
Arcana Machina: hidden class discovered.

In a world, similar to earth, with a lush planet and advanced technologies,near cyberpunk mixed with old technologies and ideologies, a millennia ago, a very power god, worked hand in hand with an extremely advanced race, to combine technology and magic, making this world known as Lua, undergo changes, with 10 continents, each with its own nations, to change, people gained a system, the systems helped grant a class, some were combat, others engineer, and some everyday professions, like blacksmiths, armorers, even actors had classes be born into existence, well on year 2153, a particular short statured girl------ named Silver Hailstorm, whom just turned sixteen, the age of the system awakening and also the day she has to register her class with the kingdoms hunters association, something some dread for their weak or common class, others look forward to, but on this day, silver is treating it like any other. Working in the family owned mechanic and armor fitting shop, where most of the clientele is military vehicles, the money is decent,but not enough to help us climb the social pedigree and gain a spot in a tier 2 city. Silver is a cat girl standing at only four feet tall, making her no bigger than the dwarves, and no less aggressive as them, usually wearing her mechanic coveralls, and a black tank top, the upper part of the coveralls tied around her waist, and her over sized weilding gloves, and weilding goggles adorning the top of her hair, grease stains can be seen all over her, but uncaring to all this as she works on taking the damaged armor panels off the hover troop transport. A vehicle that has a very similar appearance to a humvee or Bear, on earth. Her Dad, Also a Cat person, here they are just known as nekos from here on thats how they will be addressed, burst through the office door into the bay while trying his best to yell over the drown of loud rock music, and the industrial grinder. "Sil!...Sil! you have to go awaken and register your system!". Barely hearing him over the noise, silver cuts the grinder off before walking over to her dad, giving a quick hug before dashing out while tossing over her reply. "thanks dad for the reminder im leaving now!" And like the neko she has always been, fast and too agile for her own good she sprints down to the office, her small size allowing her to zigzag and at times perform acrobatics to not bump into people, a feat larger people would struggle to repeat as she does, rushing to the office about half an hour away from the shop on foot. She laughs and cackles on glee and the sheer freedom and speed she is going through so mych foot traffic, being a tier one city with more than twenty million people in it, theres always a lot of foot traffic.Some people who have seen her in traffic before are used to her antics while others are awestruck and surprised as she flashes by, her red pixie cute hair fluttering around her and her red and white stripped hears easily seen as she does flipps and dives over people into the tiny spots in the crowd. After a near flat out run, for 15 solid minutes, making it outside the huge hunters building, where hundreds of thousands of new hunters and old are streaming in for various reasons, some are just like her here to activate the system and see what they awakened as and to register.Walking in and looking around having to hop several feet in the air a few times to survey over the crowd, in doing so drawing some attention from several group all around wondering if she is part rabbit or something, some of the people in line in front and behind her giggle and laugh and a couple dwarves smirk as they realize what she is trying to do before she finally sees that she actually randomly selected the correct line on the first try. "phew, made it, and im not dead last, hopefully i awakened something with machine..." she says,a bit of forshadowing.

Micah_Hailstorm · Fantasi
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52 Chs

17. The storm.

After this, a sort of calm lulled across the battlefield, most of the corpses on both sides mostly gone in the storm, making many wonder what exactly it did, and wanting to know who was so powerful to do such a thing, unaware it wasn't the individuals power, but rather, the constant feeding of mana that caused such a reaction, a few days go by, and a dozen high level commanders aa well as the royal family are in a room surrounding the one in question. "if you could do all that, why didnt you tell us? Do you know how many lives have been lost because of you?! one general, a hot blooded young asari, one of the lowest ranks in the room barks at her, only to moments after be tossed around between the other generals, giving the young general the beating of a lifetime for speaking to The one they have dubbed. 'The Storm' A powerful title for someone who could probably mop the floor with everyone present, after experiencing the storm first hand, no one wants her angry right now. the prince that had spoken with her speaks up. " Is there any chance you can tell us what happened? and if you knew you could do that from the beginning?" Stepping forward to lean on the large wood table with a heavy sigh, the light revealing her now permanently discolored eye, one dark violet, the other blood red, giving an unsettling sight for those present. "What happened was a chain reaction from the only ability I had access too after getting mana poisoned so severely. Its called mana devour, I only just recently acquired it before coming here, so i had no idea its full capability or that it could grow into a storm. what it did last time was absorbed the bosses final attack, a monster core detenation, normally it wouldve killed me, but it managed to create a barrier that slowly broke the mana explosion down and eventually devoured the rest, I thought to use it on the manticore, something to gain mana, and maybe repair my mana veins, but, as you can see the results were...better and worse than expected." She says, her face holding a saddened expression as she says. " I never intended it to harm the soldiers, mercenaries or the city, it was my intention to force the tide back, we were being driven against the wall, and locked out, our only options was to fight or die, the situation was dire, I took a risk, and it cost you all dearly, I am sorry." She says sincerely, a rarity as its hard for her to feel anything, being mostly a sociopath and psychopathic warmachine. " I know this is the last thing anyone wants to hear from me, but the beast tide may be smaller, but it is coming back in force, most of the small fries have been taken care of, anything left is the toughest of the tide, and we need a plan to deal with them, I saw first hand an armored rhino tear through the field, and a battle elephant not far behind, and thats just a couple that are coming." Silver says, getting straight to the point and getting everyone's attention more on the problem at hand. "We have scouts confirming what you say, but now we lack soldiers on every front, we were hoping to potentially leave it to you, evacuate the frontline and let you...storm?" An older asari general with what appears to be a higher rank, being the only one willing to speak up as the rest are fearful or anxious. "you sure you want that?" Silver asks quietly already walking for the door, uncaring about the rest of the meeting, already distracted with the thousands of messages the system is rolling through. A final reply, a near whispered and desperation filled word chasing her out. "please..." with this Silver shakes her head leaving the asari to make their plans, heading back to camp, meeting up with the rest of the mercenaries. Catching what rest she can after being battered by so much mana, after a full night of watching the menu in her sleep, the notifications of mana absorption finally ends giving her a chance to read the new stats.

name: Silver Hailstorm

class: Arcana Machina

level: 22


Str: 46 (39)

AG: 80 (72)

DEX: 45 (42)

Int: 75


Veteran turrets+3

Artillery turrets+3

construct blueprint+1

mounted turret +1

mana storm (level 2) [previously mana devour]

In her sleep a barely audible whisper can be heard. 'I am the storm.' before the chaos of the next day comes, to the ground trembling, as everyones alarm

i hope you guys are enjoying this book, this is the beginning of her legends, from here, the world is going to have some changes, stay tuned

Micah_Hailstormcreators' thoughts