her. after all he now had all tailed beasts, has the rinne sharingan and the tenseigan and many more power such as his gunbai becoming a zanpakuto.

Omb had also become one of the strongest beast capable to contend against sage beast.

Misa and Shyvanya had also become his wives and his dream of utopia has finally been achieved

Madara's utopia was a place where everyone was happy and thriving. He worked tirelessly to create a society where everyone was equal and had access to the same opportunities. He introduced new technologies and innovations that made life easier and more enjoyable for all. And as the years passed, his empire grew and flourished, becoming a beacon of hope and prosperity in a world that had once been filled with darkness and despair.

Now, as he sits on his throne, Madara reflects on all that he has achieved. He thinks about the people he has met and the friends he has made along the way. He remembers the struggles he faced and the lessons he learned. And he is grateful for the system that has given him the power to shape his own destiny and create a better world for himself and those around him.

Despite all his successes, Madara knows that there is still more work to be done. There are still challenges and obstacles to overcome, and he is ready to face them head on. But for now, he is content to enjoy the fruits of his labor and the happiness that he has created for himself and those he cares about.

As the sun sets on another day, Madara looks forward to the future with hope and excitement. He knows that whatever challenges may come his way, he is ready to tackle them head on and continue to build upon the empire he has created.

The end?

- - - First fanfiction completed 2 years later, this was really hard to complete because I had made him too strong and didn't want the story to just repeat over and over again, it was also my first time really writing and publishing so I made a lot of mistakes.

Here is a little one shot of a story idea I had that I may or may not write depending of feedback

- One shot -

- My wife Kaguya is just too cute -

Once upon a time before the ninja era, there lived a man named Kimimaro. He was a skilled warrior and loyal friend of the powerful Kaguya Otsutsuki.

As time passed, Kimimaro found himself falling deeply in love with Kaguya. Despite her fearsome reputation and immense power, Kimimaro saw a softer side to her that few others did. He admired her strength and determination, but he also found her to be incredibly cute.

One day, Kimimaro mustered up the courage to tell Kaguya how he felt. He described to her how her delicate features and gentle smile made his heart flutter. He told her how her laugh was like music to his ears, and how just being in her presence made him feel alive.

Kaguya was touched by Kimimaro's words, and a faint blush spread across her cheeks. She had never thought of herself as cute, but hearing it from someone she cared about made her feel special. She thanked Kimimaro for his kind words and promised to always cherish their bond.

From that day on, Kimimaro and Kaguya grew even closer. They spent their days training and fighting alongside each other, and their nights sharing stories and laughing together. Kaguya may have been a fearsome warrior, but to Kimimaro, she was simply the most adorable woman in the world.

And though their love faced many challenges, they remained steadfast and true to each other until the end. For in the end, it was their love for each other that made them strong, and nothing could ever change that.