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#A SPACER STORY NOT OWNED BY ME I JUST WANTED TO SHARE IT SINCE IRT HAS BEEN ROTTING AFTER SPACER SITE WAS SHUT I WASNT ABLE TO CONTACT HIM SO IF HE CONTACTS ME I WILL REMOVE IT. # This is a sexual related story with lot of sublissive type of scenes so if not in to it dont bother. This is a story of character ryan who without his knowledge is being pranked for april fool by hyping the college babe by jack ( so called friend) that she is a submissive. check how the twist happens and his life turns upside down in sexual way

4 tagar
Chapter 1CHAPTER 1

"Ah, Ryan!" Jack smiled and reached out in greeting towards Ryan. "Glad you could make it, buddy." Jack motioned to the bouncer at the door. "Don't worry, let him in. He's with me."

Ryan was standing at the door of the Kappa Kappa Gamma (KKG) sorority on his university campus, where a typical sorority party was in swing. Ryan had never been to such a party before, and it showed. The attendance list was very exclusive, composed almost entirely of KKG girls and their boyfriends and friends from the Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE) fraternity. Ryan was on the attendance list, but he looked like he didn't fit in, so he hadn't been able to get in until Jack rescued him.

One problem was that it was a warm Southern California night in early October, but Ryan was wearing a three-piece suit. He was way overdressed for the occasion. He was handsome, but rather pale and thin. He didn't look "cool" for this type of crowd.

Jack put his hand on Ryan's back and ushered him into the house. The party had only recently started but the main lobby was already filled with people. Seeing the trouble Ryan had been having at the door, Jack said, "Don't worry about those security guys. You're with me, so everything's cool. Come, get a drink. The keg is that way, and the bar is over there." He pointed towards the keg and the open bar.

"Thanks, but I don't drink alcohol," Ryan replied. His face was strangely expressionless, like he was an anthropologist studying a fascinating foreign culture and not another party-goer.

Jack responded, "You don't? Well, you say that, but you might want to start tonight. It'll help calm the nerves. That'll make it easier to talk to Kate. You're gonna need it, believe me."

"I'll be fine," Ryan said with a curious confidence. In truth, he was uncommonly confident, especially for someone his age. Almost nothing fazed him.

Jack responded, "Hey, whatever. It's up to you. The bar has non-alcoholic drinks too." Ryan nodded.

After some more small talk, Ryan left by himself to get a soft drink from the bar.

Once he was gone, Vince walked up to Jack. The two of them were good friends and SAE fraternity brothers. KKG had the reputation of being the most exclusive and desirable sorority on campus, by far. It was obvious that the main criterion to getting accepted to KKG was looks, but also social status and breeding. SAE was the male counterpart. At this university at least, KKG and SAE were almost like a stereotypical exaggeration of the snobby and elitist Greek societies depicted in the movie "Animal House."

Similarly, both Vince and Jack looked and acted like the elitist jocks in that movie. Naturally, they were big and burly as well as handsome, and they played college athletics. Jack was uncommonly friendly and charismatic, but only to his elitist friends or people he felt he could get something from.

Vince asked Jack confidentially, "So, who's THAT guy?" Jack replied, "His name is Ryan. I invited him here."

"You did? Why? I've never seen him before. He looks okay, but kind of geeky. Is he one of us?"

"No, he's not. And no, there's nothing special about him. He's just this guy I know from one of my classes." Ryan was a freshman and Jack was a junior, but the two of them both attended an advanced archeology class that was limited to a dozen students. So they'd gotten to know each other in the small class setting, which required the students to talk and ask questions and not just listen.

Vince asked, "Then why the hell did you invite him? Don't tell me you want him to pledge." It was still early in the school year, well before the pledge process for Greek societies began.

"Of course not," Jack replied. "Like I said, he's not one of us." His face lit up with excitement. "I'm playing an April Fool's trick on him tonight. It's going to be epic!"

Vince asked, "April Fool's? But that's not until spring!"

