
Arks Devourer

Rayne Ashbringer, The Prince of Royal Ashbringer Clan was plotted against by his Uncle and was almost killed. He used the last of his remaining powers to save a part of his soul from being destroyed and sends it into the void in hopes that he can survive and get his revenge later. This soul travels to a different dimension and a modern world called Earth. Rayne Ashbringer is now reborn as Ling Tian...

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144 Chs

Annoyed Ling Tian.

Ling Tian saw all the disciples except for Xin Qinyue to get back to their senses.

" Huh? Where is Sir Enforcer?" Du Lingyun asked a bit confused.

The other disciples also chattered about how they suddenly lost their consciousness and all.

Ling Tian took a step forward and said, " Senior Qinghe left a while ago. He wanted to talk to me privately, so he put you all unconscious."

" Sir Enforcer did that?" Du Lingyun asked suspiciously. He tried to remember his conversation with Yuan Qinghe and remembered everything(modified by Ling Tian), but he still felt like something was wrong.

" Yeah." Ling Tian answered.

" What's wrong with Junior Sister Yue?" Du Lingyun asked when he saw Xin Qinyue unconscious in Ling Tian's arms.

" Oh? Don't worry about that. She'll wake up pretty soon." Ling Tian answered.

Su Xumei came towards Ling Tian and asked, " Where are you going now, Ling Tian?"

" Hm?" Ling Tian looked surprised for a moment. Then he smiled and answered, " Of course I'm coming with you to that ruins you're going to. If I'm not there, who'll protect you?"

Su Xumei immediately blushed when she heard what Ling Tian said. Du Lingyun felt rage when he saw how Ling Tian was talking to Su Xumei in such a way.

" You can't come with us." Du Lingyun said while suppressing his anger.

" Hm? Why not?"

Ling Tian asked and he also felt that Du Lingyun was harbouring hatred for him. But as dense as he is when it comes to common-sense, Ling Tian couldn't understand the reason for Du Lingyun's hatred for him.

" Only those selected by the Spirit Water Sacred Land can participate in this event. And the forty of us are the ones chosen by Spirit Water Sacred Land. No one else other than us can participate in this." Du Lingyun said.

" .... " Ling Tian was silent for a moment before asking, " So what? What does it have anything to do with me accompanying Xumei?"

" Didn't you hear? Only those selected by the -" Du Lingyun was interrupted.

" I think you are getting the wrong idea here. I'm not going to the ruins in the name of the whatever Sacred Land, I'm going there on my own accord." Ling Tian said.

" .... " Du Lingyun was stunned. The other disciples were stunned.

" You think you can enter the ruins like that?! Only those selected by the eight Sacred Lands can enter it!" Du Lingyun said in a bit of irritated tone.

" You don't have to worry about that. I can easily enter that ruins." Ling Tian said with a carefree smile.

Ling Tian wasn't kidding. With the inheritance of Hit, his stealth ability is ungodly. Even if all the Sacred Lands strongest cultivators stand guard for the ruins, Ling Tian can still enter it and they won't even realize it.

Du Lingyun couldn't say anything and was shocked at Ling Tian's 'arrogance'.

" Whatever, but you can't come with us." Du Lingyun said.

" Hm? Why not?" Ling Tian asked.

" Only the chosen ones can travel in the Spirit Vessel. If you join us, I, as the leader of the group will have to bear the blame." Du Lingyun said.

" Then, thank you for taking on the blame for me." Ling Tian said in an appreciative tone.

Du Lingyun was enraged by Ling Tian's carefree attitude, but suddenly a thought came to his mind.

" But, if you can beat me in a duel, you can join our travel." Du Lingyun said with a smile.

" Hm? Duel?" Ling Tian asked in a surprised tone.

" Sure." Ling Tian agreed. Why wouldn't he. It's a sure win for Ling Tian anyway.

Du Lingyun was surprised and couldn't help but ask, " Do you even know my cultivation level?"

" Half-step to Earth Core Realm, right? For someone just twenty two years old to achieve such a cultivation, you really are a 'genius'." Ling Tian said in a sarcastic tone.

" Why you!!" Du Lingyun growled in annoyance.

The other disciples just stayed silent.

Su Xumei and Yan Zuqing frowned when they saw this. Du Lingyun was acting out of his character. Su Xumei furthermore understood Ling Tian's natural aptitude for irritating others. Even the originally kind and gentle Du Lingyun was now like this. Although she knows that she is also a reason for Du Lingyun to act like this.

Suddenly Ling Tian disappeared from his spot and appeared in front of Du Lingyun and placed an adamant knife on Du Lingyun's neck and said, " You lose."

" ?!" Du Lingyun was shocked out of his mind. So were others. They couldn't even see Ling Tian's movement. And Ling Tian was still carrying Xin Qinyue in one of his arm while Little Blue was still clinging to his back. It was a rather comical sight.(It would be funny if they could see someone who can move at a speed of 23 times the speed of light, with mortal cultivation.)

