
Arks Devourer

Rayne Ashbringer, The Prince of Royal Ashbringer Clan was plotted against by his Uncle and was almost killed. He used the last of his remaining powers to save a part of his soul from being destroyed and sends it into the void in hopes that he can survive and get his revenge later. This soul travels to a different dimension and a modern world called Earth. Rayne Ashbringer is now reborn as Ling Tian...

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144 Chs

God“s Realm

" Crystalline Divine Rank Spirit root inheritance? What's that supposed to be?" Ling Tian couldn't help but ask as he had no idea what this inheritance thingy was about.

" Well, you see. It's just like you getting an additional spirit root. That too of divine rank." Jiang Zhentian said .

" Additional Spirit root? Don't tell me, I have to transplant it within me?!" Ling Tian said as he took a step back while warily looking at the shining white crystal in Jiang Zhentian's hand.

Jiang Zhentian saw this and laughed and said, " Of course not. You just have to put your hand on top of this crystal and try to accept the spirit root within you. Since a spirit root is a spiritual existence, it will directly implant itself in your sea of consciousness. When this happens, your cultivation level will increase by leaps and bounds."

" Just how much would my cultivation increase?" Ling Tian asked curiously.

Ling Tian was particularly curious about this. Because, if he can achieve a breakthrough to Spirit Refinement Realm, then the system that's responsible for all his miseries will be back and he will get the chance to know more about this world in detail.

" Since it is a divine rank spirit root, your cultivation should reach the peak of 10th level Spirit Refinement Realm at the minimum when you completely assimilated the spirit root within your sea of consciousness. As for maximum, I have no clue." Jiang Zhentian said to Ling Tian in order to clarify his doubts.

" Why don't you keep it for yourself? I'm sure it will be helpful to you." Ling Tian said as he thought that, since he already has two new spirit roots, he might not need another one.

" I have no use for it. Besides, even if I want it, I can't take it because I'm only a soul clone, while my real self is in the God's realm." Jiang Zhentian said as he just shrugged his shoulders.

" I see... Wait!! You're a clone?!!" Ling Tian was shocked by what Jiang Zhentian just said.

" Yes, I am." Jiang Zhentian simply replied in a plain tone.

" If you're a clone, then were you lying to me when you said you have been stuck in here for thousands of years?" Ling Tian asked Jiang Zhentian with an expression as if saying ' If you don't give me a proper answer, I'll beat you up' .

" I wasn't really lying. Although there were some lies." Jiang Zhentian said with a wry smile.

" I see.... So... Is your real self in some other planet?" Ling Tian asked.

" It's not planet, but a different realm, or rather, a higher level realm. The God's Realm." Jiang Zhentian said with a bit of pride for who knows what reason.

" God's Realm? Is it far from the Heaven's Fall World?" Asked Ling Tian.

" Of course it is. God's Realm is five level higher than Star Mortal Realm, that the Heaven's Fall World is residing in. And there are four realms for you to ascend to, before you can reach God's Realm." Jiang Zhentian explained for the sake of Ling Tian's feeble mind to understand.

" Four realms higher, huh? So what are these realms that are above Heaven's Fall World?" Ling Tian asked with a curious expression. In fact, he was even getting a bit excited after hearing what Jiang Zhentian said.

" If I'm not wrong, the spirit energy cultivation limit of the Star Mortal Realm is Divine Emperor Realm. And you're not even at Spirit Refinement Realm, not to mention Heaven Core Realm. It's such a waste of such unbelievable talent and potential." Jiang Zhentian sighed and muttered in a low voice. But it still reached Ling Tian's ears and he was kind of annoyed.

" *cough* You didn't answer my question?" Ling Tian reminded him again.

Jiang Zhentian looked at Ling Tian and tried to remember what did Ling Tian ask. But he just couldn't remember and was at a loss at what to do. He couldn't possibly ask Ling Tian to repeat the question again. It would seriously hurt his pride.


Jiang Zhentian awkwardly coughed and said, " Yeah, there are many beautiful women. Many are single as well, .. Aha.. Ha..ha."

" That's great news and all, but I never asked about it." Said Ling Tian as he strangely looked Jiang Zhentian

Jiang Zhentian saw how Ling Tian was looking at him and got embarrassed. But he has already started bulshiting, so he might as well go all the way until he can make Ling Tian forget about whatever topic he wants to learn.

" Shut it, kid. It's important information, so listen well." Jiang Zhentian said with a red face.

" Oh... Ohhh.." Ling Tian groaned absent mindedly without realizing the predicament Jiang Zhentian was in.

" Listen Kid. A man has two things that he always need to pursue in order to make his life more fun." Jiang Zhentian said with a serious expression.

Ling Tian didn't say anything and just listened to Jiang Zhentian silently.

" One is power. You need to have strength to protect anything you want to, you need to have power to be free to do anything you wish." Jiang Zhentian said at the same time he was screaming in his mind, ' What the hell am I even saying?!!'

" And second is to find people who will truly care for you. Who will never betray you. People with whom you can share your greatness with." Jiang Zhentian said with a smile and looked at Ling Tian and said.

" Remember these two things, kid."

" Ye-Yeah! I will." Ling Tian said a bit startled.

While Jiang Zhentian was screaming in his mind, ' I can't believe I said all that. If the people at God's realm know that a peak existence like me who is a loner actually gave advice to someone about finding friends, I'll probably lose all the face I have.'

" But I had only asked you to tell me about the realms higher than the Star Mortal Realm." Ling Tian mumbled with a hint of dissatisfaction.