"Close enough for horseshoes," Jack chuckled. "Besides, he's a smart guy. Too smart. If I tried it on the actual day, he might get wise."

Vince nodded in understanding. He smiled maliciously, since Jack was known for his creative and brutal pranks. "So what are you going to do, this time? And what did he do to deserve your wrath?"

"What did he do? Nothing. He just kind of annoys me with his smarts and his personality. He's a total nerd, but it's like he doesn't know it. He has no clue whatsoever. Just look at him."

The two jocks stared at Ryan, who was lingering near the bar and talking to a small group of partiers.

Although Ryan didn't realize it, he stood out from the crowd like a sore thumb. Most obviously, he had miscalculated what to wear to such a party. He was the only guy in a three-piece suit. He looked like he was heading to a wedding or a funeral, while most everyone actually dressed down. The guys were muscular and the girls were curvaceous, and both sexes were trying to show off as much of their bodies as possible.

Jack continued, "See? He's acting like he belongs, when he should know that the only reason I'd ever invite him here is some sort of prank. Somebody needs to put him in his place."

Vince grinned. "And you volunteered for the job. Excellent."

Jack grinned back, with a wicked gleam in his eyes. "Hey, I'm just trying to be helpful." "So what's the prank this time? I assume it'll end in his total humiliation."

"But of course! As all my better pranks do. But rather than tell you, why don't you listen in when I talk to him? It'll be more fun for you that way. I haven't told him much yet, so I'm going to do that in a few minutes. If you hang back and discreetly listen when I take him aside and tell him what he's got to do, then you'll understand. All he knows is that it involves Kate Middlefield."

Vince whistled in appreciation. "Kate Middlefield?! No way! The Kate Upton look-alike with curves that Christina Hendricks would envy doing something with HIM?! I love it already!" He laughed. "Wait. Don't tell me: he thinks he has a chance with her!"

Jack chuckled too. "He does! She's in the same small class as him and me. So even though the school year is just getting rolling, he gets to see her three times a week, and he's even spoken to her some.

Naturally, he's totally smitten." "Naturally!" Vince laughed some more.

It was no surprise at all that Ryan would be smitten by Kate, because she was unquestionably the most beautiful girl in the entire university. And that was saying a lot for a university with over twenty thousand undergraduates. Just as Jack was the stereotypical handsome and athletic frat boy, Kate was the stereotypical beautiful blue-eyed, blonde-haired sorority girl.

Not only was she in KKG, because of course she was, given her looks, she was the president of the chapter. In the same way that the largest and most muscular man might become the Alpha male of a primitive tribe, Kate had become president of KKG without an election or even volunteering for the job. Her beauty was so off the chart extraordinary, and social status at KKG was so determined by

beauty, that it was just assumed she would be the next president when the previous one graduated at the end of the last school year.

As Vince had noted, Kate was often compared to Kate Upton, due to their very similar looks and same first name. She had the same sort of incredible voluptuous body as the famous model, except that her breasts were actually even larger, much larger. While Kate Upton was believed to have a 36D or 36E bra size, Kate Middlefield's was an incredible 36G! It was easily her most defining feature, especially since she was generally thin most everywhere else, with a narrow waist. She had an ass that turned heads as well.

And she definitely turned a lot of heads. Only a small percentage of students at the university knew her by name, since the student body as a whole was so large, but she was widely referred to by strangers as "that super stacked blonde babe" or "that stunning busty blonde," or the like. Everyone, male and female, had to look at her when she walked by.

Needless to say, Jack and Vince could only snicker at the thought that Ryan believed he had any chance to get anywhere with Kate. And it wasn't just her looks. She was as snobby and elitist as could be. She also was frequently compared to Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge, in part due to their similar names, but also because she had a regal bearing, as if she had been born to be a princess.

She came from a very wealthy upper class family, and it showed. It was taken as a given that she would only date the very most eligible men, also from rich and elite families, and they had to be devastatingly handsome and charming to have any chance with her. That is, when she deigned to date anyone at all. It seemed as if no one in the entire university was worthy of her.

