
Apocalypse: The Zombie Cultivation System

In the apocalypse, Wu Liang awakens "The Zombie Cultivation System". Not only can he hypnotize and control them, but by feeding the zombies and helping them grow stronger, they can become subhuman (hybrids) creatures that fulfill their host's desires. By establishing intimate relationships with them and Bind The System, he and the zombies can simultaneously gain powerful abilities and attribute bonuses. Two Choices Appeared: 1. Cultivate male zombies: Unlock the title "Both Offense and Defense," Strength +5, Stamina +5, Male Zombie Affinity +100. 2. Cultivate female zombies: Unlock the title "Charming Male God," Speed +5, Recovery +20, Female Zombie Affinity +100.

Cid_Kun · perkotaan
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4 Chs

The Beginning of Everything Starts From a Closet

Hiding in a dark closet, Wu Liang dared not even breathe amidst the fragrant scent emanating from the ladies' clothing around him.

Because at this moment, in the room, there was a woman, tilting her head, standing in front of the dresser, staring blankly at her reflection in the mirror.

Smooth, waterfall-like black hair curled behind her head, revealing a pure white swan-like neck.

The partially removed flight attendant uniform half revealed her snow-white, silky smooth shoulders, accentuating her slender waist.

Beneath the blue, tight-fitting skirt, her peach-shaped buttocks was about to burst out, complemented by a pair of long, straight, beautiful legs. One leg wore a typical black stocking, the other was bare and smooth.

Her bare, snow-white feet pressed against the wooden floor.

A flight attendant, a partially removed uniform, black stockings, in a private room, alone with a man...

All these conditions combined to create an erotic scene that any man would dream of.

However, at this moment, Wu Liang was sweating profusely, devoid of any appreciation for the beautiful woman in front of him; he just wished for her to leave quickly.

Because he knew she wasn't human; she was a ferocious, bloodthirsty zombie!

Just a few minutes ago, Wu Liang was delivering takeout as usual when he encountered a zombie outbreak in this building.

The neighborhood, the corridors, were filled with mutated zombies, fleeing crowds, and victims being brutally attacked, bitten and eaten crazily.

In panic, Wu Liang rushed into a room with an open door and hastily locked it, only to discover that the female homeowner inside had also turned into a zombie.

She stood less than five meters away from his position.

Despite her petite stature, after turning into a zombie, their strength was astonishing.

And what could Wu Liang do against the zombie with just fragrant clothes and a hanger? How was that any different from serving himself as prey?!

Moreover, the zombie didn't need to overpower Wu Liang; just a bite or a scratch on any part of his body during the struggle would make him a meal, and turn him into a zombie.

So, in this terrifying situation, the only thing Wu Liang could do was quietly hide and pray for the female zombie to leave the room.

This way, he might have a chance to close the door behind her and buy him time for survival.


The female zombie emitted a meaningless low growl from her mouth, slowly moving her body, revealing purple veins spreading across her neck and the astonishing curvature of her white lace bra.

Her footsteps on the floor made a creaking sound.

It was as if those sounds were stepping on Wu Liang's heart; his heart pounded violently, as if it wanted to burst out of his chest.

Creak... Creak... Creak...

It steadily moved towards the room's entrance.

"Invisible to her, don't turn back, just go, oh God, please god, praise to survive this!"

Wu Liang dared not even breathe, silently praying to all the heavenly gods he could think of.

"Ding! You have a new "Food orders?" Please process them in time!"

At this moment, the untimely sound of a phone dropped in front of the wardrobe.

"Darn it, there's a freaking zombie outbreak, and someone's still ordering takeout!? Are you serious?!"

Wu Liang felt like he was about to cry.

He forgot to turn off the phone when he was escaping.

However, luckily, the phone dropped outside the wardrobe; perhaps, there was still a glimmer of hope.


The female zombie heard the sound and rushed towards the wardrobe like a gust of wind. Despite her weakened body, she exerted immense force, crashing into the closet, producing a dull thud.

After the closet's door was struck with tremendous force, it sprang open, revealing a wide gap.


The female zombie seemed to notice something, shifting her gaze from the phone to the pitch-black closet, with her vacant eyes.

Simultaneously, her pale hand extended towards the inside. "I'm done for, done for, I'm doomed this time!"

"When I turn into a zombie, after checking the order, I'll definitely come to you and turn you into takeout you fucking bastard!"

At the moment when Wu Liang's life hung by a thread, suddenly, a clear and pleasant voice appeared in his ear.

