
Chapter seven

I know that in normal circumstances I should have been worried but I was not. Not because of ignorance or anything it was just that I hated it when people controlled my life. The fact that I was in an elite school should have made me happy. Instead I was alienated and everybody made it so hard for me to fit in. Everywhere I went I was ignored so I skipped lunch and spent the rest of my day in the library reading a detective novel, my main inspiration Sherlock Holmes. I had finished reading the novel and I was returning the book on the shelf when a certain book caught my eye.

I should have ignored it yet I did not because it was as if it was calling me.I took the book off the shelf and I coughed as layers of dust filled my nose. The book was old in age but neatly kept. I looked at the words in bold admiring the calligraphy that was used in writing the title ARABELLE.I was about to open the book when the librarian appeared. “Miss it’s past the library’s closing time why don’t you come tomorrow and continue with whatever you are doing, “he suggested. I nodded as I contemplated if I should return the book on the shelf when he said, “You can borrow that one if you are interested in it.”

I nodded as I took it with me for him to record my name. I stepped out of the library realizing that it was already dark. I took out my phone checking the time disappointed that I still had an hour for the pool party. Don’t get me wrong it’s not that I was excited quite the opposite to be precise I just wanted it over and done with. I headed towards the dorms avoiding everyone when I ran into the last person I’d want to see. “Nova I’m so glad you are ok, I have been looking for you the whole day. Where were you?” she asked out of breath.

Pinocchio continued speaking even after I remained quiet showing complete disinterest. Silently I opened the door to my room Pinocchio still rumbling. I was about to ask her to leave when something she said made me turn to look at her.” This is the last night so they are going to make you strip, "she whispered. I tried hiding my fear when I heard what she said but she saw it and her eyes watered. The shock that was coursing through my veins made me flinch when she attempted to hold my hand to comfort me. Pinocchio watched me with sadness in her eyes then she left.

I was all alone trying to figure out why nothing seemed to be working my way. When I came to Arabelle all I ever wanted in the first place was a stepping stone before i put my life back in order. Hell is what I got. I hate to admit it but I thought I would be tougher than those spoiled brats but it seemed quite impossible. One thing I knew in my life was to never let anyone ever intimidate me rich or not.

I thought about the awkward girl trying to decipher whether she was a friend or a foe. What I knew was I had to be grateful she was trying to look out for me. Today I refused to let them walk over me. I refused to be a pawn in their little game. Truth be told I had to do everything in my power to find my place in Arabelle whatever it took.

I sighed as I opened my closet and tried to see what I will wear tonight. Why should I follow their traditions and dress they tell me. I put on the jeans I came with they seemed old but I was not going to pretend to be something I am not. I was not raised to be that kind of person and I wouldn’t start then.

I never cared about what people thought of me, I would never cave even when they were mean. The knock on the door to my room told me it was time to whatever their little cult planned. I opened the door to find a blonde girl in a short white skirt and a blue tank top paired with knee-length boots waiting for me. Not once did she say a word to me or even bother looking in my general direction she just walked away. I locked my room and followed behind her quietly.

Judging from her average appearance but mean attitude it clearly showed she was just a minion not on top of the food chain. We walked in a comfortable silence her leading me following. We walked past the boy’s dorm and far into the classes when we stopped right in front of a building I must have missed during my tour. She left me on my own as she disappeared into the dark going the way we came. I did not get the point of all this mystery as I stared at the double doors of what must have been a chapel.

No noise came from the inside and I was pretty sure I was not going to strip as Pinocchio said. I had an idea of what they might decide to do to me. The mystery and the shell shocking silence sent a horror vibe to whatever they were planning. This kind of shit sends chills down people’s spine but not me. I pushed the double doors open they opened with a creak.

The chapel was lit with candles causing shadows to fall upon the walls. I was fascinated with the eerie silence that should have made have goosebumps because something was definitely wrong in here. Nothing seemed to happen and that there was the main problem because something was supposed to happen. In front of the aisle of sits just where the priest normally stood lay a casket so dark and beautiful. I walked taking slow deliberate steps because each step I made echoed within the thick walls that probably no one would hear me if I screamed which I wouldn’t.

As I got closer to the black coffin I realized that it was plain no intricate designs or patterns. No special emblems or anything it just screamed pauper. Now I was curious about one thing if it was empty or if it had someone on the inside. It was closed but I gently opened it trying to respect the dead if there was anyone on the inside for that matter. As I pushed the lid completely open there was nothing it was just plain dark wood with an empty space staring at me.

I looked once again to confirm I’m not missing something when three words caught my attention. There at the bottom it read Nova Tsumi Nightfall. I should have been scared or even worried but instead I smiled. They really thought they are going to break me. If they are planning to send me to my grave it would be a pleasure besides I would get to see my mother once again and reunite with her.

My smile grew wider as I realized that I took a few steps back and sat on the pew. I stared at the cross as I made a silent prayer for my mother hoping she is happy and no longer in pain wherever she is. I could feel eyes on my back but no one in plain sight. They were watching my every action even as I got up and walked back to the coffin and kissed it as a memory of mum laying in it came in mind I sent my greetings and my love to her. Without sparing another look at the church I left and out into the dark night. I tried to find my way back to my room in hopes I wouldn’t run into any one. Surprisingly I didn’t not even Pinocchio. I walked into the girls wing not caring about the insanely nerve wrecking silence.

I was completely sure something was wrong how come it was that easy getting and leaving the church none of it was adding up there was more to it. It didn’t take me long to find out and soon as I walked into my room my suspicions were confirmed. There in the middle of my bed was a dark stain that I could not clearly make out in the dark but I had an idea. I switched on the lights to come face into face with a pool of blood in the middle of my bed.

I should probably run or even scream but I do neither I laugh. I laugh as I pull out the covers and the sheets since all of them seem to be stained and I drop them in my laundry basket in the bathroom. I walk to my closet as I take clean sheets and covers and spread them on my bed. My day was eventful and I knew for sure this was just the beginning since I didn’t react to any of whatever pranks they tried to pull on me.

I slipped into my pajamas and went straight to bed knowing I needed to rest since my life here is going go to be something else.