Ryan was no troll. Although he was undeniably seen as a nerd, he was surprisingly handsome and personable. However, he was socially clueless. As a freshman one month into the school year, he was a total nobody. He had been home schooled for the last six years by his highly religious parents, so he was a babe in the woods when it came to trying to be popular. Furthermore, he didn't really care about being popular with the in crowd, or even having many friends. He was going to college to actually learn. Plus, he'd never so much as kissed a girl.

Jack had a rough idea about Ryan's personality, as well as Kate's, from being in the same small class with both of them. He couldn't have imagined a more unlikely or laughable pairing. Kate was well known for being brutal and cruel to those who tried to befriend her or merely talk to her. Her great beauty and privileged upbringing had turned her into a spoiled bitch. She not only looked like a princess, she acted like one, and she was treated exactly like one by the select few who were able to interact with her.

After some more small talk, Jack and Vince parted. Jack went to go get Ryan, while Vince slipped back into the shadows so he could overhear the upcoming conversation.

Jack took Ryan to a quiet corner of the otherwise crowded large room on the main floor of the KKG sorority house. Vince stood a few feet away, nursing a beer and pretending to be listening to a nearby group of people talking, when in fact his full attention was on what Jack and Ryan would say.

Jack had his arm around Ryan, like they were good friends. "So, buddy, are you ready to see Kate?"

"Sure! I can't wait!" Ryan replied. He truly had no clue what he was in for. He only knew Kate from the small advanced archeology class he shared with her, and she was forced to tone down her bitchiness to a more tolerable level due to her desire to impress her teacher and get a good grade. So she seemed nice and friendly enough, even in her limited direct interactions with him as part of the class.

Jack smiled, though it was nearly a sneer. "Good, good. So, you're really interested in asking her out?"

"Sure. Why not? She seems great."

"Oh, she is, she is. Like I told you before, she and I are pretty good friends. We go way back."

That wasn't true. Kate was a junior, like Jack, and they were taking classes in some of the same subjects, so they knew each other from that. Plus, as the two most elitist Greek societies on campus, KKG and SAE held many events together. But, while Jack and Kate were on speaking terms, they certainly weren't friends.

In fact, Jack had tried to ask her out the year before, but even with his good looks and outwardly friendly persona she'd shot him down in no uncertain terms. He still held a grudge about that, and that's partly why he'd involved her in this prank he was planning. His main target was Ryan, but he wanted to tweak her too.

In his previous conversation with Ryan, Jack had acted as if he was Kate's close friend and secret confidante. He'd given the impression that he had all the secret answers on how Ryan should approach Kate if he wanted to have a good chance with her.

With his arm still around Ryan's back, Jack pulled him in closer and lowered his voice. "I happen to know that she's still up in her room. She'll be coming down soon. This party is the perfect chance for you to make your move. Don't worry, buddy, this is basically a done deal. Like I told you before, she's got the hots for you in a big way."

Jack had a hard time keeping a straight face as he said that. Kate did know Ryan's name, due to their shared class, and she had discussed him briefly with Jack when he'd asked her privately for her opinion of him. But far from wanting him, she'd scowled and called Ryan a "creep," no doubt due to the fact that Ryan was smitten by her beauty from day one, and he spent as much time as he could in class staring at her instead of at the professor. Since Ryan had so little experience interacting with girls his age, he didn't fully get that he was supposed to stop staring once she'd caught him doing so. He didn't seem fazed at all.

Ryan was all smiles. He'd never been rejected by any girl, since he'd never tried to ask one out before. He was brimming with optimism and confidence. He'd been kept away from girls his age by his overprotective parents, but he felt he was ready to date. Plus, he knew he had a "secret weapon" that nobody was aware of but him in the form of an exceptionally large penis. He felt he could do no wrong, even with the likes of Kate.

Jack continued, "However, there's a catch. She's assuming you're a certain kind of guy. If you're not, I don't think this is going to work."