' What?! That was all he asked? Dammit! To think me of all people said such embarrassing things.' Jiang Zhentian thought and he felt like crying.

" Well, now lets get to the main point. There are four realms above the Star Mortal Realm and below God's Realm. First is Spirit Realm. Then above Spirit Realm come Divine Realm. Above Divine Realm is Saint Realm. Above Saint Realm is Immortal Realm. And finally, above Immortal Realm comes God's Realm." Jiang Zhentian said as he tried his best to hide his embarrassment.

" Realms, huh. A typical Xianxia novel type world, is it?" Ling Tian muttered.

" Xianxia? What's that supposed to mean?" Jiang Zhentian asked Ling Tian.

Ling Tian suddenly realized that he had thought out loud.

" It's nothing. That was just a wording mistake on my part." Ling Tian said. He tried his best to keep a poker face when he said this.

After all, Ling Tian couldn't possibly say that it is a genre of novel and manhwa's and animes. If so he would have to explain what anime is, and etc. Besides Ling Tian doesn't want to reveal anything about his past to anyone, no matter what.

" *Sigh*"

Jiang Zhentian sighed suddenly when Ling Tian was pondering about what he has to ask Jiang Zhentian while he had the chance.

" What's wrong?" Ling Tian asked.

Jiang Zhentian looked at Ling Tian and stared at him for a while, then sighed again as if he was pitying Ling Tian.

" ..... "

Ling Tian was speechless when he saw how Jiang Zhentian was looking at him, but was also starting to get annoyed.

" If you have anything to say, then spit it out!!" Ling Tian yelled at Jiang Zhentian, unable to control his temper.

" It's just, You lost the best time for cultivating and its really a waste of your incredible talents." Jiang Zhentian said in a disappointed tone.

Ling Tian simply sighed internally, when he saw that Jiang Zhentian was still bothered about his low cultivation. He knew that he had to somehow make it seem so that he wouldn't nag him about it anymore.

After a moment of silence.


" You see, to tell you the truth, when I was ten years old, For some reason, I lost my ability to cultivate in Spirit Energy, Ki, and body. It was not until a few days ago that when I almost died, something awakened within me. I even grew a tail at that time. I was able to cultivate again." Ling Tian said with a straight face, as if, he was speaking the truth.

Jiang Zhentian was stunned.

' Just what sort of bad luck does this kid have in order to suffer like this.'

Jiang Zhentian was speechless and felt pity for Ling Tian.

" Well, forget it. So kid, when you come to God's realm, there will be many things to look forward to." Said Jiang Zhentian.

" What kind of place is the God's realm?" Ling Tian asked. If possible, he would go there since his family might be there.

Jiang Zhentian saw that Ling Tian seriously wanted to know about God's realm. Then he thought of the nature of Saiyans and grin creep on his face.

" Oh, it's a place that you'll love it. A place where strength is supreme. A place where you can fight to your heart's content." Said Jiang Zhentian with a smile.

" Sorry, I'll never go to God's realm." Ling Tian replied without any hesitation after hearing Jiang Zhentian's speech.

" I see, so you'll come to -! What?! Why not?" Jiang Zhentian was shocked with Ling Tian's sudden reply.

" You must be kidding me. Why would I go to a place which I know is extremely dangerous." Ling Tian said to Jiang Zhentian while looking at him like he was a fool.

Now Jiang Zhentian was not sure what to say. He thought that, since all the Saiyans he knew loved to fight and had an unending thirst for battle, Jiang Zhentian thought he could motivate Ling Tian by telling him there are many strong people in God's realm.

But what Jiang Zhentian didn't know was that, Ling Tian is no ordinary Saiyan. He might even be the most weird Saiyan to have ever existed. All Ling Tian wants is to live a comfortable life without getting into trouble and marry a couple of beautiful women and enjoy his life.

Jiang Zhentian was now feeling extremely conflicted. If certain people knew that he actually caused the Saiyan of legends to avoid coming to God's realm, he won't just end up with mere broken bones.

Suddenly a thought struck him.

" Are you sure, kid? You have five fiancés at God's realm." Jiang Zhentian said with a smirk.

" Nanii???!!!" Ling Tian screamed with an incredulous look.

" Nani? What's that supposed to mean?" Jiang Zhentian was confused and thought that Ling Tian likes to use weird words.

Ling Tian snapped out of his stupor and fiercely stared at Jiang Zhentian.

" You think you can fool me with such nonsense?" Ling Tian said in an irritated voice.

" But I'm not lying. Heck, they are all so beautiful that they can be counted in the top ten beauties of the God's realm." Jiang Zhentian said.

" Oh?" Ling Tian was impressed and a bit excited about the fact that he has beautiful fiancés.

" Even I'm trying to pursue one of those five women. It was truly love at first sight." Jiang Zhentian with a smile. But his smile suddenly froze.


Because he saw Ling Tian charging a football sized energy ball and pointing it towards him with a cold emotionless look on Ling Tian's face.

Jiang Zhentian suddenly realized that he made a huge blunder. Even the most innocent man would get angry if someone just say to his face that he is trying to seduce his soon to be wife, much less a Saiyan like Ling Tian , who has arrogance imprinted deep within his very being, even if he is not as short tempered as the other Saiyans.

" Ho? You're trying to woo my women, huh? You have some nerve. You'll pay with your life for that." Ling Tian said with a cold expression as he was releasing intense killing intent. There was anger in his voice.

" Wait wait wait..!! That was a mistake on my part! I'm sorry, so calm down so I can explain." Jiang Zhentian hurriedly said in order to stop Ling Tian from firing the energy blast at him.