"Ding! The Zombie Cultivation System has been bound and is being activated..."

"Ding! The Zombie Cultivation System has been activated!"

A system?!

Wu Liang often read online novels, so he was familiar with such situations.

As luck would have it, he awakened the system at a deadly moment!

"The Zombie Cultivation System can grant different attribute rewards based on the gender of the zombie you cultivate. Please choose:"

"1. Cultivate male zombies: Unlock the title 'Both Offense and Defense,' Strength +5, Stamina +5, Male Zombie Affinity +100!"

"2. Cultivate female zombies: Unlock the title 'Charming Male God,' Speed +5, Recovery +20, Female Zombie Affinity +100!"

"2, 2, 2!"

If he had a keyboard, Wu Liang would have already smashed the '2' key without waiting for the full display of the options.

He didn't have time to look at the rewards. There was a female zombie in front of him ready to eat him, and if he didn't deal with her, all those rewards would be worthless once he was done for!

"Ding! Selection successful! Congratulations, host, on gaining Speed +5, Recovery +20, and Female Zombie Affinity +100!"

"Ding! Congratulations on binding the system for the first time and obtaining the 'Insightful Eye!'"

"'Insightful Eye': Allows you to see the innate abilities of female zombie targets."

"Now you can make bind with a female zombie and embark on a joyous journey of cultivating zombies!"

As the system's voice faded, everything around returned to normalcy once again.


Wu Liang immediately connected himself with the female zombie in front of him. This meant he confirmed this particular female zombie as his cultivation target.


The female zombie's fingers reached into the closet, gripping Wu Liang's shoulder and then leaping forward. Her two slender legs wrapped around Wu Liang's waist, while her hands pulled his head to the side, exposing the large arteries in his neck. 

"It's supposed to be an affinity of +100! What's happening?!"

Wu Liang shouted in his mind.


Before Wu Liang could react, the flight attendant female zombie's cherry-like mouth fiercely pressed against Wu Liang's neck.

"It's over, I'm dead!"

Wu Liang's heart sank.

However... a few seconds later.

His neck didn't hurt?! There wasn't even a feeling of blood flowing out. It just felt cool and wet and slippery at the neck.

It was as if someone lightly moved a wet brush on his neck, not painful, but rather... comfortable and funny?!

"Slurp! Slurp! Slurp!"

Wu Liang looked through the mirror and saw clearly. 

The charming female zombie straddling him wasn't biting him; instead, she was licking his skin earnestly, akin to a kitten grooming its fur, licking his skin with utter seriousness.


Wu Liang's tensed heart finally relaxed.

The system did not deceive him; the female zombie indeed didn't attempt to eat or hurt him.

After licking one side of his neck, the female zombie then held Wu Liang's chin, making him tilt his head back, and proceeded to lick his chin, Adam's apple, and downward, not missing an inch of skin.

Her head was almost disappearing into his collar.

If anyone witnessed this scene, they would surely think some seductive angel was trying to entice Wu Liang.

"Could it be... sweat?"

Wu Liang realized that the licking wasn't the female zombie's way of expressing friendship but rather her apparent need for his sweat.

At this moment, a line of text appeared beside the stewardess female zombie:

​[Name]: Chen Jiayao 

[Level]: Ordinary Low-Level Zombie ​​

[Cultivation potential]: S-level

[Intimacy]: 0 (Increasing intimacy can unlock new skills) 

​​[Hunger degree]: 83% (0 indicates satisfaction, 100 indicates extreme hunger)

With each lick of sweat from Wu Liang's neck, Chen Jiayao's hunger level decreased slightly.

By now, she had finished licking the middle and started licking the other side.

Helplessly watching Chen Jiayao lick him like a little cat, Wu Liang tentatively reached out and lightly supported her waist.

Her waist was so slender and soft that it seemed a slight effort would be enough to encircle it.

Seeing no resistance from Chen Jiayao, Wu Liang grew a bit bolder.

His large hand slowly massaged Chen Jiayao's smooth back, from the shoulder curve down to her spine, then downward, reaching the tight-fitting skirt around her hips.

Wow... the texture!

Firm yet supple!

If one were to slap it firmly, who knew what melodious tune Chen Jiayao would produce?!

Seeing that his actions hadn't provoked a response from Chen Jiayao, Wu Liang's mischievous hands once again moved along the skirt, stroking her pristine and smooth thighs.

Cool and silky, incredibly comfortable to touch.

Just as his hands were about to explore further beneath the skirt, towards the unknown secrets of her thighs...

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Cid_Kuncreators' thoughts