Ryan frowned. This set-up had seemed too good to be true, even with all of his naïveté. "Uh-oh. What's the catch?"

"Well..." Jack seemed to hesitate. He looked around carefully to make sure they weren't being overhead (while deliberately ignoring the snooping Vince). "Buddy, this is just between you and me, right? What I tell you from this point on, you have to swear to keep a total secret, no matter what happens. Agreed?"

Ryan nodded firmly. "Agreed."

"Good. You see..." Jack looked around again, and then dropped his voice. "Kate is submissive. Sexually submissive. The reason that she's interested in you is because she's picked up on a vibe that you're a naturally dominant kind of guy in bed. That's probably due to the way you stare at her possessively in our class. Even when she gives you the evil eye, you keep on staring, like you just don't care. She thinks that's hot."

"She does?!" Ryan was flabbergasted. He'd had no idea Jack was going to tell him something like this.

He hadn't noticed any flirty vibe from Kate whatsoever.

"Sure. Why else would she be interested in you? Sorry, pal, I don't mean to be harsh, but you know what she looks like and what you look like. She could have her pick of any guy she wants, period. You're not some ugly dog, but come on. She's Kate fucking Middlefield! She could do a lot better than you."

Ryan was humbled. He muttered, "Yeah, I was kind of wondering about that. Why me?"

"But don't worry. Like I've told you, she and I go way back. We're like brother and sister, so I know absolutely everything. That's why I'm setting this up. I want her to be happy, and I know she totally wants you, but she's way too shy and submissive to ask you out herself. Besides, that's the man's job."

Ryan furrowed his brow. "She doesn't... she doesn't exactly come across as the submissive type. In fact, it's kind of the opposite." Although he'd seen her on her best behavior in the small classroom setting, her bitchy and demanding ways still came to the fore from time to time. For one thing, it was hard to miss that she had an entourage of girl friends who followed her around and obeyed her every whim in an attempt to impress her and be like her.

Jack replied, "But of course. How submissive a person is in bed has very little to do with how they behave elsewhere. Surely you knew that already. Don't you pay attention to porn and that kind of stuff? There's nothing more arousing than breaking taboo. That's why practically every porn story has some kind of forbidden twist to it, like a princess getting it on with a farm boy, or a racist Southern belle fucking a vulgar black guy or whatever. The high and mighty like to be taken down low!"

He continued, "Sure, she seems kind of arrogant and commanding, and she is. But that's exactly why she wants to be treated the opposite in bed! It's that taboo thrill kind of thing. And buddy, again, I don't want to be mean, but that's a big reason why she wants you. She's the elite of the elite. She's practically a celebrity for everyone on campus. But you're a nobody, and kind of nerdy. It's just like the princess getting it on with the farm boy."

Jack was saying all this in order to give plausible justification for Ryan to walk into the trap he was setting. But it so happened that Jack's words rang very true with Ryan. Ryan had next to no interaction with girls his age, largely due to his overprotective parents. But he had plenty of exposure to pornography on the Internet. His parents would have been appalled if they had known how often he masturbated to erotic stories on-line.

Furthermore, Ryan particularly enjoyed the very sort of taboo stories Jack was talking about. Like many, he got a particular thrill from stories where he could imagine he was a dominant-master type who got it on with a beautiful woman was submissive and eager to serve his every desire. But unlike nearly everybody, Ryan didn't realize that those were just stories and very rarely happened in real life. To him, they were a useful guide on how he should behave with the girls he desired. He had been too sheltered to really understand girls his age.

Jack added, "Don't expect her to want you to be a boyfriend in the normal way. She just wants hot, taboo sex! Do you think you can handle that?"

Ryan was riding on an emotional roller-coaster, seeing his prospects with Kate seemingly rise and fall. But he was trying to hang in there and be brave. He said, "Um, yeah. I guess. But... well... to be honest, I'm not that sexually experienced. Especially with that whole submissive thing you were talking about. I've never treated a girl like that before."

