
Apply to Status

I was just wandering around as usual on the school courtyard with my friends, Sun and Saya, when a fire broke out in the school, and surrounded us, trapping us into the small courtyard, filled with an abundance of plants. Little did I know this one incident would lead to a world of wonders and magic.

Story_Harnesser · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Back For a Visit

Just as a bit of background, back in New Nipon the three of us Saya, Sun and I were all childhood friends. We became friends in school because our names were so close to one another so we ended up sitting next each other, and naturally became friends. Our families are also close, and in our second year of middle school we moved next to each other in a line so we could see each other more often.

We were all only children so our parents must be devastated right now, naturally we were all worried about them the second we died and met Freed. But then in less than 10 hours of our death we found out it was possible, and with my infinite mana we should be able to make it over with enough consentration.

Seeing the three of us grinning like buffoons Vala was obviously intriguid why we were so happy.

"Sora, was that bit of information that important, I'm sure anyone could've told you the same thing if they had common sense."

"Yes, you see in our previous world before we were summoned we were human, and a large fire killed us, then we met Freed who gave us all three wishes and sent us here. But our families are still there and we were worried about them, but now after finding out we can go back we are extatic. And because I have infinite mana and the [Dimesion] element it's not too distant of a dream to have. If you'd like you and your family can come to our world too. We'd need to return at some point anyway since Yuuki needs mana to live, and my body is literal mana right now so in a place with too little mana to use it will be hard to survive."

"Can we really, that would be great, we've been meaning to take a vacation but could never find a good place to go."

"Yes of course it'll be a lot of fun for all of us."

After the meal I went back outside to experiment in making a portal to Earth and our home in New Nipon. But I didn't want to scare our parents, so instead I chose to look for the Prime Minister since making peaceful negotiations would be a must before meeting our parents and making them scared and scaring the world as invaders rather than peaceful former residents that just want their family.

I pictured his face as best as I could, and just Earth in general seeing if something might happen. A portal opened up, but it looked more like a Jewel, or something like the universes from dragonball, only it only had a 3D model of Earth inside of it instead of an entire universe. I analyzed it.

World Gem: This is a gem made by Sora the Artistic Sage. By implanting this into something with over 500,000 mana you can create a portal to the world inside the gem. This is a mythical item, and once active can be used indefinately so long as it receives an additional 500,000 mana once every millenium. It is safe to imlpant inside a living being such as a Human, Dwarf, Beastman, Demon, Elf, Legendary Beastman or, Iven.

I did it, and on my first try at that. I knew that I had higher odds of succeeding than most people because of some of my titles. These being [Reincarnator] [Prodigy] [Legend in the Making] and [Creative] which in total increased my odds of succeeding by around 5000% but I would've still thought my chances of succeeding were in the billionths, but oh well it worked out anyway I can't complain.

Now for a space to put it, I think I am the best option for this. I put the Gem inside of my eye, or really condensed it and teleported it inside of my left pupil. I couldn't see it, but it felt like it had taken over my eye, and given it a soft second layer below the eyelids, it felt strange in the first minute but I go used to it quickly, sort of like a contact.

I checked my stats again to see if I unlocked anything new again.

Name: Sora

Species: Iven

Level: 67

Class: The Artistic Sage

Patron: Freed

Gender: N/A

Age: 10 (18 Mentally)

Titles: [Reincarnator] [The Ninth Sage] [Messenger of Freed] [Creative] [Prodigy] [Ruler] [Loyal] [One Who Endures] [8th Renfiner] [A Legend in the Making] [Loving Parent] [Diplomatic] [Breaking the Odds] [Brave] [Obseved by the Gods]

Mana Renfinement: Ordinary, Demi Stage

Bonds: {Yuuki 15} {Sun 10} {Saya 10}

God Gifted Skill: {Apply to Status}

Unique Skills: [Remove] [Perfect Steal] [Complete Analysis] [Obscure Combat 8] [Earth Portal]

Skills: (Parallel thinking) (Enhanced Brain Processing) (TrisKaieiKosigon Magic) (Tailoring 6) (Item Box 4) (Disguise 2) (Synthesis 2) (Enslave 5) (Public Speaking Max) (Creation Max) (Enchantment Max)

Health: 8,780

Mana: Infinite

Strength: 1,010

Defense: 685

Evasion: 930

Intelligence: 10,030

Wisdom: 8,530

Endurance: 1,340

Charisma (New, requirements met): 300

Luck (New, requirements met): Infinite

Bravery (New, requirements met): 10

Stat Points: 0

Elements (Abbreviated): {Origin} {Dimension} {Exillary} {Azure} {Equilibrium} {Tiger} {Pressure} {Clear} {Soul} {Sword}

Status: Healthy, Gem Eye of Earth

Yup, just like I thought new things got added. I was clearly stronger than before, and I knew more about myself in a way seeing more numbers like that. But it was great, I already had it in less than an hour. I called for everyone using a giant flare with fire magic.

