
Background History

In the 1940's, the United States Government unknowingly released chemical compounds into the atmosphere which slowly started to deteriorate the Earth's troposphere. As the troposphere layer was slowly eaten away, life on earth slowly started to change on a molecular level. Earth was set on a new evolutionary path that would effectively lead humanity into the great unknown. Everything and everyone was changing but it was so sutil no one noticed this monumental change. Life slowly started having increased levels of intelligence and life expectancy. However, the down side was that there was an increase of cancerous type diseases and mental illnesses that were now starting to terrorize the world.  People blamed chemically enhanced food or pollutants released into the air. However, it would be far into the future when technology advanced enough to capture the true cause.

In 2142, With the ever increasing cases in cancer patients and mental illnesses across the world, Scientists had been frantically searching for a reliable cure. Technology advancement was explosive over the past hundred years which lead to breakthroughs across the board in private and government sectors. Scientists were finally able to notice an active genome in the DNA that seemed to be prevalent in all cancerous type cells and mental illnesses. This lead to the discovery that the genome was actually found in all life forms on earth just dormant in most cases. Once the genome was active it would start to mutate the cells and cause absolute mayhem inside the body. Scientists tried to isolate and study the genome, however they could not find a way to effectively observe it. It was not until the year 2155, Hans Bavarii, a renowned German chemist, found that by pumping concentrated atmospheric pressure directly into the genome that it would stabilize enough to allow for observation.

He ran many tests on cancer infected lab animals to see what would happen to them with the exposure to the atmosphere inside a controlled environment. His experiments succeeded when something went wrong and abnormally high levels of the atmosphere were pumped into the lab's pressure chamber. The cancerous diseased rat that was in the chamber at the time was directly exposed to the high levels of atmospheric pressure effectively killing it, but strangely the autopsy showed signs over all cell regeneration and decreased amounts of cancerous cells before death. Hans began to recreate the results by tiring to stabilize the genome in animals with cancer. He started long term experiments with long term exposure to higher levels of atmospheric pressure but with the animals vitals strically watched so the would not have the same end result. His experimenting lead him to finding that by doing intermediate burst of high level atmospheric pressure over long term periods lead to the results he was looking for. The experiment slowly stabilize the genome inside the animals body. Their bodies would stop trying to fight against itself and instead it was like the body would enter into overdrive. Their cells started to regenerate and multiple faster and their heart would pump stronger and steader. The animals began to gain back their lost vigor and showed signs of higher intelligence.

Afterward he released his findings in the World science festival in 2157, where there was a literal field day with scientists trying to isolate what was in the atmosphere that was causing this phenomenon. However the aftermath of the discovery changed the future far more than anyone could have anticipated. With the increase of healthcare and overall intelligence to the people that subjected their bodies to the concentrated atmospheric pressure. The world started to enter into a new age from all the leaps in advancements in technology.

Suddenly virtual reality wasn't just a green room that was a highly realistic with 7 dimensional effects. It became a real Virtual World where you could enter during your sleep. By placing a thin comfortable electro-cap over your head. During sleep you could connect to the Virtual World while your body rested. This allowed people to work longer on things they were passionate about, which in turn led to more breakthroughs in healthcare, education, energy, space. It did not matter what field one worked in, the discovery of this single genome catapulted the human race into the future that we all believed we as a species were capable of achieving. Space exploration became one of the fields of study that took off like a rocket. Trying to find more mysterious and phenomenal things that again could take humans further on the evolutionary path. Satellites reached farther and space ships traveled faster. With the increase in body dynamics extended space missions was no longer had any determining effects on our bodies. The increase in intelligence finally lead to a breakthrough in warp technology. We could now travel much further in space and have deep space interstellar travel. The world government now believed with certainty that the human race could now populate another plant. We just had to find one with the parameters.

By the year 2165, Johannes Curie, an european atmospheric scientist, found with the deteriorating topolayer that another type of energy was slowly finding its way through the atmosphere to us. He called this new energy Arcanum. Scientists found that this new energy was the leading cause of stabilizing the genome that was unlocking our potential. Scientists new goal was to isolate this new energy, Arcanum, then create a machine to harness it. By the year 2178, scientists were able to produce a machine which concentrated the Arcanum in the form of an energy wave. They then started to test the concentrated energy waves on animals to see if they could further the effects of the genome. The project was called evolutio machinatum which translated to engineered evlution. Scientists were literally trying to artificially advance life again but with a much faster rate of improvement.  It worked people were able to increase life expectancy to unimaginable levels. Average life expectancy increased to 200 years old. People who were active and looked after themselves could make it to 250 years old and this was just the beginning. However, everything always has a price, by artificially creating the Arcanum and it being released into the atmosphere. It  sped up the deterioration of the atmosphere considerably. No one was able to control what life forms got exposed to the arcanum and this inturn sped up the evolution of other life on the earth.

By the year 2450 everything was set in stone. The Arcanum helped all life on earth, not just humans. Plant life evolved which changed the diet of animals that were already mutating from the arcanum. Which then affected humans, it was a crazy cycle of evolution and mutations. Luckily the human race is very adaptable and these changes were also very prevalent in us. Scientist realized that what was in light novels of eastern fantasies were real. The tales of old about cultivation in the Asian folklore were in fact genuine perhaps slightly over exaggerated of course, but that was only because the lack of arcanum in the atmosphere. What we had failed to realize was arcanum has always been here coming from the deep cosmos of space. The majority was just unable to actually make it through the troposphere layer to actually affect our bodies. We were just lacking what was needed to learn how to make our bodies harness the Arcanum. However the earth wasn't going to just sit still while we try to figure out our limitless potential.  We had to construct new barriers and create new chemicals to try to contain the over rampant growth of the vegetation on earth. The barriers were a new type of force fields that had been invented in the 2300's. Chemicals had to be consistently upgraded to keep up with the vegetation as it continued its mutations. During the rampant grow phase of the vegetation and animal population explosion. Humans were pushed to migrate to the new barriers to not be over run. Unfortunately as the years moved forward and the arcanum became more saturated in the atmosphere animals were harder and harder to kill. People would need heavy artillery at one point to even scratch them. Further advancement created better guns of course laser rifle were a thing. However, can you imagine how hard it was to get one. The only country that allowed their citizens non military to even try to get one was the United States. Everyone else where sitting ducks. This lead to mass migration to the barriers, mostly larger city had these cause the barriers took quite a bit of energy to sustain.

After the troposphere stabilized and arcanum finally reached its plateau in Earth's atmosphere. There was a period of reprieve where the natural cycle of life found its new distinction. Life's pyramid had to have at top to bottom structure and we were task to figure out it's new hierarchy. We as a species either had to take back the top of the food chain or relocate to a new plant to start over. There was a global mobilization to figure out how to cultivate this new energy to create super soldiers to defend against arcanum saturated animals. As humans saturated themselves in arcanum we began to unlock or hidden potential. Everyone had different potentials that could be unlocked as a result of the arcanum. Some would get something as simple as a boost in calculating power or it could go as far into fantasy as you could imagine like pyrotelekines. It all depended on your potential and how hard you worked to increase you arcanum levels.