Of course, he'd never been with any woman, period, but he was unwilling to confess that to his "friend" Jack.

Jack suspected that Ryan was a total virgin, and most certainly had no experience with dominance and submission. But he acted like everything was fine. "No worries, buddy! It's like falling off a log. I used to be like you, but when I had my chance with a submissive girl like her, I rose to the occasion, no problem. It's simple: just act like a total asshole! Seriously. Just be as confident and demanding as humanly possible, like you're the king of the world and she's your servant. How hard can that be?"

"Well..." Ryan thought to himself that it did sound easy to do.

It helped that he didn't lack confidence at all. He lacked friends not because he was shy, but because he had a "take it or leave it" attitude towards most people. He hadn't suffered enough social rejections to learn to be shy and afraid. Maybe due to the loving and supportive way his parents raised him, he was just one of those people who was nearly totally unflappable. Had Jack known that, he might have played his trick on someone else.

Jack heartily patted Ryan's back. "Come on, pal! No worries. It'll be a piece of cake. She tells me all her secret feelings. She's told me repeatedly that she wants a guy who literally won't take no for an answer, who just takes what he wants. If you show ANY hesitation or doubt, she's going to pounce all over that. She can be brutal. The only way to avoid that is to go balls-out from the get-go. You've got to make clear from the very first words you say to her that you're in charge and she's there to sexually please you, period. If you take that approach, she'll turn into a pussy cat. But if you hem and haw, she'll turn into a fucking tigress and rip your throat!"

Ryan stared wide-eyed. Despite his pornography-based "education," he hadn't expected things to really work like that. He'd watched plenty of TV shows and movies too, and he had been planning to act in the typical socially accepted manner of a boy trying to woo a girl. At the very least, one had to date a girl for a while before things had a chance to reach the pornographic, sexual stage. But now he was thinking that the pornographic dominating fantasy approach was definitely the way to go from the very start. That was both thrilling and terrifying. The stakes couldn't be higher. He'd either succeed beyond his wildest hopes or fall flat on his face.

Of course, that was part of Jack's set up. Jack wanted an escape route for himself, so Ryan wouldn't come after him to get revenge for his inevitable total humiliation. Jack's plan was to claim that clearly Ryan hadn't been domineering and aggressive enough, so Ryan could only blame himself, not Jack.

From a few feet away, Vince chortled and snickered. He could see utter disaster looming for Ryan, and he loved it.

Ryan was too busy ruminating about how he should behave to notice Vince at all. After a long pause, he stared intently at Jack, and asked, "So, do you have any specific advice on what I should do? Is there anything else you can tell me that would help?"

Jack slapped Ryan's back again. "My buddy, my friend, there sure is." He looked around the crowded room. "Once she comes downstairs, you don't want to seduce her here. You want to talk to her in private to get her total attention without strangers watching." He nodded towards a closed door. "I suggest you take her in there."

"There?" Ryan looked at that door with worry.

"There. That room is a great seduction spot. You can lock the door behind you and have total privacy. It's totally sound-proofed, so no one will know what you two get up to in there."

In truth, Jack wanted Ryan to use that room because Jack had already set up a couple of hidden cameras to record his prank. He was going to have lots of fun watching Ryan's humiliation with his SAE friends later.

Ryan nodded with resolve.

Jack continued, "Once you've got her there, like I said, make clear from the very start that you're in charge. Her role is to sexually serve you, period! She'll eat that up, believe me. Remember, that's the entire reason she's chosen you, because she thinks you're that kind of man. Treat her like your personal slut as much as you want!"

"Really?!" Ryan thought, Kate? The incomparable Kate Middlefield, MY "personal slut?!" Wow! How lucky can one guy get?!

Jack smirked. He decided to go for broke, since Ryan seemed so gullible. "Really. I hope you've been taking your vitamins, because your relationship is going to be entirely sexual. You should make that clear in the first minute by unzipping your fly and telling her to give you a blowjob."