Obviously that was a bad idea because guards came running first, and then Vala, Saya, Sun, Rose, Calof, and Violet the demon queen all came over. I proclaimed I was successful in making a portal to Earth, and they were all dumbfounded.

"Sora you aren't kidding right, it wouldn't be cool if you were you know." (Sun)

"Yeah, I'm not lying, check this out."

I pooled mana into my eye, and a large door like before appeared right in front of us. I focused on New Nipon, and then finally the Prime Minister. I knew that Saya and Sun would be sad that I didn't show our parents right away, but it was important to showour intent to the Minister First so we dont get arrested and hold a press conference to show us off to the world, alongside proving the theory of parallel universe to the world.

"This is it, lets go in and greet the Minister so we can gain official status on Earth as peaceful visitors."

"Yeah lets do that first."

We walked through the portal, and appeared directly next to the Minister. Of course he didn't notice us right away because of his work and how absorbed into it he was, so I greeted him first.

"Hello Mr.Prime Minister we would like entry into Earth."

"Huh, entry into Earth you're already on Earth."

"Well you see we aren't humans."

He finally decided to look over at us, and had a heart attack. Just to be clear Vala and his family all had large bat wings and giant ox horns with red eyes and sharp teeth. Us on the other hand just looked like foreign cosplayers, but all clearly had something different about us than normal people, mana, although he couldn't use it, he could feel it when he saw us and finally payed attention to us.

Oh right, his heart stopped I just remembered. I used healing magic on him, and he got better, and sat in his chair again.

"You say you aren't human, but then what are you?"

"Well we are pretty much all different things, Vala and his family are Arch Demons, I'm an Iven, Saya is an Arch Elf, Sun is a Stone Monkey, and little Yuuki here is a Vampir."

"I see, but how did you get in here."

"Magic. I know it sounds irrational but hear me out did you hear about the fire at Floral Palace?"

"Yes, everyone in the country has."

"Well the three of us, Saya, Sun and I all died in that fire, but were ressurected in another world by a God. And when we got there we found a way back but none of us are human anymore."

"I see, but what proof do you have that magic exists?"

I summoned a portal back to the Courtyard in Vala's castle.

"I see, well I'm not too sure what to say, but we must hold a press conference with the entire world watching, you 8 are illegal aliens in all of Earth and this needs to be addressed, especially with the fact that reincarnation exists if you were talling the truth. But why did you want to come back isn't that type of fantasy world a dream for kids you age these days?"

"We were worried about our families, and Vala came here for a vacation. Yuuki is my new adoptive daughter so I brought her along to care for her."

"I see, well meet me at Floral Palace in the morning, and a booth will be set up, and news will arrive, this was scheduled to happen anyway so we might aswell bring you all up aswell."

"Thank you sir, but where should we stay for the night, or should we go back to the other world for the night?"

"Yes, please go back for the night, then show up at 9:00am at Floral Palace."

We entered the portal again and returned to the courtyard. Rose out of all of us was the most excited. Then I realised the most important thing, Vala and his family couldn't understand a word he said because of the language barrier. [Reincarnator] gives you the skill [Perfect Translation] so you understand every language that exists, so we had completely ignored that. So now I just and to give tehm the skill aswell. I didn't have any intention of adding their power to mine yet, even if I didn't feel like stealing the stats so I devised a quick plan.

I told them to wait right there and picked up a stick nearby. With the stick I wrote into the dirt the skill (Transfer) and gave myself [Perfect Translation x4] so I now had 4 duplicate skills that only exist due to {Apply to Status}. I then activated (Transfer) and sent them all [Perfect Translation] so it wouldn't become a problem in the future.

"Sora whats this [Perfect Translation] isn't that a skill only summoned people have?"

"Typically yes, but my powers let me do this at no cost to myself and just requires me to write a few things down."


And so we called it a night. Our first day in this foreign world was quite fun. My favorite part especially was when I picked up Yuuki, and I'm sure I'll neer regret it. I cleaned us off with Lifestyle magic which really helps since now I dont have to get new diapers, and fell asleep with Yuuki in my arms.

Press Conferences are fun look forward to it.

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