Ling Tian saw that Du Lingyun was not admitting his defeat so he just said, " Give it up. My cultivation is far, far higher than you. It's not a difference of just one or two sub levels."

" I... Admit defeat.." Du Lingyun said while clenching his teeth in frustration.

Du Lingyun had proposed the challenge so that he could shame Ling Tian a bit, thinking back, he realized that he couldn't even sense Ling Tian's cultivation level, and he had rashly challenged him. Du Lingyun felt ashamed.

" Hey! You're not gonna go back on your word, right?" Ling Tian asked.

" No... I won't.. You can travel with us." Du Lingyun said in a depressed tone.

" Come on man. Don't be so down now. It's just one loss. One can learn from losses as well you know." Ling Tian said.

" .... " Du Lingyun didn't bother with Ling Tian anymore and kept silent.

Ling Tian didn't say anything and went to Su Xumei and asked, " Are you guys going to leave now?"

Su Xumei looked at Du Lingyun for an answer.

" We'll be resting here for now and depart tomorrow." Du Lingyun answered as he couldn't say no to Su Xumei(His crush).

" Ngh.." Xin Qinyue, who was unconscious in Ling Tian's arms woke up and was startled then calmed down when she saw it was Ling Tian.

" Brother Tian, why am I in your arms? Not that I mind." Xin Qinyue asked while snuggling in Ling Tian's chest.

" Well you were unconscious and lying on the ground like a log, so I just picked you up." Ling Tian said.

" What do you mean 'log'?!" Xin Qinyue asked in exasperation.

" We'll talk later, I need to do something." Ling Tian said as he let Xin Qinyue down from his arms despite her protests.

Ling Tian then walked towards where the other disciples were standing and came in front of a girl and asked, " Hi, I'm Ling Tian! What's your name?"

Xin Qinyue, Su Xumei and Yan Zuqing looked at Ling Tian in a deadpan manner. Xin Qinyue's expression turned cold. Just now, Ling Tian said he had something to do. Does that something means hitting on other girl in front of her.

The girl in question was startled and got very nervous and quietly muttered, " L-Lin Ke'er..."

' This girl really is timid.' Ling Tian thought.

Ling Tian of course knew this girl's name already, but in order to start a conversation, he needed to ask her name. If he tells her that he already knows her name, it will like he is some kind of freak.

" I'll get straight to the point. I'm taking you as my disciple. And of course you have no choice of rejecting here." Ling Tian said.

" .... "


It was absolute silence...

" Hahaha!! He actually wants to take an inner court disciple of Spirit Advent Sect as his disciple?! Is he alright in the head??" A youth who seems to be a disciple from a different sect laughed at Ling Tian's proclamation.

" Kid, just because you could beat group leader, you think you can do anything you want?!"

" Hahaha! She's even older than him!"

" That guy wants to take an older female as his disciple?!"

" That's some weird fetish!!"

" My God! This Kid is hilarious! He really says anything that comes to his mind, doesn't he?!"

Almost all the disciples except for the group of Xin Qinyue, Su Xumei and Yan Zuqing were laughing and making fun of Ling Tian. Even Du Lingyun was trying his best not to laugh.

Xin Qinyue was looking at Ling Tian with a strange expression. She didn't remember Ling Tian to be like this.

Su Xumei and Yan Zuqing were curious as to why Ling Tian said such a thing. They didn't doubt Ling Tian. They knew that he was terrifyingly powerful, though they don't know to what extent.

" I-I-I..." Lin Ke'er was stuttering and tears started to form in her eyes.

Ling Tian was startled when he saw Lin Ke'er is about to cry. He remembered that she is a very timid girl.

Ling Tian turned and saw these people still laughing at him and he was instantly annoyed.

' Am I not fit to be a master of someone? Heck, if I'm not capable, then who is?!'

Ling Tian has all the memories of Devil God Virtyq. Who was Devil God? He was the strongest Spirit Energy Cultivator at his time. He can erase multiple universes with a single thought. With the experiences of Devil God Virtyq, Ling Tian is the best Teacher in Spirit Energy cultivation anyone could ask for.

For him to be mocked like this, even if Ling Tian is tolerant, he is still pissed off.

Ling Tian stretched out his left hand towards the laughing disciples and clicked his fingers.



Except Xin Qinyue, Su Xumei, Yan Zuqing and Lin Ke'er who was standing in front of him, all the other disciples turned into ice sculptures in an instant.

Ling Tian had used the power of his Glazed Ice Spirit Root to freeze them. This might be useless against divine path cultivators since Ling Tian's cultivation base is low compared to them. But these group of disciples have mortal cultivation and their cultivation level is even lower than Ling Tian, so they will never get out of the ice unless Ling Tian wills it.

Ling Tian looked at the frozen disciples and said coldly, " Ignorant insects! Who the fu*k do you think you are to mock me?!"