Ryan frowned with shock and alarm. "You're kidding me!"

Jack responded, "No, I'm not. If you really must know, pal, she's told me about her greatest secret fantasy. She wants a guy who treats her like his personal slut from the word 'go.' No compliments, no fawning, no attempts to impress, not even socializing. Nothing! Just straight sex. Total sexual domination! Hell, don't even act like you like her or want her that much. Pretend you have other girlfriends and that you just want to fuck her, because what the heck, why not. She has big tits!" He chuckled at that.

Jack added, "She has VERY big tits, as you, me, and everyone else on this whole damn campus knows! It figures that a girl that curvaceous just has to love sex, and of course she does! The naughtier the better! She'll actually get off on the idea that you fuck around. Remember, the high and mighty get a secret thrill out of being brought down low."

Jack stared at Ryan critically. "Do you think you can handle that? I'm taking a risk here, guessing you can from the way you always look at her in class. But maybe I'm way off."

Ryan hastily waved his hands. "No, no! You're not way off. It sounds good to me. In fact, it sounds great! I can't believe it! I mean, Kate Middlefield?! She wants me like that? How can I turn that down?!"

Jack patted him on the back again, and smiled widely. "You can't! Nobody can. Good. I know I have the right guy for the job. So go for it, pal! Have the time of your life. You're going to have a night you'll never forget, that's for sure!"

Jack meant that last statement, but not in the way Ryan thought he did. Jack couldn't wait to watch Kate totally gut Ryan and leave him emotionally shattered. He hoped that Ryan made it as far as taking his penis out before Kate exploded and the worm turned.

Ryan felt very hopeful. He had no clue that Jack was setting a trap for him to be humiliated. He actually liked the idea of exposing his penis right off the bat, because he considered his penis size to be his "secret weapon." He figured he couldn't fail after she saw how endowed he was, since she had a crush on him already.

However, he did have some worries. He asked, "What if I start doing just as you suggested, and she flips out? What if she curses me or punches me or something? Even if I fulfill her fantasy exactly as you say, she might be shocked, or confused, or just acting out of instinct."

Jack smiled, because he figured she was going to curse and punch and probably more. He replied, "Oh, that'll probably happen. Like you said, it's only natural for her to freak out at first. She'll probably scream at you and tell you to 'fuck off and die' and the like. That's where it gets tough for a little while. You've gotta get through the rough part by showing no fear. It's like a mean dog that barks and snarls at

you. It's testing you, testing for weakness. You can't show any weakness. Keep on keeping on with what you're doing, waving your cock in her face and whatnot. She'll break and crumble when she sees you're the exact dominant man she's looking for."

Of course, Jack didn't think for a second that Kate would ever "break and crumble." But he gave that advice in hopes that it would help prolong the confrontation. That would give him and his friends more to laugh about later.

Jack and Ryan talked some more after that, with Jack trying to give Ryan confidence to ensure he actually would go through with this. He knew that most guys would be too daunted by Kate's beauty and personality, and would give up before even starting, or chicken out quickly. But a big reason he'd selected Ryan was because Ryan seemed curiously confident and oblivious. Plus, Jack hoped that sheer horniness would drive Ryan on. His main concern was that Ryan didn't drink, a fact he hadn't known about until tonight. He had planned to get Ryan thoroughly drunk first. However, he figured Ryan was so horny that it wouldn't matter.

Jack had no idea just how confident and horny Ryan could be.

Eventually, Jack finished talking and Ryan walked off to go to the bathroom.

Once the coast was clear, Vince came up to Jack and shook his hand. Vince was wearing a shit-eating grin. "Congratulations, you sick and twisted bastard! Well played. Well played! Talk about a lamb going to the slaughter! I assume you're going to videotape his downfall?"

Jack's grin was even bigger than Vince's. "But of course. As always. What's the point of helping a poor guy get a 'date' if I can't share my 'act of kindness' with others?"

Jack and Vince shared a malicious laugh.

After Ryan finished using the bathroom, he started walking up the stairs to the higher floors where all the KKG bedrooms were. He appreciated Jack's suggestion to use a certain room after Kate came downstairs to join the party, but he felt he couldn't wait that long. Jack had hyped him up with his talk, and Ryan wanted to strike while the moment was hot.

Furthermore, he didn't know anybody else at the party and he didn't like mingling. True, the girls were incredibly beautiful, as well as very sexy in their revealing outfits. Being scientifically minded, he guessed that if he could magically select the sixty most objectively beautiful girls out of the ten thousand female undergraduates on campus, all thirty of the KKG girls were from that group of sixty. They all were nines or tens on a one-to-ten normal curve scale. But he wasn't interested in those other girls. His mind was on Kate alone.

Ryan didn't know which room belonged to Kate. However, he did happen to know that she was the president of KKG. He also was well aware that she was the most beautiful of the KKGs, and it was obvious even to him that the social status in the sorority was closely linked to looks. Plus, even though she tried to check her behavior in class, he knew she was a spoiled princess type.

(Needless to say, with her face and body, he wasn't interested in her mainly for personality, at least not yet. Despite his odd background and social persona, he was just as horny as any guy his age. In fact, he was more lusty than most.)

As a result, he figured she would have the best room the house. The sorority was housed in a three- story Victorian mansion, as opulent as one would expect considering that the girls' parents were usually very wealthy. (After all, rich men tend to marry beautiful women as trophy wives, and the resulting good genes and advantageous environmental factors can make for very beautiful daughters.) So he walked up to the third floor, figuring the best room would be there.

He passed a door leading to the second floor stairs, and then another one continuing up to the third floor. He got the feeling that he wasn't supposed to go through those doors, but there were no keep out signs, and the doors were open.

Along the way, he passed a couple of girls walking down to join the party, but he walked on with confidence and purpose, like he belonged there and knew where he was going. As a result, he wasn't stopped and questioned. It helped that boys often went upstairs to visit their girlfriends, especially on party nights. KKG didn't have a stern house mother enforcing curfew and other rules. As the privileged elite often do, they didn't worry much about rules at all.

There were far fewer bedrooms on the third floor than the second, which helped. But still, he had to figure out which door to open, and he counted eight to choose from. From the hallway, it was nearly impossible to tell which room was the largest or had the best view. He decided to simply knock and ask for Kate until he got the right room.

It's true that he was feeling nervous, very nervous, but compared to nearly any other guy in his situation, he was shockingly calm and assured. An unnatural and almost inexplicable confidence was a part of his odd personality. He figured that if he completely fell flat on his face it didn't matter much, since he barely knew Kate or anyone else here in the first place.

He also was greatly reassured by his unusually large penis. It was nine inches long, with a curved shape. But its best feature was its unusual thickness. Being scientifically minded, he had checked the few studies out there on penis size, and determined that a penis of his thickness was even rarer than one of his length.

He had never asked any girl out until now because, between his strict, religious parents and his home schooling, he'd never had a decent chance. But he was confident that he could do well sexually despite his total lack of experience, if only from sheer penis size. Plus, he hadn't just frequently masturbated willy nilly; he'd deliberately trained himself for such a day as this. If nothing else, he was sure that his sexual stamina was far greater than normal.

Unfortunately, his penis was flaccid at the moment, due to his nervousness.

He knocked on one door and didn't get an answer. So he tried another, and didn't get an answer there either. That wasn't totally surprising, since many of the Kappa girls were downstairs already, even though the party was just getting started.

He knocked on a third door, and heard a brusque and irritated "WHAT?" come from inside the room. His heart started to beat faster because he guessed from just that one word the voice belonged to Kate.

He knocked again.

The rude voice barked, "Who is it already?"

He considered announcing himself, but he decided he needed the benefit of the element of surprise. So he stayed silent and knocked again.

Then, since he was listening carefully and the third floor hallway was dead silent, he just barely managed to hear a voice say, "YOU get it."

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